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Cherry Blossom Viscount

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Everything posted by Cherry Blossom Viscount

  1. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    ***Smackdown Spoilers***

    I don't really see the big deal about Lesnar/Angle. Rock/HHH was bigger in my eyes and they went at it numerous times on PPVs and TV shows.
  2. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    RVD is stepping up to HHH

    But what if A-Train somehow got really over, should he be pushed too? Also, at one time, Too Cool and Rikish had pops the size of RVD's 2001 pops. Should any of them had a main event push?
  3. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    ***Smackdown Spoilers***

    A couple of months ago, yes. Now, no.
  4. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    ***Smackdown Spoilers***

    Benoit got booed, against a heel! He's Billy Gunn with skillz!
  5. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    More Angle/Benoit, less Big Show/Albert

    See, that's one of the good things about Show; it's so easy to build him back up that several jobs never really hurt him. It only took two weeks to get Show over as a main even heel after his jump to SD! They could have done this with Albert, but they never seem to pull the trigger on the guy. They should have let Heyman continue to manage him and have him and Show tear through the SD! roster before a babyface felled both the big men. Oh well.
  6. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Dames Explains All Column...

    I just don't like "sympathy face" Kane. He needs to go psycho on the whole roster. They could build a HUGE heel if they allow Kane to go so insane that he ignores the roster split and attacks and burns people on the Smackdown side as well.
  7. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Dames Explains All Column...

    That's all well and good Dames, but I like this Kane now. He looks like a taller, balder Lesnar. He needs to go back to wearing the towel because it gives off a heelish vibe and the cameras can go back to distorting his face in replays. He should set a woman on fire now such as Gail Kim (that'll giver her some....heat heh heh) and then beat her face in with a chair. They might as well give Kane Nathan Jone's original gimmick of psychotic heel. He should begin to manipulate and intimidate the weaker RAW roster and he can carry the gas can around like HHH carries his sledgehammer.
  8. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Will Jericho never be a full fledged heel?

    It was after the Dudz useless InVasion heel turn and they were pushed as unstoppable heel forces. They won both the WCW and WWF tag titles and when they'd come out their reaction would be their reaction would be cheers, boos, groans, all mixed together to form a wierd "OOOOOOOAAAAAHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWW" sound that was drowned out by their entrance music.
  9. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Will Jericho never be a full fledged heel?

    HHH doesn't really get "heel heat" per se. He gets "Dudley Boyz 2001" heat. That's a mixture of cheers, boos, groans, and entrance music.
  10. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Will Jericho never be a full fledged heel?

    It can be argued that HHH was more over in those 10 months than he is now. But nobody is really over on RAW, except maybe Kane and Austin.
  11. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Will Jericho never be a full fledged heel?

    What show are you watching? Jericho and HHH basically get the same amount of heel heat, except HHH doesn't call the crowd a jackass every 5 seconds to maintain his heat. However, both of them are barely over. But really, who is over these days?
  12. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Wade Keller = Nerd?

    He most likely wouldn't look so bad if he had better posture. That pose is hideous. His face could be salvaged.
  13. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Vader passed away? Maybe, but..

    Ok guys. False alarm. Useless bandhopping posts that may or may not contain a personal story of how he changed your life can be stored on the hard drive for a later date. Banner makes, put those graphic files away.
  14. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Vader passed away? Maybe, but..

    Edit: If this is true, it'd be kind of fucked up that the first two pages were mostly jokes about confirming his death.
  15. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Vader passed away? Maybe, but..

    This thread went from sad to funny in 0.5 seconds.
  16. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    An idea for Triple H's character.

    JR used to call him Helmsley until like late 2000 I think. It's not like he'd be going from Kane to Issac Yankem DDS. He'd just be adapting a subtle touch to his character.
  17. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    HHH Injured Again

    Remember HHH was on crutches for about two or three weeks with the title earlier this year. This doesn't mean anything.
  18. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Why I hate Zach Gowan, and Why it's Vince's Fault.

    The very attitudes and contempt you all hold toward young Zach Gowan are the reasons that small wrestlers will never be taken seriously. It's not your fault per se, it's the fault of the wrestling audience as a whole. While you all see Gowan as pathetic, the marks see Benoit, Spanky, Ultimo, and Rey as pathetic in the sense of them beating guys like Show, HHH, Austin, Rock, etc. etc. You all don't see this as being fair because the big men lack wrestling ability while their smaller counterparts possess it. But who cares? The impressive stuff that Benoit and Rey and Ultimo have done in the past aren't done in the WWE. Besides a well planned out match composed of the usual spots, why should a mark like Benoit over say A-Train, who doesn't have a set moveset and switches his moves regularly and is bigger, and therefore "better" in their eyes? Benoit small, A-Trian big. Gowan one leg, everybody else two. They need to turn Gowan as he will best be suited as a heel. They need to make him a sadistic, young punk that will do ANYTHING to get ahead. They need to make up for his physical handicap by making him a clever bastard. Have him hire stronger wrestlers to take out his enemies, ambushes, verbally run them down. Piss on the fans. They can make Gowan more than a one note wrestler. It's all in the booking.
  19. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Benoit and Guerrero

    RRR, he's saying the official face turn came after Cena cut the promo on him. Before that, Eddie was still getting pretty good heel heat. One match against Edge isn't a "phenomenon."
  20. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Christianity &c

    Bob Barron - Takes net life a tad too seriously.
  21. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Christianity &c

    Why couldn't you do it instead of living vicariously through others?
  22. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Christianity &c

    Barron, you're a vulture. You seem to randomly attack anyone who has fallen out of favor.
  23. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Christianity &c

    I give up.
  24. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Christianity &c

    Oh. Well that changes things I suppose. It just wasn't worded like you explained it.
  25. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Christianity &c

    What's the difference? They are both tasteless comments used to draw the ire of the target, and in both cases it worked. Except this time, there were no consequences. And Meanie, the message board is for the enjoyment of everyone. If SP wants to come on this message board and post without getting his faith torn apart, then he should be able to. The quote Marney used as "justification" for this tirade had nothing offensive in it. I could understand if SP was on a gay bashing, bible thumping crusade, but he wasn't.