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Cherry Blossom Viscount

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Everything posted by Cherry Blossom Viscount

  1. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Nunzio Cardozo Appreciation Thread

    Zack, judging by your flames, you take your stupid little gimmick a little too seriously. Floppy cocks? Are you reading Flaming for Dummies? Haters? Calm down there P-Diddy. I think the gimmick sucked. Just because a few of the various lames on this board thought it was "cute" doesn't mean I should follow in their footsteps and be all, "LOL! OMG! Tifnay makes my cok hard! 11!" And it looks like the mods were looking for a reason to get MEIOF out of here. I never liked the guy anyway, but how are you going to kick someone off of a messageboard for caliing a person WHO IS NOT FUCKING REAL a "cunt." The whole sexism rule is plumb stupid anyway. When are we going to see those Steph haters in the WWE folder banned? You're taking yourself too seriously Zack. I guess you're thinking THIS is a high school and you must be the most popular guy arround. The irony. At one time, you were pretty much a gimmick poster yourself due to your love of the insipid Saved by the Bell.
  2. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Nunzio Cardozo Appreciation Thread

    Tiffany Malibu should go into the gimmick poster hall of shame. It was that stupid gimmick, which was used to further put over Banky I might add, that caused someone to be unfairly banned. As for Nunzio, he doesn't even seem like a gimmick poster. He's just another in the long line of bland SmartMarks that inhabit this forum and uses sarcasm. If that's his gimmick then you people are easily entertained.
  3. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Vince Russo joins 1wrestling...

    APO, I believe Russo was gone by the time Vince was winning titles.
  4. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Go on....Criticize me.

    Actually, I wasn't "sucking up." I was congratulating someone for being above all the bullshit permeating on this board as if it was a dairy farm. But I guess infighting and bitching is your cup of tea, eh?
  5. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    I support Banky

    Rad is one of Banky's older gimmick posters.
  6. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    TSM Poster Tournament Final Four Results

    AS, I'm thinking you should remove that picture from your signature as you lost the TSM Poster Tournament, therefore making it a fabrication. I also love how you are swinging from Banky's nuts now that he is such a popular guy. Good job boy. I'm sure Banky will let you get the first drops of his jizz when the time comes for rewards.
  7. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Go on....Criticize me.

    Your pandering to Banky is in direct opposition to the persona you passed off to the board when you first arrived. And the fact that Banky doesn't respect anybody on this board, including his legion of lackeys in Bankywood Industries, makes you look like one of the silly groupies that the high school jock used to carry his books. But if you feel your post above is justification for whoring yourself out to a message board "gimmick poster" who am I to disagree. I never imagined that gimmick posters would be more than a side show, not leading regular posters around by the balls.
  8. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Go on....Criticize me.

    Oh yes, Flyboy. I forgot about you. A forum of basically "men and women" were taken advantage of, yet you are above it all it seems. Funny how people Flyboy's age are usually the ones to run head first into Clique behavior, yet those TWICE as old as him not only ran, but took jets to get there faster, yet he stayed away. Kudos.
  9. Cherry Blossom Viscount

    Go on....Criticize me.

    Kudos Banky. Many a kudos to you. I'm torn between feelings of envy and awe at how you've been able to manipulate and control a board of so called intelligent and "established" posters, posters that once considered you nothing but a miserable and mindless troll at that. It's also amazing how the feeling of "BANKYMANIA~!" seems to have brought out the worst in everybody, most noticeably Eagan469, and Spiderpoet. Eagan - I never liked you you woorthless cunt hair. Nevertheless, I did find your struggle against the whorde of Banky cock fondlers admireable. However, the "distinguished" members of this forum have basically told you in no kind words that you are "ruined." As you absorb this information, I shall move on and let you weep at the relaization of your newfound status. Spiderpoet - Or should I say Spiderpuppet. Really, that was too easy. As a fellow Chrisitan, I'm fairly dissapointed in you Poet. As Mr. Rant said, you're not the same person. You went from devout, proud Christian, to just another vanilla poster trying to be cool following the Bankmeister, who just-so-happened to be a Christian. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Your pathetic, psuedo-tough guy rants at the likes of Johnson1620 and Eagan made me cringe. You're pathetic. You've been swept up in the luster that is Banky and were made into yet another in a line of, "Banky, please let me hold your sweaty jock." posters. To the rest of you, you have all been manipulated in the worst way. If this wasn't Banky's intent, then I am even more in awe at all of this. Just imagine what he could do with you boobs if his intentions were to tear this board apart, as he is doing. From the mods on down to the lowliest and unestablished poster, you were all played for tools. Perhaps except for those "in the know," and they know who they are. Many of you have become the marks you ridicule in the wrestling folder. It's pretty amazing how some of you basically fought each other for the right to worship a troll, the King of Trolls, and yet fight in the Feedback folder for the right to keep this folder, so it can contain the trolls you all despise so, so so much. I wonder when they're going to close that poll, BTW? It seems the board has spoken and wants the folder deleted. Oh well. Dames, sorry this had to happen on your board and during a time when you already questioned your admin abilities. I think you're pretty good actually. You just trust in some of the wrong people, and I'm not just talking about mods.