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Posts posted by ANKLELOCK

  1. Stanford made it to the Rose Bowl a few years ago, this is hardly a bigger upset than APSU/Michigan. Usual hypebole by ESPN to cover their ass because their beloved, overrated Trojans lost.


    And Ohio State being number one is preposterous.


    For all this complaining about the National Title situation, the National Title Game is being played on CBS right now.

  2. Oh, go to Utah. That place is a trip. Lovely scenery, and Salt Lake City is laid out in a perfect square, with the Mormon temple in the middle, also worth seeing (the temple, that is). As Mormon as the place is, there's also a strong anti Mormon sentiment going around. There's lots of funny Mormon crap in the SLC airport, but of course that's total tourist bait.


    A-fucking-men. Utah is awesome. Especially in the spring. Great skiing. Salt Lake City is gorgeous. It's the perfect place for what this guy described. It's not very touristy or crowded but the weather is great(of course, I live in the Southeast, so I'm used to suffocating humidity) and the architecture is beautiful. Lots of stuff there built for the Olympics that is pretty cool, too. I have relatives in SLC who live in the mountains and have fucking coyotes in their backyard.

  3. Not to be rude, but anyone thinking Jericho is going anywhere but Raw is a bit delusional.


    EDIT: and I would agree that a slightly repackaged, super face Jericho vs. a pseudo-heel(think HBK at Summerslam '05) John Cena for the WWE Title to end Cena's year and a half reign and get his revenge would be a great WM 24 Main Event.

  4. Its too elaborate to be one of the suspended wrestlers who has only been gone a month.




    I'd be happy to see any of them personally. And whoever it is will be on Raw. Vince doesn't think the other two shows have any real effect on business.

  5. I can see why some don't like his finishing moves, would prefer him as a heel, whatever, but WWE PPV main events are as intense and have more heat during Cena's reign(s) than anything since the height of the Attitude Era.


    I personally wouldn't turn him full on heel until that changes, although I would continue to feud him with fellow babyfaces(Lashley, HHH, HBK, even Taker) so the people can boo the hell out of him if they want and the kiddies can still buy his merch in bunches.

  6. The only thing getting stale is people bitching about John Cena incessantly. I'll only say this once. Cena is the best thing going in the biz right now. Nobody else could be as effective as champion right now.


    He's by far the most over figure in the biz today.

    That I will say again.....John Cena, like him or not, is by FAR the most over figure in wrestling. On top of that, he's the best merchandise seller, is completely committed to the business when guys are quitting or reportedly trying to commit suicide, and has no known skeletons in his closet at a time when the business is under a microscope.


    He's a PR dream for WWE in a time where they need it, is well-spoken, well-respected by his peers(unlike Batista, Orton, HHH, etc.), and is big with the younger, longer-term fans of the company.


    I just watched a PPV Sunday night with a crowd that was D-E-A-D all night long aside from his match, when the fans finally got their asses out of their seats and invested more emotionally in an 8-minute stinker of a match(one of the few he's had in years, btw) than any other person in that company could hope to draw out of them.


    Just because you think you hear boos in that reaction of his that dwarfs anybody else's doesn't justify saying he should drop the title, is "stale" or isn't over(!?).


    He's been involved in three of the best feuds in the last couple of years in WWE this year alone, he holds up his end well in high-profile matches, and has done more for the WWE Title in his year-long reign than any hot-shotting between flavor-of-the-month, unover IWC darlings could ever do.
