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Posts posted by ANKLELOCK

  1. The Jazz and Spurs have been a part of the best two series of the playoffs, real boredom. I don't see why you have to resent the Jazz for being hands down the better and more complete team in that series w/ GS. And the notion that it was the Jazz(?) that got the benefit of some bad calls in this series is bullshit.

  2. How wouldn't the Jazz stand a chance against the Suns when they've had their number the last two years and the Suns are basically a slightly better version of the Warriors? They play a style very condusive to being exploited by a team like Utah.


    San Antonio, I will concede, would be in pretty good shape against Utah.

  3. As a Christian, I don't think Falwell was a bad guy, as he sincerely believed what he said and did reiterate several times that he didn't hate sinners, only hated their perceived sins. I DO think he misrepresented Christianity at times and made some outrageous statements, but to say that the world is better off without him, as some have said in this thread, is a more despicable comment than any he made.


    Just my opinion.

  4. Edge's official excuse for losing is on WWE.com in a backstage video. He said he had already wrestled at a SD houseshow in Reading, PA tonight. And he said he didn't really try because he wasn't inspired by the crummy audience and can't wait to get to SD where they appreciate champions.

  5. Judgment Day Lineup:




    Lashley/McMahons & Umaga


    Benoit/MVP 2/3 Falls



    Add a Tag Title Match from either brand and a probable Candice/Melina Women's Title Match, give or take something else I missed and You've gotta a pretty nice card there.


    I'm kinda liking these tri-branded PPVs.

  6. So are they planting seeds for an Umaga face(!) turn? And are they actually going for a "Vince McMahon has lost his mind" angle? Just a weird segment in general.


    And its obvious that Umaga/Vince/Shane aren't going to help Coach so as not to breach the "physical provocation" stipulation that keeps Lashley from getting at them.

  7. Phoenix better win their series, not so much because a spurs/jazz series would be boring to me, since I'm a Jazz fan, but because I have the utmost confidence we would beat them in a series. We've had their and the Pistons number the past two years and that could potentially end up being our path to the title.

  8. Refs were pretty lenient both ways, a REALLY physical game.


    What a story with Fisher, too. Biggest defensive play and biggest offensive play of the game after his daughter's surgery and spending all day on the plane with no warmup. Probably the most resonant moment of his professional career tonight. What a moment.

  9. Why does everyone think the Jazz play a boring, slow-it-down style like these announcers and the people on this board do? They were the second highest scoring team in the NBA! They can score it better than the Warriors! The only reason the Utah/Houston series was low-scoring was because of the team wearing red.

  10. The Jazz led at half all seven games. Rockets won by hook and crook with some Jazz choke sprinkled in at home and then got blasted in Utah.

    Jazz were obviously the more athletic, more cohesive, more talented, better coached team.


    And yes I am a Jazz fan, if it wasn't obvious.

  11. I hated what they did to Venom, although I loved his suit.


    The Harry/Peter/Mary Jane storyline was the best one of the film.


    Church did an okay job as Sandman, but what the hell was the point of him being in the movie? It just cheapens the effect of the first half of movie #1, and for what? There was no profound, conclusive ending to Sandman and he wasn't really an endearing character. Less of him and more Venom, please.


    I wanted more J.J. Jameson


    Why couldn't they hold onto Venom for a fourth movie? He was SO shortchanged here.


    I would've loved some actual background on the symbiote. Where did it come from? What WAS it? What happened to the sample Dr. Conner had?


    Overall, this movie, for all its interweaving storylines and general plot congestion, really wasn't very deep at all. Not nearly as thoughtful as the first two.


    Although it was entertaining, I just feel empty after watching it.


    But I will catch it again, for sure.
