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Posts posted by ANKLELOCK

  1. I'm sitting here trying like hell to get Fandango tickets for the IMAX tomorrow at 7:00 and its t..a..k..i..n..g f..o..r..e..v..e..r...


    The tickets are still available but apparently everyone is trying to get these things because you can click on another movie's link and it pops up quick as a whistle.

  2. Whoever is booking this Cena/Michaels feud deserves a cookie. Old-School kinda vibe to it with Michaels winning a non-title 40 minute match and then the finish tonight. I will agree that Michaels HAS to win the blowoff for this feud to have been truly awesome and to have made sense, but I can't wait for the rematch and it will probably be the biggest chance Cena has had to actually lose the title during this reign. As a matter of fact, this is probably going the be the most unpredictable WWE Title match during Cena's reign(or at least up there with match with HHH at WM 22).

  3. DAMN IT. Jamaal Anderson and the more realistic Ted Ginn Jr. were two players I would've really liked to see in a Titan uniform. Now they're both gone. Let's hope Adam Carriker falls to 19. If not, I guess Robert Meachem or Darrelle Revis.

  4. Apparently Iowa Freshmen and third team all Big Ten Selection Tyler Smith is coming to Tennessee this offseason to be nearer to his father after having repaired his relationship with Bruce Pearl. His addition plus that of Arizona transfer J.P. Prince and the return of 8 of the top 9 players from last year(assuming Lofton returns) means a very solid two-deep lineup for the Vols next year. As somebody mentioned earlier, the rest of the SEC is going to be a little down next year, so it could be the Vols time.

  5. Rey is not behind Taker, Kane(?), Batista, and Flair today. His segments are consistently the highest rating segments on Smackdown and Smackdown's ratings are so extraordinarily high in the Latino demographic practically because of him alone. Without looking at any numbers(so don't hold me to this), I believe the segment where Rey came back only to get destroyed by Umaga was the highest rating Smackdown segment this year and I believe that was the highest rated Smackdown this year.

  6. Since the name of this thread warrants random comments regarding WWE, I'd just like to say that I just watched King of the Ring '97 for the first time and HBK/Austin is one hell of a match with a disappointing finish. As someone who got into wrestling at the peak of the boom period, I never saw much of Austin in his workrate prime but the guy could go circa 1996/1997. Damn near thirty minutes and no restholds allowed. This is what WM XIV should have been, but swap finishes.

  7. ^By a total of three points, once in Columbus and once neutral site. OSU got some serious bounces go their way late in both games. But I didn't say I was conviced UT was the better team, I said I gathered as much considering Tennessee outplayed OSU the majority of both games only to seemingly choke and/or fall victim to some bad luck late in both.


    But obviously I'm not an objective observer, although I will say I don't think OSU will win it all.


    I would rather them win it all than Florida AGAIN. Football and two basketball titles in a year and a half? They're already insufferable enough.

  8. Free throws do Tennessee in again against Ohio State.


    And Ramar Smith is an IDIOT.


    The negative of playing Tennessee's style is that you can blow a huge lead just as easily as you can build one, especially when you're still jacking up threes while leading by twenty.


    I really don't feel that bad however, as I kinda feel Tennessee is still the superior team, they just ran into the luckiest team in the tourney.


    With everybody back, sans Bradshaw, and a great recruting class potentially better than this year's freshmen, Tennessee should definitely be the SEC favorites next year and will hopefully make it back here next year with a little more experience and maturity, and certainly size. God knows they have the talent.

  9. OSU turning the ball over twenty times is a byproduct of playing Tennessee. Many teams have turned the ball over in the twenties when playing Tennessee. It's called a full court press.


    And pointing to OSU's freshmen is a shitty excuse when Tennessee has more Freshmen playing every game than OSU including the point and both Forwards.
