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Posts posted by ANKLELOCK

  1. The city of Knoxville is really buzzing right now at the staff Lane Kiffin is putting together. It's still not completed at this point but it already has to be the best recruiting staff in the country.


    The most recent two coaches to add to the list are former Alabama Recruiting Coordinator and reigning Rivals.com Recruiter of the Year Lance Thompson, who will coach linebackers at Tennessee, and Eddie Gran, Auburn's best recruiter and one of the best RB coaches in the nation.



    In addition to former South Carolina Recruiting Coordinator David Reaves, former Purdue OC Jim Chaney, Oakland Raiders OLine Coach James Cregg, and, of course Lane, Monte Kiffin, and former USC RecCoordinator Ed Orgeron, this staff is a monster.


    And Florida Recruiting Coordinator Gonzalez is a possibility to be WR coach, according to the rumor mill.


    Several Alabama commits are looking hard at UT now, in addition to just about every major recruit who wasn't even thinking about the Vols when Fulmer was fired. We have guys lined up for visits who don't even have Tennessee on their Rivals or Scout lists because their interest is such a recent developement. Basically, according to one of the Scout.com recruiting analysts, "Tennessee is EVERYWHERE right now".


    So, long story short, UT should finish with a top ten or fifteen at worst class the offseason of a major coaching change which is unheard of, and their gonna get coached up great once they get here.


    Exciting times in the SEC.

  2. I am also a bit perturbed that the Titans are ALWAYS the underdog or the team most likely to lose at home when they are consistently winning the big games and have had the best record all year. What more do people want to have proven to them?


    That said, Ravens by 8.

  3. Theone did you read any of our posts rebutting your stupid "cena can't work" argument? It's not a viable opinion anymore. Cena is not only not bad in the ring, he's damn good. Go back and read my original post and watch the matches I instructed you to.


    It's fixing to be 2009 and there are still idiots who think Cena can't work. God Damn.


    And Cena doesn't write his own material, so hating him based on that shows how unanalytic the "smarks" of the world really are

  4. Hey, theone. Your about a year behind on the "CENA CAN'T WRESTLE~!!!" shit. Dude was the best wrestler on this here planet in 2007 and has had an assload of great matches. Being a great wreslter has jack shit to do with how many variations of a fucking armbar or head drop suplex you can do. Watch the Kozlov-Trips match at SS. Tons of mat wrestling. Was that shit good?


    Watch Cena vs Umaga Street Fight or Cena vs Orton No Way Out. Look at Cena's mannerisms, his facials, the way he draws a crowd in and tells a story through his selling and emotion.


    THEN you fucking tell me Cena is a bad wrestler.


    P.S. Not to mention nobody in the WWE has many moves. Cena has some of the most regular moves that he uses in the entire company. Certainly more than HBK or CM Punk or any of those guys.

  5. Lane Kiffin has apparently been offered the Tennessee job and will accept on Monday so as not to interfere with "Phillip Fulmer Day". His dad Monte Kiffin could be coming in as Defensive Coordinator.


    Source: ESPN.com


    Straight BANGIN Pick for my Vols. Great recruiter and great defensive mind. Two for the price of one.

  6. Well, I'm a Republican(apparently one of the very few on here), but I have to say Obama looked better in all the debates(in temperament and style, certainly not on the issues).


    I absolutely shudder to think that this country is about to be run by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. With a huge majority in Congress. Ugh. I'm kinda glad that a Dem is going in the White House now cause when the country is even further in the shitter in four years, they can't play the "Things are bad, a Pub is in the White House, it's all their fault!!" card anymore.


    I'm pissed at McCain for his arguments on the economic issue. It's obviously the top issue and he just lets Obama play the blame game on a problem that is equally the fault of the Democrats.


    Oh well.

  7. According to Nielson, McCain's speech last night was the highest rated ever, higher than both Obama's and Palin's, with 38.9 million viewers.


    Despite the bitching by all you liberal dudes here, I thought i was a good speech. Better than Palin's which was too negative.

  8. Only if you like psychology-less spotfesty "This is awesome" shit. Joe and Styles are the only two standout workers that they have and both of them are still flawed. John Cena had three matches last year that were better than anything TNA has ever done.


    Name some matches TNA has had this year better than Undertaker-Edge, HBK/Flair, the Raw elimination chamber, the Royal Rumble, HBK/Jericho, Cena/JBL, Jericho/Jeff Hardy, Regal vs Anybody, etc.


    If i had to watch one more Sonjay Dutt or Alex Shelley or Petey Williams match...

  9. I will say this much, I hardly ever hear Batista actually get nuclear heat. I can't say the same for Cena.


    Edited for Accuracy.


    Cena is the most over person in the company. That doesn't necessarily mean most popular(though he is that as well).


    This is a documented, numeric fact and we seem to have this argument every week because there is usually one person who doesn't seem to understand this.

  10. You don't have to baby me. I'm not Noah Fentz. I can take differing opinions, but you really think his series with Eddie, the Benoit cage match, the Rey Mysterio J-Day match, Cena J-Day 05, Cena J-Day 08(which I adored), the fatal fourway Armageddon '04, etc weren't real good? thats a hell of a lot more than Kane has done the last few years.


    Eh, I've always been a mark for the guy, even when he was Bradshaw.
