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Posts posted by ANKLELOCK




    Smackdown was lacking MAIN EVENTERS and HEELS. And what do they get? Booker T, Van Dam, the Dudleys. All Faces and none(currently) ME's.


    So what now is Eddie vs Big Show going to headline every SD?


    God................This didn't solve the Brock Lesnar situation AT ALL.


    And what is with the HHH thing? WHY was he traded in the first place?


    This is so pointless.



  2. Ive seen others request stuff in here before, and I'm desperate. If anyone has or knows a place that has the Angle/Benoit match from Royal Rumble 03, please post a link to a site or send it to me. I NEED this match and, suprisingly enough, I can't find it anywhere and no one seems to have it.


    If a mod feels the need to delete this, then so be it.


    Thanks in advance.

  3. I saw it last night and will see it again Friday. It is very draining no matter what you believe about the Bible. I happen to be a Christian and know a lot about Christ's life, and, minus a couple of extra creative things such as God's tear causing the massive earthquake, it was very accurate. I was in tears at the end seeing Jesus howl in pain. Very touching. I suggest seeing this movie even if you are an atheist. James Caveizel should get a nomination for Best Actor and Maia Morgenstern should get some type of award. Maybe best Supporting Actress. Very emotionally draining movie, but the day after I feel ready to see it again.

  4. Just saw the movie and I am still wiping the tears out of my eyes. What an emotionally gripping movie. I was sitting by what looked to be a bunch of Satanists(trenchcoasts, black necklaces, noserings, black nails) and may God Himself strike me down NOW if they weren't crying at the end of the movie.


    What do you know im still alive.

  5. It had more pre-sales than any other movie. Probably because of church groups buying out theaters for the whole church to see it together. It may not get many repeat viewers, though. Im seeing it this weekend. It MAY break the first weekend record, but starting on Wednesday really hurts the legitimacy, and rightfully so, of that.

  6. I am definately going to see it as it looks very good and , from the interviews ive seen, is very true to scripture. Jesus looks NASTY by the end of that film. And, according to Mel Gibson, that isn't even nearly as bad as Jesus really looked. He supposedly couldn't be recognized as human by the end of the countless beating, lashing, and crucifixion. And ill be interested in what Gibson does for the massive earthquake that supposedly happened when Jesus died and the Resurrection.
