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Posts posted by ANKLELOCK

  1. Am I the only one who thinks Adamle has a certain charisma about him and could definately pull off a GM role? Maybe have him be the incompetent GM who knows nothing about the business and all the heels are subsequently vying to manipulate him to gain power.


    Okay, maybe thats too wishful.

  2. Yep, just as I suspected the list is ridiculous. Hart had every right to be insulted.


    Nope, I don't blame him one bit.


    Get a grip people, Bret threw a pissy fit and embarassed himself in public because of some random list by some random dipshit nobody gave a flying fuck about. It's that kind of paranoia that drove Benoit insane.


    Nobody's saying the list was right, they're saying Bret was (once again) classless about something so damn trivial because he is so emphatuated with himself.

  3. To the wrestling fanbase of right now, Cena/Rock would definately be a bigger match than Hogan/Austin. The "heat" at the HOF when Rock made that crack about the Marine was off the charts. And while Rock isn't as big a figure in wrestling history as Hogan or Austin, he's the biggest mainstream star its ever produced, and Cena is the biggest star of today. Not to mention the match would about 6 billion times better than Hogan/Austin.

  4. Rey's reign in 2006 was bad, but that was easily his best year of in-ring work in WWE and maybe in his career. The Finlay match, the phenominal Orton match, two shockingly good matches with Angle on Smackdown, the fantastic JBL match, the Sabu match(sans ending), the RVD match, the King Booker match, the Chavo series...

  5. Wow. I got name-dropped. I didn't think I was a moderately known poster. Maybe I should keep praising the hell outta JBL matches. For the record, it still puzzles me why people think the Cena/JBL match won't be that good. We all saw what they did at JD. I know that match was divisive, but it was more like "that match ruled vs. that match was just good". I don't think anybody thought the match just sucked and those that were not thrilled by it said they liked the I Quit Match, and this one ought to be right down that ally.


    I mean, what gives?

  6. Why do people think this means Taker's winning for sure? I'm sure this is what WWE wants you to think. With their penchant for wanting to surprise people lately, they could just make this stip to have everybody sure Taker wins, only for him to lose and go to Raw. The point has already been made that Taker winning would make him being stripped of the title pointless.

  7. For the record, me and truthy don't agree on everything as was purported earlier. I completely disagree with his Jay Lethal emphatuation.


    that said, truthiness gave a way better explanation earlier in this thread than I did, but, yeah, JBL showed on Sunday how good he really is.


    And Cena's selling isn't "over the top", it's phenomenal. The match Sunday was even more a showcase of how good Cena is than JBL, but Cena didn't really need it as much as JBL cuz Cena's shown over the last two years how fabulous he is in PPV matches.


    The bodyscissors, full nelson, and arm scissors spots in their match were better than anything in Angle/Joe.

  8. Would somebody care to give actual reasons why they think Joe is better than JBL. No one has so far, and I just think the idea is preposterous. Until somebody does I'll just assume its the standard "Because Joe does more moves~! and wrestles like a cruiserweight when he's 280 pounds."

  9. JBL>>>>>>>Joe, by the way.



    Joe has never had a match as good as the Eddie J-day match, though he has had some good ones. But Bradshaw is just soooo much better at character stuff. Not just promos(thats a given), but his the stuff he does during a match.


    JBL's offense is ten times better and much more badass than Joe's, and Joe is the one thats supposed to be the badass. I'd rather watch JBL punch and clothesline the shit outta some dude than watch Joe doe a bunch of planchas and spinkicks when he's 290 pounds.


    And saying that a guy's gimmick being manifested in his in-ring work doesn't matter just screams "its 1997 and I just got my smark card".
