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Posts posted by ANKLELOCK

  1. I like fantasy booking and all but..


    The WWE is doing great right now, there's really no need for this. What do you want, 1999 WWE? I'll take 2008 anyday. Storyline coherence, the most creative match finishes they've done in a while(Shoddily put together matches? of all the things you could've criticized them for? thats been a strong point) not a bunch of BS heel/face turns or Shock TV crap. Their marketing is as good as its been as well, and as a fan of good business, that makes me happy.


    You've been a fan 8 years, so you were brought up on shock TV stuff. Watch the garbage TNA puts on TV every week for that.

  2. Steve McNair was as big a credit to the National Football League as your gonna find. One of the most admirable men your gonna find to. Hopefully he'll eventually get a spot in the Hall because he damn sure deserves it.


    Happy retirement Mr. McNair.

  3. Adamle did fine. Commentary isn't about "calling the moves" like Styles and guys like Tenay like to do. It's relaying strategy, character, and what role the match plays in the overall story to the fans, who couldn't care less what a "magistral cradle" is. That's why Ross is still the best in the biz, even if he does sometimes confuse a "twist of fate" and a "whisper in the wind".

  4. ECW is what it should be. A place for young up-and-comers to hone their skills on national TV. The last thing WWE needs is the Sandman, Sabu, Balls Mahoney, etc. dragging their old asses around the ring in oversaturated hardcore matches for nostalgia purposes. The Benoit thing only presented another reason why that type of television show(original ECW) should not be attempted every week in 2007/8.

  5. Re: Cena

    I MUST be in the minority of the IWC now, because I haven't enjoyed a single Cena match since Vengeance '03 (which still remains as the ONLY Cena match I like), outside of Cena/Orton SSlam '07 due to the heat Orton was getting just by locking Cena in a headlock.


    How can that be possible? He's had the most good-great matches of any pro wrestler on the planet the last three years.

    Royal Rumble 07 vs. Umaga is one of the top 10 matches I've ever seen. Period.

    Not to mention vs. Lashley(which I adored), vs. HBK for an hour on Raw, vs. Orton at SS and NWO, vs. Edge at SS and Unforgiven, vs. HHH at WM22


    If you haven't seen any of these, check them out. He doesn't do as well on TV because he doesn't have time to play to his strengths(long term selling, storytelling, comeback spots,etc.).
