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Posts posted by ANKLELOCK

  1. They act like Cena FU-ing Mark Henry is a big deal, when he used-to routinely do it to Big Show. BAH GAWD HOW STRONG IS CENA?!?!?!?!


    He had a torn pec you moron.




    He hasn't said that once since return and was great tonight with the intense segment with Orton. A vast improvement over fucking Jericho with his "Blue ball magazine" childish insults and his gay clothes.


    Some did call it at the No Mercy PPV though in regards to WWE not bringing back Brock's Belt.


    WWE would be absolutely stupid to change belt when the spinner is the best selling belt they've had you clueless cunt.


    I'm already tired of the same old shit with him.


    I'm also tired of the "same old shit" since Cena's return, but it has nothing to do with Cena....

  2. can't possibly believe they will seriously do Orton vs. Cena at WM. That match will suck something fierce and they almost need to throw HHH in there for a 3 way to give it some vestige of credibility. I had little interest in HHH/Orton but at least I understood the reasoning behind that. Orton vs. Cena was a shitty feud in August-September and we all know Orton can't win anyway, so there's no point.


    Why not just have HHH get a shot at No Way Out and beat Orton, then put Orton against Batista at WM? It would lead to HHH vs. Cena II, which isn't really a fresh matchup, but it's still better than this.


    I'm not one to attack other people's opinions, but Orton/Cena was a GREAT feud that produced a very good match at Summerslam and sets up a perfect ending to the feud at WrestleMania. HHH belongs nowhere near the ME.

  3. Its the GM's fault more than anything. There isn't a pass our WR's can't drop. Not to mention Vince was injured, so he can't run. Last year, Vince had competent skill players, and he lit it up. Anybody remember that?(Pro Bowl, Madden Cover, ROY). He is a moron, though.

  4. Wrestler of the year: C.M. Punk (Punk's had a really good year all year long)


    Worst wrestler of the year: John Cena (I don't care what anyone says, he's a sucks in the ring.)


    Most Improved Wrestler: Mr. Kennedy (I love watching his matches)



    Are you high? Or just a fucking moron?

  5. Christmastime 2004 in the Royal Rumble buildup for Angle vs. JBL. JBL had three very good matches with Eddie, two good ones with Benoit.


    HOW is JBL bad? What specific things about his ring work are bad? Expound instead of talking out your ass. He has a good moveset, stiff like I mentioned earlier, all his repertoire build to the Clothesline from Hell, which works as an "out of nowhere" type move like SCM as well, and he sells like a mother. He has tons of charisma in the ring and has had several great matches. Keep in mind I'm talking about since his turn to JBL, not Bradshaw(which works for his character arc considering his great promo to start the JBL character about not previously caring about his wrestling career compared to his financial analyst career).
