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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Good: 3 series going to Game 7's Bad: Increasing likelyhood of the Confrence finals and Finals being exactly the same as last year. I'm hoping at least one road team can pull out a win just to kinda make things interesting. Seven-game series ensure you get the best team winning, but can be painfully frustrating when rooting for an underdog (or 3).
  2. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    I could have sworn the announcers said Cleveland had one timeout left while Chauncey was taking his FT's. I remember thinking to myself that one timeout was all they needed if by chance he missed. I was really surprised they took the ball up the floor with 15 seconds left. Terrible clock management. I'm not convinced Game 7 is a blowout. Detroit was insanely lucky to even get another game, and I don't expect the Cavs to roll over and die especially after they hung tough in Game 5. Sure, if you made me pick, I'd go Detroit, but let's not jump to conclusions too soon. It's always one game at a time.
  3. Terrible booking for the ME. Not only did Kane squash the champ in spite of the May 19th voices of death, but he beat up the #1 contender as well. And they didn't even explain the significance of May 19th! The Finlay/Booker vs. Benoit/Scott match was pretty good. Would've been better if Booker got the win to complete the story of 2 vets taking advantage of a rookie after cheating to take out his better partner. Oh well. Hopefully Booker wins KOTR to compensate.
  4. Just John

    Best indy matches 2004-now?

    Low Ki vs. KENTA from Final Battle 05. And definitely Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi as well.
  5. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    I don't know... Phoenix has historically owned Dallas, and LA can match their depth and balanced scoring, while playing better D.
  6. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Scottie's gonna feel stupid if the Cavs don't win tomorrow.
  7. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    If the Clippers stick to the script of going inside for 48 minutes, they can win the series. If they deviate, you get a repeat of either Game 1 or Game 5 depending on when the deviation occurs. I'm very interested in Both games tomorrow.
  8. Just John

    Best Workrate Year

    I thought this would make an interesting topic of conversation. Go ahead and list your choices. You can limit it to America, or include Mexico/Japan stuff as well. Personally, I would go with 1997 which had at least 5 legit MOTYC's, four of which that would probably place highly on a MOTD list. You had: Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (WM 13) Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels (Bad Blood) Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Eddie Guerrero (Halloween Havoc) Kenta Kobashi vs. Mitsuharu Misawa 1/20 and 10/21 (I prefer 10/21 myself, though I'm probably in the minority)
  9. Just John

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    World Heavyweight Title Rey Mysterio vs. JBL: I'm really starting to think they swerve and have Rey retain, kind of like they did with Cena at Mania. I'm not sure they want to run another JBL/Batista program, since last year's was pretty weak. They had little chemistry out of the ring, and no chemistry in the ring. Put me on the "Give Booker the belt" list. The Finals of The 2006 King of the Ring Tournament Booker T vs. Bobby Lashley: Booker's character is the type to weasel his way to a title shot anyway, so I see them going with conventional booking here. They're promoting KOTR as the launching pad for new stars, so go ahead and give it to Lashley. It'll look good on his resume later WWE Tag Team Championship MNM vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick: Off the wall pick here, but I just don't see where you can go with L/K as champs. I say MNM cheats, then L/K get the titles later, possibly in a ladder match. The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali: I think the writers know about UT's kill streak and brought this guy in for that very purpose. Seriously, why else would Khali even be close to a WWE ring? And why would UT agree to work with him? I see something screwy here, but the reaper's coming for Khali at the GAB. Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry: Well, if Angle's back, no point in jobbing him here. Start the Henry de-push to expiration, please! Cruiserweight Title Gregory Helms vs. Super Crazy: Could go either way, but I think WWE likes Helms as the cocky champ. No point jobbing him to Crazy after spending months out of action. Melina vs. Jillian: In a meaningless match with no clear winner, go with the face. Unfortunately, there's no pun with that anymore. Benoit vs. Finlay: Obviously Benoit gets his win back. Since it will likely be clean and it is on ppv, the match should be better than their SD one.
  10. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    You're not calling biased officiating, are you? Stern would much rather have the Mavs in the WCF. I thought the only questionable call was the 2nd jumpball. Looked like Dallas got the TO in before Ginobli got there to me, but Dallas still got 2 shots off at the end.
  11. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    I must say, the Cavs won me over with their performance tonight. I would've really hated them if they lost. Series isn't over, but the Cavs finally have me thinking they could do it. Another great 2nd round game.
  12. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    This game and DAL/SA yesterday is why I think the NBA playoffs provides the best basketball in the entire world.
  13. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Nobody wants to win this LA/PHX game. It's been an exciting game, but so many missed opportunities on both sides.
  14. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Phoenix/Miami is the money series for the NBA, as it has a good combo of star power and potential for high-scoring, exciting games. Though any non SA/DET combination has at least a decent amount of appeal.
  15. Just John

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    Pretty solid looking card overall, despite the weak booking leadin in. UT/Khali and Angle/Henry will be dud territory for sure, but all the other men's matches should range from pretty good to WWE MOTYC's. The women's match will probably be average.
  16. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    The West side of the playoffs has me very interested. If SA gets knocked out, any of the 3 remaining teams could make it to the finals. PHX/LA Part 2 has been extremely fun to watch. The East is not so interesting, as I think we'll have a rematch of last year's ECF. I'd like to think the Cavs could knock off the Pistons and make things interesting, but I'm not going to hold my breath. On a side note, does anyone know the lowest scoring playoff game ever? Tonight's ugly 74-72 game has to be close. I know the Pistons play good D and all, but that's an inexcusably low amount of points from two of the top eight NBA teams.
  17. Just John

    Why Do People Think We're Not Cool

    The point I was trying to make is that the only argument the media has against wrestling is that "it's fake." They hardly ever cite anything specific as to why they don't like it. And I agree the best way to respond in person is to act really shocked and/or insist that it's real. Eventually the person realizes how dumb they sound saying "it's fake" to a wrestling fan.
  18. Just John

    Why Do People Think We're Not Cool

    The media is blatantly hypocritical when it comes to bashing wrestling. Shows like CSI, 24, etc are all much faker than wrestling but are viewed as quality entertainment. They get stuntmen and multiple takes, and they still know how the ending is supposed to turn out before they start. There's no changing the media's attitude, unless enough people start liking wrestling to care if the media bashes wrestling.
  19. Just John

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    I'm glad WWE looks serious about pushing Kenny. Once he gets more experience, I think he'll be really good. I'm not sure what to think about the Foley/Edge pairing. They could cut some killer promos together, that's for sure. HHH/Cena part 44523? Eh, not interested. Since it's curtain jerking, there will probably be a screwy finish. Hopefully they do something to freshen up the feud, since it's unlikely they'll blow it off any time soon, even if Cena's beaten HHH clean twice now.
  20. Just John

    What kind of computer do you have?

    I have the 14" variety, but same basic principles.
  21. Just John

    WWE Power 25 Rankings.

    In kayfabe, Rey deserves to be a lot lower than 4. His performances the last couple of weeks have been on par with the usual showings of Simon Dean and Funaki.
  22. Just John

    The Worst Wrestling Show of All-Time

    I would have Starrcade 97 higher on the list. The disappointment factor was off the charts on that one. It was everything a company's biggest show of the year SHOULDN'T be. Except for maybe the hype leading up to the event, there were no redeeming qualities for that show. I'd bump it up (down?) to #10 or 11. Other than that, it looks like a solid list. The top 10 are shows are painful to watch. Not even much of a trainwreck factor going for a lot of them, just pure unadulterated suckiness.
  23. Just John

    How many matches do you consider 5 stars

    Misawa vs. Kobashi (10/21/97) Rey vs. Eddie (Halloween Havoc 97) What a great week in wrestling that was.
  24. Just John

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Well, the Pistons never sweep anyone. They gave up a game to the Bucks, for god sake. They still win this series in 5.
  25. Just John

    OAO Friday Night Smackdown! Thread

    Ok, it's official. Rey's title run is the worst ever. Even if Jericho never won clean, at least he won. He even went over Rock and Austin twice. Rey has a losing record as champion (1-2-1, likely to finish 1-4-1). In kayfabe, it makes absolutely no sense for him to be champion. He has lost twice cleanly, most recently in a total squash. Burchill at least got some kicks in, Rey got absolutely nothing on Khali. Can we re-cap his championship journey? - Wins Rumble - Gets embarrassed by Orton, loses to him twice - Gets a pity spot in the ME at WM thanks to Long - Unlimited Eddie references in build up - Wins title in somewhat fluke-ish fashion, to a chorus of boos - Retains vs. Orton, despite getting his ass kicked 90% of the match - NC with Angle as Henry beats them both up - Clean loss to Henry, had to be saved BY THE GUY HE'S FEUDING WITH from death - Gets squashed by Khali, humiliated again by JBL in hometown - (Predcition) Gets squashed by Kane on May 19th - (Prediction) Mercifully loses the title to JBL at JD How can that not be the worst title reign to date? It's amazing how WWE writers can fuck up the simplest storylines. Disappointing, yet unsurprising. Poor Rey.