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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    This week in the NBA

    For reference, what is the Clippers best record ever? I assume they're on pace to pass it easily this year, but I'd still like to know.
  2. Just John

    Top 100 NWA/WCW Matches (1982-2001)

    I think the list is solid so far. Admittedly, I haven't seen as much 80's stuff as I have from the 90's, but still no major complaints. Jericho/Ultimo is a match I didn't expect to see on here, but I'm glad it is.
  3. Just John

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    SD's been smoking Raw for quite a while now. I'd say at least since Summer Slam. With all the bad luck SD's gotten with injury, death, and wrestlecrap gimmicks, it's amazing how the show still manages to remain decent overall.
  4. Just John

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    I thought the match went well until about Daivari's interferrence. I liked the story that Henry wasn't intimidated and overpowered UT in the ring. Taker only got the advantage using the steps. I think if they had gone with UT outsmarting Henry for the finish, it could've been the best tv match of the year so far (I know it's only Feb). I guess for now that title remains with RVD/Carlito.
  5. Just John

    Smackdown Thread 2/10/06

    Again, outside of the exploitation of Eddie Guerrero, SD was a solid show this week. Booker T is great as an announcer. If he doesn't get a main show position when he retires from in-ring action, there is no justice. MNM vs. London/Kendrick was pretty good, but too short. I'm hoping they get a rematch at NWO that can get 15 minutes. That would be a quality match for sure. I like the fact that Helms is getting the CW division on the A show. Burchill the pirate... Met with silence this week. Don't see that changing. Finlay is SD's MVP this week. Someone had to kill the jrs. Hopefully this is a recurring theme. Am I crazy or was the Henry/UT match not that bad? It did start to drag at the end, but whatever. All that match had to do was get into positive stars to exceed my expectations.
  6. Just John

    I am sick of blading...

    I always thought it would be cool for someone to take a chair to the knee (possibly while against the ring post), then do a leg blade for a real dramatic effect. Of course, they'd have to sell it like death, but I think it could make a good finish to an I Quit match or something.
  7. Just John

    Women's division

    I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with Mickie James. She appears to have actual wrestling ability, and she carried Ashley to a positive star match at the Rumble, which says a lot. I firmly believe Ashley is the worst wrestler in the company. Anyway, she also has the SE thing working too, and I think she's the best female personality on Raw. Maria held that title until the writers stopped making her a ditz, and made her a female Eugene. Trish has been pretty stale since her face turn and is riding strictly on looks again. Outside of Mickie and Melina (who happens to be on the wrong show for this discussion), no divas have the total package working for them--Personality and passable in-ring skills. There's really not much to do with the women's division after Mickie beats Trish for the title.
  8. Just John

    Top 100 NWA/WCW Matches (1982-2001)

    Hm, I'd say the Mysterio/Dragon WW3 is a bit overrated as well. It's pretty much a squash for Ultimo. Still deserves to be above DDP/Benoit, though. I would've probably had it in the 50's or 60's. And I mark for the meniton of Malenko/Disco. That match is massively underrated. That's probably because is it's on the same card as Mysterio/Psychosis and the NWO forming 6-man, and I expect we'll be seeing both of those waaaay higher on the list.
  9. Just John

    Wrestling's Top 50 Matches

    This is one of the problems I'm running into compiling my top 100 wcw matches.Flairs' streak of ****+ matches in the 80s is amazing and I'm trying not to have my list be too much flair matches. If you watch enough midcard stuff from late 95 on, there are plenty of **** range matches to mix stuff up. Although, lots of Flair is to be expected. Just like lots of Bret Hart is expected on a WWF top 100.
  10. Just John

    Smackdown non-spoilers for 2/10/06

    One thing I'm also interested in... Does the Orton/Rey/Eddie stuff get any worse?
  11. Here's another one: Hulk Hogan vs. Abdullah the Butcher
  12. Kobashi vs. Bossman Kobashi/Kawada vs. Hansen/RVD
  13. Just John

    Wrestling's Top 50 Matches

    I think spotfest wrestling has its place. I love watching the TLC matches (well, the first two), but I wouldn't call them great matches. They're just entertaining. Anyway, I think Benoit/Eddie from Vengeance shouldn't even be on the list, and neither should HHH/Flair from Raw. I think the Rey/Eddie Havoc match is a bit low.
  14. Just John

    Smackdown non-spoilers for 2/10/06

    Matches 2 and 3 look good. Benoit should win that 4 way easy. The rest of the show looks like trash.
  15. Just John

    Things That Annoy Us About John Cena

    To be fair, he hasn't done that in a long time. He's been wearing his WWE Cena jerseys for quite a while now. 24. His lame ass fisherman's suplex 25. His facial expressions in general
  16. Just John

    OAO 02/06/06 RAW thread - WM22 Tournament Begins

    The fall through the cage in the Foley/UT match was NOT onto a gimmicked part of the ring... That was during the HHH/Foley HIAC match a couple years later. That second bump was a total fuck up, since the cage broke accidentally, and the chair fell on Foley's face. And as far as just bumps go, I'd still give the TLC guys the edge in that department (provided we're not counting fuck ups) on a spot-to-spot basis. Foley's cell bumps were sick, but they are played off as more dramatic with the JR commentary and the lore surrounding the match, while the TLC guys were just expected to get up and do it again. The swanton off the 20 foot ladder, the spear with Jeff hanging from the belts, the 4 table spots... That's a lot to top. Foley's cell bump was more emotional, but I think it takes a backseat to some of the TLC bumps. Again, that's not counting the fuck up going through the cell, which is one of the sickest bumps of all time.
  17. Just John

    News from Meltzer

    Actually, I doubt it matters. HHH can just be his usual smartass, semi-shootin' self and completely embarrass Cena on the mic one way or the other.
  18. Just John

    Let's Create Terrible Gimmicks for WWE!

    I think Mark Henry should re-invent himself as "Smark" Henry. His gimmick would involve judging other people's workrate and criticizing them over bad matches, spots, etc. Then someone... I don't know, JBL we'll say, gets pissed off when Smark Henry gives one of his matches *1/2. JBL tells Smark Henry that he could never put on ***** match and sucks at everything related to wrestling. Then they feud over whether or not Henry can have a ***** match. During the match, JBL purposely begins to stall, botch moves, etc, and the announcers get worked up about how JBL is sabotaging Henry's dream of putting on a ***** match. I'm not exactly sure how'd you wrap that angle up, but it's a good start.
  19. Just John

    Super Bowl XL

    I don't believe in officiating bias, but this year's playoff officiating was piss poor in general. I still find it funny that people are now claiming the refs fixed the game for the Steelers, when a couple weeks ago, people (probably the same ones) were bitching about how the refs were biased AGAINST the Steelers when they played the Colts. If the refs wanted Bettis and Big Ben to get their rings so bad, why did they call back two huge plays for them in the divisional round? The whole conspiracy theory thing makes for good talk, but really holds little water. This year's reffing was bad, not biased.
  20. Just John

    Super Bowl XL

    I don't see how that photo provides any conclusive evidence one way or the other. It's one still frame that is well before the play is finished. If even the tip of the ball touches the white line, it's a TD, which in live action, it looked like it did. That picture seems pretty meaningless to me.
  21. Just John

    Super Bowl XL

    I think this game will turn out like the Pats/Panthers game from a couple years ago. You have well-established AFC team against a no-name NFC team that's solid all the way through. This game's gonna be a fight, and most likely ends with a close score.
  22. Just John

    Top 100 WWF/E Matches 1986-2005

    While the Bret/Shawn IM certainly isn't bad, I still prefer Rock/HHH, and will defend the match. Re: Too many falls I don't think the number of falls should hold down the view of this match, as they all make sense, except for maybe the last one, but I'll cover that later. The first two falls were a Rock Bottom and Pedigree. Two finishers, so those should draw falls. The next fall was, a nice little piece of smartness as HHH just rolled the Rock up after the Pedigree to get a quick second decision. Nicely played. The next two were score by a pile driver and a DDT. Two relatively high impact moves, that could believable knock out a weakened opponent, even in modern wrestling. It helped that the standard pile driver hadn't been seen in years, and the Rock used the DDT as one of his primary manuvers. Then we get the DQ/Pinfall chair sequence, which to be fair is pretty much ripped off from the Steamboat/Rude Beach Blast 92 30-minute IM (In that match, Rude hit a top rope knee drop and got the fall... Top rope moves were banned at the time, so same effect). Still a nice contemporary tribute and creative fall. Then we get a 5-minute sleeper hold series, which I'm not a fan of, but it's understandable in the context of the match. The Rock had been taking a massive beating, so it's believable a sleeper would get him 45 minutes in. The CO fall was another interesting one, but again makes sense. HHH tried to Rock Bottom the Rock through the announcers table, so The Rock pedigreed HHH through it instead. Having HHH get back in the ring after a big table spot would make little sense. Then The Rock hit the People's Elbow for his last fall, so no biggie. No matter what you think of the move itself, a finisher should get the fall that late no matter what. Re: Undertaker return I know traditionalist thinking says clean finishes are the best, and usually I agree. However, I can tolerate a dusty finish as long as it makes sense in the context of the feud. If I recall, UT went out on pretty bad terms storyline wise with Vince, after refusing to fight HHH in a casket match during the episode of SD where HHH went over everyone. It made sense for him to return at JUDGMENT DAY and pick up the story with Vince. His carelessness added another interesting element in getting the Rock DQ'ed. I wish they had followed up with more Rock/UT tension, but it did lead to the Rock getting the title back in that KOTR 6 man clusterfuck. I don't know if I agreed with the direction of the angle, but it made perfect sense for the finish of this match. It showed the bookers actually had a long term plan, and for the most part set up the blowoff to the Rock/HHH feud and the UT/Vince mini-feud. Re: Champ getting beat too much I think this is another instance where you have to look beyond the match and think of it in context of the feud. The Rock and HHH were trading the WWF title quite a bit and both booked on the same level. It's not surprising at all that two people so evenly matched could get that many falls on one another. If you wanna go back to baseball, a 6-5 game is pretty exciting too. It's no pitcher's duel, but it shows both teams are evenly matched, just getting it done in a different way. The Rock/HHH match was kind of the opposite of Bret/Shawn in the sense that both guys were offensive-minded the whole way, instead of conservative early. The Rock and HHH started strong and never let up, although naturally they slowed down toward the finish which makes sense. I think both IM's have a quite a bit going for them, but I prefer the style and pace of Rock/HHH to Bret/Shawn. Anyway, I hope the following matches make it to the top 20: Shawn/Mankind (Mind Games 96) Shawn/UT (Bad Blood 97) Jericho/Benoit (Royal Rumble 01) Austin/Angle (Summer Slam 01) Angle/Benoit (Royal Rumble 03) I'm disappointed Eddie/Lesnar wasn't higher, but oh well. I can see where someone else could pick other matches ahead of it.
  23. Just John

    Top 100 WWF/E Matches 1986-2005

    The Bret/Shawn IM would've been a lot better if it was just a 35 minute match, using the last 30 minutes + OT. The first 25-30 minutes were a bunch of headlocks and armbars that went nowhere. The last half is great, the first half is pretty pointless.
  24. Just John

    Top 100 WWF/E Matches 1986-2005

    Outside of the really odd, and slow finish, I thought the SS match was better. They seemed more comfortable with the ladder and used it more effectively, I thought. I remember watching both matches back to back a couple months ago, and remember being surprised at (A) How much more I liked the SS match and (B) How the WM 10 match doesn't hold up today at all. I can understand why it might be ranked higher in terms of importance, though. I'm not sure of your exact criteria, but if you factor in the historical significance, then yeah, the WM 10 match should be way higher.
  25. Just John

    Top 100 WWF/E Matches 1986-2005

    I think the HHH/Cactus NWO HIAC is kinda low, but as long as you don't have their Rumble match higher, I'll keep the complaints to a minimum. Same goes to Razor/Michaels... I better not see the WM 10 match higher than the SS 95. Benoit/Jericho from RR 01 better get the highest ranked ladder match. Overall, good list. No major complaints so far.