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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    The Walls of Jericho only fell by the power of god. And it's a nifty little play on his name anyway, so I don't mind it. Better than Lion Tamer since he doesn't go by Lionheart anymore. I still wish he did the move LT style, though.
  2. Just John

    NFL Playoffs

    I don't know if you actually can be a fan of a team while hoping they lose. I mean, wanting them to have more discipline is one thing, but why are actually wishing losses on your favorite team (when they're not in position for a good draft pick)? Are you saying that if the Giants win the SB that you'll be unhappy? And if so, how does that make you a fan? It's one thing to say "They don't deserve to win because of (insert item that needs improvement)," but it's another to say "I don't want them to succeed." The way the Astros hit in the WS this year, I didn't feel like they deserved to win those games, but I cheered for them through all of it.
  3. Just John

    Guiltiest Pleasure of 2005

    Caught Up by Usher.
  4. Just John

    Cool finisher, horrible name

    Space Flying Tiger Drop: Normally, I think Japanese wrestlers give their moves the coolest names, but this one's too far out there for me. Muscle Buster: Too plain, just doesn't click with me.
  5. Just John

    Outlaws talking about Triple H

    I think it's unfair to blame anyone for "Billy Gunning" a KOTR (despite it being a hilarious term) since it's pretty much the writer's discretion. Edge has had some injuries, but for the most part, he's remained fairly over, put on decent-good matches, and been a solid upper midcarder. That's far more than can be said for Billy. I think Edge needs a title run to shake the stigma that he can't be a ME'er... Only problem being that I see an Edge title run turning out much like Jericho's in 02.
  6. Just John

    Any idea when RVD is gonna return?

    The last time that happened, Kurt got pissed since RVD busted him open the hard way on more than one occasion.
  7. Just John

    NFL Week XVII

    The announcers alluded to the fact that Al Michaels and Joe Theisman will be calling MNF next year... Does anyone know who's gonna be calling SNF on NBC?
  8. Just John

    NFL Week XVII

    I'm calling 2 road wins on Sunday.
  9. Just John

    Outlaws talking about Triple H

    All I can think of now is an Edge quote from 2001... "Bitter Billy Bitchcakes." To be fair, he was pretty much right about the Orton situation, though.
  10. Just John

    MOTY 2006

    Benoit vs. Rey (US title) An RVD/Shelton ladder match could win spotfest of the year
  11. Just John

    Any idea when RVD is gonna return?

    Radar, there's no need to shout. I could see RVD being one of those "mystery" Rumble entrants.
  12. Just John

    Todd Grisham Calls Fan "Retard" On Byte This

    Doesn't touch Todd: This is Chris Benoit, known as the Wild Pegasus facing, uh... JUH-shin Thund... Benoit/Malenko (immediately): JOO-Shin! To be fair, I think Todd has gotten better, and is fine in the dorky interview guy role. I don't listen to Byte This, so I don't know how that goes.
  13. Just John

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 12/30/05

    I thought this was a solid SD. I don't know how this show manages to remain decent with all of the injuries and substandard writing. I like Super Crazy and Psicosis as a tag team. They have good chemistry and are pretty over. Their match with the Dicks was surprisingly good. I loved the super-high dropkick spot and hope they use it again. Benoit/Orton was decent, but not as good as their matches a year ago. I, too, thought the ending was stupid with Sharmell acting surprised that she got Orton DQ'ed after hitting him right in front of the ref. Actually, I liked the concept of Booker being replaced in the match, as it freshens up the series a bit and keeps things relatively interesting. As far as Booker on commentary goes, I thought his last performance was better. This week, he seemed like he was auditioning too much, and not letting anyone else talk. He still uses more move names than anyone else in WWE and could be really good as long as he learns when to NOT say anything. What's with Kid Kash getting mic time? Is WWE actually going to focus on the CW's? Kash's promo reminded me of JBL when he started his heel run. I'm glad MNM has the tag belts, but they need a real run, not a role as transtition holders. The Batista the sexual predator angle is stupid. Hopefully they just forget about that, but then his other option is fighting Mark Henry. I'm sure we're all looking forward to that one. The silver lining here is that this is likely the LAST Henry push we'll ever have to endure, as his contract ends this year. Once his ME program flops, his subsequent midcard programs go heatless, and he inevitably gets hurt, I don't see WWE re-signing him.
  14. I don't know if Havoc 97 is such a good example. The thing most people remember about that show is the Rey/Eddie match. For WCW shows, I'll go with Bash at the Beach 97. The first 5 matches were excellent. - Glacier/Miller vs. Mortis/Wrath - Jericho vs. Ultimo - Steiners vs. Muta/Chono - Lizmark Jr/Juvi/Hector Garza vs. La Parka/Psychosis/Villano 4 - Benoit vs. Sullivan The next 3 took a drop... - Jarrett vs. Mongo - Page/Hennig vs. Hall/Savage - Flair vs. Piper And then of course, Hogan/Rodman vs. Luger/Giant stunk up the joint and that's what gets all the attention.
  15. Just John

    Least Favourite

    This Mike Gottfried guy calling the Independence Bowl now is pretty damn bad. At least for him, it's like a Dusty Rhodes kind of bad, where his shittiness makes him entertaining.
  16. Just John

    SD/Velocity Non-Spoilers

    Could someone please post?
  17. Just John

    Least Favourite

    Brent Musberger always sounds like he's about to fall asleep. The only other guys I usually can't stand are Stephen A. Smith and the ESPN SNF crew during a game involving Michael Vick, Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, or Ray Lewis.
  18. Just John

    What was worse?

    Let's see what WWE's given us this year as far as crap goes (I know I'll leave stuff out, so feel free to add): - Shelton's poor usage - Hassan's terrorist attack, subsequent death - Angle the rapist - Jillian and her thing - Matt M-M-Morgan - Eugene taking Angle's medals - JR gets fired, ass surgery - Angle hates America - Tim White offs himself - Orton UT feud (from the lowrider, to the mindgames) Pretty bad stuff, but does it top WCW 2000? Again, feel free to add on... - Viagra - Arquette as WCW champ - Steiner beats up lots of Cruisers - Russo as WCW champ - Goldberg won't follow the script - BATB fiasco - Judy Bagwell on a forklift - David Flair vs. Buff Bagwell: Who is Stacy's impregnator? - Sting feuds with Vampiro, gets set on fire - Sid's "streak" - Sting's 2 hour title run I know there's a lot more... I'd say WCW still edges out WWE this year, but a solid effort from WWE to try to top (bottom?) WCW 2000.
  19. Just John

    NFL Week XVI

    With Carolina and the Giants losing, I do believe Chicago gets the #2 with a win.
  20. Just John


    I guess there'll be some spoilers here, so watch out. Per request of KKK, I repeat, there are spoilers here. Read at your own risk. I loved the movie quite a bit. Wasn't sure what to think right after the movie, but after taking some time to digest the plots, I really liked it. I definitely want to see it again to catch some of the finer details I'm sure I missed trying to focus on the big picture. One of the things I loved is how so much happened in the movie, but yet nothing was accomplished just because everyone's selfish motivations cancel each other out. The Connex corporation goes through all of these underhanded tactics to get the oil, only to have their plant blown up by pissed off workers who were laid off during their merger with the bomb Clooney sold them. Clooney's change of heart at the end only gets him killed. The Middle East doesn't get any better and America gets no oil. No one ends up any better off, despite that seeming to be everyone's goal.
  21. Just John

    This week in the NBA

    The center-less Rockets jobbed embarrassingly at Denver. This could be a looooong season with all these injuries.
  22. Eh, not too exciting, but whatever, it's a single brand show. I wonder if they'll do their "trade punches, Kane staggers Batista with an uppercut, then runs into a spinebuster" spot that they did in every battle royal in 03.
  23. Just John

    People Who Tailgate

    I've never actually tried this, but I've heard some say if you're going fast enough, you can spray your wiper fluid and it'll shoot over your windshield and land on the person behind you... That'd probably scare the shit out of them if it worked.
  24. Just John

    NFL Week XVI

    I don't know how that would work... Pittsburgh has a head to head win over SD this year.
  25. Just John

    NFL Week XVI

    I don't think a Colts/Pats matchup would be stale, as this looks to be the first time the Colts have a legit shot at winning. Although, I can understand if you don't care about either team how it would be boring. I think Colts/Broncos is the worst case scenario, but even with lower seeds, I think either Pittsburgh or NE will make it to the championship game. I'd actually like to see PIT/Indy 2, with Ben at 100%. I think it would be a lot closer the second go around.