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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    This week in the NBA

    Man, Houston is straight-up bad without T-Mac. Another embarrassing offensive showing today at Indy. Yao has shown signs of improvement, but no one else on the team is doing shit when T-Mac's not in the lineup.
  2. Just John

    Observer News & Notes

    I don't understand guys getting mad at the Divas match. I really don't find anything wrong with Eugene, but I could see the some guys might be touchy since it's a silly gimmick on a serious show. But there was nothing wrong with the diva battle royal. It wasn't a T 'n A thing, it was just a women's wrestling match. Seems like some people are just looking for things to get upset about.
  3. Just John

    NFL Week Eleven

    I've got Raiders/Redskins and Cowboys/Lions at noon, and the massively exciting Jets/Broncos game at 3. Looks Like I'll be headed out to a sports bar.
  4. Just John

    Observer News & Notes

    Seems kind of mean to release a story about Hassan talking back to Eddie right after Eddie dies. Why didn't we hear about this right after it happened? Hassan was stupid and wrong to try to talk down to him about wrestling, but it seems in poor taste to release this info now, making it seem like Hassan is trampling on Eddie's grave.
  5. Just John

    This week in the NBA

    Almost every NBA team goes through a rough stretch at some point in the season. The best thing the Clippers can do now is stockpile enough wins, so the streak doesn't hurt them and shatter their confidence. I'm not too fast to write them off, as a team with Cassell, Mobley, Brand, and Magette starting could be pretty solid. I highly doubt they run the table and take the 1 seed, but I can see them making a good push for a lower seed at the end of the season. Another important thing to remember, is we can't make any accurate assessments on final standings until at least the all-star break. And even then, those won't be dead-on. Every team has a hot and cold streak at some point, and it's impossible to determine who's having them now until we can look back later.
  6. Just John

    Idea for a new gimmick match

    It's like "Team Battle" modes in most arcade fighting games. If you win, you get some health back, then go on to fight someone. Could be interesting if done in a wrestling context.
  7. Just John

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    You must have missed the time William Regal peed on The Big Show. It was green, for god sake. Another WTF angle/segment was in WCW (surprise) when The Giant just started smoking for no reason.
  8. Just John

    NFL Week Eleven

    That proposed dome looks weird and unnatural. Although, Arrowhead would be ridiculously loud when the dome is closed... It's already loud enough out doors, let alone putting that thing on it. As a former KC resident, I'm glad to see them get a SB. It's just too bad I won't likely be living there when it comes.
  9. Just John

    NFL Week Eleven

    The Sunday and Monday night games are real stinkers this week, but the day games look good. This is the week Cincy and Chicago can prove they are "for real" as they each face probably the best team in their respective conferences. I think Chicago loses, but I can see Cincy doing to Indy what they did to KC a couple years back. Steelers/Ravens games are always fun to watch too, at least if you like defense.
  10. Just John

    Smackdown and RAW non-spoilers

    Those two matches help the card that already has a couple matches that could hit *** with the participants just phoning it in (Angle/Shelton, HBK/Rey). Benoit and HHH have good chemistry, and cruiser battle royals are always fun. And the best part is that since it's a tribute show, none of the matches will be tainted with overbooking or sports entertainment BS.
  11. Just John

    Favourite Eddy Guerrero moments

    His match with Craig Pittman on Saturday Night. The match that got me hooked. Halloween Havoc 97. My favorite match ever. Winning the WWE title at No Way Out. A perfectly booked angle and feel-good victory... I got choked up when I watched it today, but I wanted to remember Eddie on top of the world. The dual celebration with Benoit. His overall work ethic and how he gave everything he had to entertain night in and night out.
  12. Just John

    Smackdown and RAW non-spoilers

    Very interesting lineup. HBK/Mysterio looks especially appealing.
  13. Just John

    The Impact of Eddy's Death on the WWE

    I agree with the Benoit needs to win the title sentiments. Then maybe a #1 contender's tourney culminating at Survivor Series. You pretty much need to hit the reset button at this point, but because you can't continue the current SD ME scene without Eddie. On Raw... Kerwin White... Just get rid of it. He's Chavo Guerrero, Jr. Damn it.
  14. Just John

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    The first wrestling match I ever saw was Eddie Guerrero vs. Sgt. Craig "Pitbull" Pittman on WCW Saturday Night. A match I'm sure I'm the only person in the world who remembers, but it has a high sentimental value for me. After I saw Eddie deliver a frog splash, I was hooked on wrestling and have watched it nearly every week since that show. I credit Eddie for getting me into wrestling, and seeing him go like this is just... Wow. I don't even know what to say. Thanks Eddie.
  15. Just John

    NFL Week X

    This KC/BUF game is turning into a "who can fuck up the most" contest. That 4th and inches "attempt" by the Bills is one of the worst in NFL history.
  16. Just John

    Stupidest things you've heard today

    Not today, but recently, one of my friends was explaining why he didn't drink, citing how his dad's alcoholism affected his family... Anyway, this girl's response: "Chill out and have a beer." Some people.
  17. Just John


    My favorite is the man in the gorilla suit completely missing the swanton attempt off the roof. And the R-K-Whoa never gets old.
  18. Just John

    Vince isn't happy with Coach

    Yeah, I would understand him getting in trouble for saying "What the hell was that" to a fireman's carry, but this seems a bit ridiculous.
  19. Just John

    Vince isn't happy with Coach

    Pointing out that your top babyface is getting booed is intelligent? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Intelligent in the sense that it should be acknowledged, although it seldom is unless it's out of control (Rock/Hogan, for example).
  20. Just John

    Vince isn't happy with Coach

    So, Coach is punished when he makes a rare, intelligent observation? Whatever.
  21. Just John

    OAO 11/4/05 Smackdown Thread

    Not a bad show this week. I liked the opening match (save for Holly's unnecessary involvement) and the ME was solid. I loved the cheating duel going on between MNM and Eddie. MNM finally got into situation where Eddie and his partner didn't kick their asses all match and actually got some decent offense. Sure, they had to cheat to win, but I liked the finish. I hate the Boogeyman. I don't even like him in a wrestlecrap way. I fear the day he starts wrestling. Why is Piper still around? I really don't want to see a Randy/Piper match at Survivor Series. And for god sake, force him to keep his shirt on. I don't know which is more unsightly... Boogeyman's mouth or Piper's flabby, pasty upper body.
  22. Just John

    Vince/WWE vs. Wrestling New Sites/Net Fans

    Why are you on a smark board? You obviously hate us.
  23. Just John

    Vince/WWE vs. Wrestling New Sites/Net Fans

    A sports team works their hardest to win and entertain their fans even when they are in slumps. Just because they do not succeed does not mean they do not try. Even in defeat if a team has tried their best they will be given credit 90% of the time for a gutsy performance. I don't think comparing an entertainment company to a sports team is valid. It's like comparing Sony to the NBA. WWE can't even really be compared to actual sports either. WWE has full control over who wins and loses, who are their MVP and champions... real sports don't have that kind of complete control over the fates of every player in their ranks. The guys that win titles get them from hard work, dedication and team effort, the guys in the WWE get them for being liked by the boss. To be noticed and promoted in the WWE you don't have to be one of the best guys in the ranks, you just have to have a "look" and be able to avoid potatoing or botching things badly. Even then it doesn't matter as you will still get treated well 90% of the time (Cena was not punished for knocking Kurt Angle's teeth out or no-selling his ankle "injury" before, during and after his match with Kurt Angle on PPV or for no selling his Tyson Tomko caused "concussion". As Champion he should be an example of a solid consistent and charismatic worker, unfortunately he is only the latter and even that's not as strong as it was), whether you do Nazi salutes and break the law or stage a fight with a friend for the Hell of it in a restaurant, provided managment like you. If any other athlete embarrassed their team in that way they'd probably be suspended without pay for weeks and have to issue a public apology. In the WWE? You get to be champ. As you can see, the comparison is not valid. If the WWE were even trying their hardest to put on an entertaining product then maybe some comparison could hold water. As it is with everyone from the talent to a company Vice President noting some of the crap they have put out and the WWE recycling old skits in a non-ironic manner and with WWE "creative" giving a pair of tag team the pseudonym of the Dicks (Not a rip off of TNA's The Johnsons at all) and presenting someone like Papa Shango with Tourettes after stealing Flava Flav's clock... I don't think it can be said they are trying their absolute hardest unlike sports teams. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's totally missing the point of my argument. Yes, wrestling and real sports are different, but that doesn't change the fact that both go through bad times, regardless of the cause. Fans who don't stick around have no reason to criticize those who do. Not to mention your assumption that WWE isn't trying at all is shaky at best. You're not even giving them a chance... What if they are trying their best and are just out of touch with the fanbase? If WWE is trying, your argument holds no water at all, and I doubt they're intentionally trying to tank their product or phone it in... They're still a corporation out to make a profit.
  24. Just John

    Vince/WWE vs. Wrestling New Sites/Net Fans

    Part of being a fan is sticking with something through the bad times. You don't give up on your favorite sports team just because they have a bad year, or a lots of bad years in a row. If you don't consider yourself a real WWE fan and abandon the product when it's bad, that's fine. However, it's no reason to bash other WWE fans who stuck with the product through years like 95, and are still sticking with it now. And for the record, not watching only affects the ratings if you have a Neilsen box. Someone earlier said to "get one" to send a message, but you can't just "get" a Neilsen box. The Neilsen company distributes them randomly to try to get as fair a sample as possible. Anyone requesting a box would be turned down immediately.
  25. Just John

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    I can't even remember the point of that scene, just the image of HHH and Flair. Weren't they trying to barricade Goldberg in the locker room? Speaking of Goldberg's locker rooms... Did it catch anyone else off guard when he came out of the janitor's closet? I remember sitting there thinking "That was too wrong to be real," but then I saw the screen caps on the net and it became hilarious.