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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    New Blood Rising... And a couple other times on Nitro. Any of those Russo's "So and so isn't following the script, or getting to into their character" moments are just mind-boggling. You're openly declaring the prodcut fake at the expense of everything on the show save for one angle that maybe only 10-15% of the audience understands.
  2. Just John

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    Booker T running into Eric Bischoff on Raw in 02. The HHH forklift driving scene backstage during a completely unrelated hardcore match. Goldberg walking out on a match, then Tony going on and on about how he wasn't following the script.
  3. Just John

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday Thread

    Whoa, I nailed that one. Too bad I've gotten just about everything else wrong.
  4. Just John

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday Thread

    John Cena d. Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels: Cena's jobbed to both of these guys in consecutive weeks, so no way he loses the title here, especailly on a throwaway show. There's probably some bullshit that tries to keep everyone looking strong. I see Michaels superkicking Angle, Cena taking Michaels out from behind, then getting the pin. HHH d. Ric Flair (Cage): There's absolutely no logic to putting Flair over here. WWE wants us to believe HHH is their top star, so no way he jobs out to 60-year-old, washed-up Flair. HHH wins, and moves on. Who knows what becomes of Flair or the IC title? Carlito d. Mankind: Mankind got the biggest pop, so that's my guess, although it could just as easily be Cactus. Either way, now that Foley has made the knowledge of his new book available to WWE viewers, he jobs and goes away. Carlito wins with his patented finisher... The roll-up while holding the ropes. JBL and Rey Mysteio d. Edge and Masters: They're in Rey's hometown, and it appears WWE wants to give SD a little credibility before jobbing them out and Survivor Series. Rey and JBL win with some underhanded tactics. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch d. Kane and The Big Show: This could go either way, and I know WWE has a hard-on for giant tag teams. I still see them going the other way and have Kane turn on Show. Kane's due for a heel turn and I don't see them taking the belts off Cade and Murdoch yet, even if they aren't doing anything. Trish Stratus wins the lingerie battle royal: I was thinking Mickie all the way, but now I see Mickie doing a kamikaze like move at the end to save Trish and eliminate herself in the process. Batista d. Coach: After the whole Austin mess, WWE is gonna want to get this shit out of the way as fast as possible. Batista is still the most protected guy in WWE, so no way Coach's gang gets away with a rare beatdown on the champ. Dave goes over all 3 guys in dominating fashion and this angle is forgotten. Rob Conway and Tyson Tomko d. Eugene and Hacksaw Jim Duggan: I could see Tomko being inserted to take the fall, but with all the beatdowns Conway's been taking from the "legends," I doubt they go over in a real match. Orton-lite gets the fall by pinning whichever legend gets voted in. Actually, I have too many heels going over. I'm sure on of my tag match predictions will be wrong.
  5. Just John

    Austin Walks Out Again

    I imagine Batista steamrolls Coach, Vader, and Goldust, and this whole mess is quickly swept under the rug and forgotten.
  6. Just John

    Austin Walks Out Again

    I didn't agree with Austin walking out in 2002, since there was some justification for him to put over Lesnar, but this time I really don't care. That was a stupid angle we could all see a mile away (except for Mark Henry, but who cares about him).
  7. Just John

    Who Was Screwed Over The Most This Year?

    Hassan (and Daivari by association). Given a stereotypical, counter-productive gimmick... Got an angle NO ONE could get over on July 7th, unfortunately with the London bombings occuring between the taping and airing... Then got scapegoated for the whole deal instead of the inept writers. Christian has opportunities beyond WWE, Mark Copani is branded for life.
  8. Just John

    NFL Week 8

    What's so lucky about Rosey Colvin getting a sack, forced, and recovered fumble? Holcomb doesn't fumble if Colvin doesn't make the play. And of course despite Holcomb leading the Bills offense that was dominating for 3 quarters, he's the one solely responsible for the loss. Uh huh. Has absolutely nothing with to do with the Patriots making a good plays, I'm sure. The Pats fumbled twice, yet that obviously didn't cost them the game.
  9. Just John

    NFL Week 8

    I like how people just can't admit the Patriots are good. Yeah, Buffalo was in control during the first 3 quarters, but good teams perservere and don't give up. The Pats played a full 60 minutes and made just enough plays to win, which is what they've been doing for the past 4 years. People who say they're lucky are idiots. The fact is the Patriots know how to win close games.
  10. Just John

    SAW II

    Hmm, I liked this movie. It's a lot like the first, but with more violence, and less plot holes. I didn't have high expectations going in, but it was still very enjoyable. I felt this was much more well thought-out than the first, which relied way too much on shock value. Although there definitely were some scenes here just for that... *SPOILERS* Like the guy throwing one of the girls into that pit of used heroin needles. That was just sick.
  11. Just John

    OAO 10/28/05 Smackdown Thread

    I could've sworn I heard Cole refer to those new guys as "Chad and James Dick." I seriously hope I heard wrong. Thankfully MNM ended the LOD title run that never should've happened.
  12. Just John

    If there was one PPV that defined WCW...

    Yeah, that Eddie/Dean match wasn't very good by their standards. It was at least two stars worse than their Uncensored match from earlier that year. That was the whole theme of Starrcade, disappointment, whether it be with workrate, build, booking or whatever.
  13. Just John

    If there was one PPV that defined WCW...

    The rest of the matches were all awful and included: Steiners/Ray Traylor vs. Norton/Vincent/Savage Goldberg vs. Mongo Benoit vs. Saturn (sounds good except it turned into an extended beatdown by the Flock) Nash vs. The Giant (Called off because Nash no-showed or some such bullshit) Luger vs. Buff Bagwell (Went over 15 minutes... Think about that)
  14. Just John

    If there was one PPV that defined WCW...

    It really depends what era you're looking at. Starrcade 96 is a pretty good representation of their good years, Starrcade 97 represents the decline, and I'd say something like New Blood Rising adequately portrays their hopeless later years.
  15. Just John

    And my love for wrestling has just died...

    I'll admit I laughed when they re-hashed the noises from JR being set on fire by Kane, but really this was just a stupid segment, and nothing more. I think the worst part is that it went absolutely nowhere... It was just Vince taking 10 minutes to call the crowd stupid. They didn't even hype the Coach/Austin match. With all the hate for wrestling now, I have to ask you TSM'ers... Do you think 05 is worse than 02?
  16. Just John

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    Nothing wrong with getting excited and pumped up for your team. Although, I would like them to mic up some other people too.
  17. Just John

    The greatest joke ever told

    So, a guy walks into a swanky bar and says to the bartender "You know, I bet I could sleep with any woman in here." And the bartender says "Oh yeah, what makes you say that?" And the guy responds "I'm a rapist."
  18. Just John

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    Every team has bandwagon fans. That's just the way sports work. Although, being in central Missouri, I'm glad all the bandwagon Cardinal fans went back into hiding. Damn, they were annoying... Cheering every walk like a homerun and what not. Glad I won't have to hear from them for a while.
  19. Just John

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    I still don't understand why Vizcaino is on the roster. I cringe whenever he steps up to the plate because he grounds out to first or second every single time.
  20. Just John

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    What an awful ending for the Stros. I don't think that could have been any worse. They should've walked Pujols and gone after Sanders who has a horrible track record against Lidge. That 3-2 is almost meaningless now, but this is wear the Stros Game 2 victory is so huge. There's no getting over the hump any more. They just have to win. Oswalt and Clemens are still no gimme victories any way you slice it. Pujols should be walked every time he steps to the plate.
  21. Just John

    Is Playoff Baseball A Huge Work?

    No way. While I don't believe in fixes of any sort, most of the calls in the AFC championship that year favored Pittsburgh.
  22. Just John

    Is Playoff Baseball A Huge Work?

    I don't understand why stadiums can't have something like ESPN's K-Zone on a monitor for reference. Then the home plate umpire just has to make calls for plays at the plate, while a consistent computer makes the strike calls. I don't know how I would do it exactly, but with all the technology out there, there's no reason to have subjectivity where it isn't necessary.
  23. Just John

    Is Playoff Baseball A Huge Work?

    You know, I thought it was because the Astros had the #1 pitching staff in baseball, but your theory makes more sense.
  24. Just John

    Smackdown rating for Friday Oct. 14

    This shouldn't come as a surprise given the horrible timeslot. Does anyone know a ballpark figure on what ECW got ratings wise back in the days on TNN?
  25. Just John

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    ANY team would be hard pressed to beat Pettitte, Oswalt, and Clemens 3 times in a row. I guess you could point to the fact that the Cards did just that during one regular season series, but it's gonna take a real effort to do it again. And about the Umping... I didn't see the Edmonds play that he complained about, so I don't know if that would have directly led to any runs, but what's the excuse for having runners at the corners with no outs and not getting one run across?