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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08.08.05

    I'm expecting a Carlito/Jericho vs. Cena handicap match. The overbooking of the Cena/Jericho angle by adding CCC and Bischoff to the mix has really hurt what looked to be a promising ME feud. I think we're due for another Masterlock Challenge as well. And will Shelton continue his descent to the depths of midcard hell? Honestly, I'm expecting the same show we've been given the last two weeks, and that's not good.
  2. WCW during the NWO era. WWE Smackdown right before the re-draft 2005.
  3. Just John

    Annoying announcer cliches

    I, too, hate the finish giveaways like JR's "I gotta believe it's over right here" or Cole's "No, Damn it! Not this way." If Cole adds "Come on, _____, kick out!" you know it's over. "This is the most important _____ ever!" (Especially for throwaway shows like New Year's Revolution) I also don't like JR's constant overuse of names... For example: *Benoit clotheslines Jericho* JR: And Benoit just ran over Jericho and nearly took Jericho's head off..." *HHH kicks out of something* JR: And HHH reversed the pinning combination to make sure HHH's shoulders weren't pinned. You can use a pronoun every now and again, you know.
  4. Just John

    The Future of MNM

    - They're pretty funny in their promos. Specifically, mocking Michelle, Hawk, and Jillian. - They have good in-ring chemistry. They use solid double-team moves and good tag team psychology most of the time. They are a REAL tag team. They're kind of like a second-rate Edge/Christian. But, since E/C were so great, a second-rate copy isn't too shabby, especially with the atrocious state of the current WWE tag team divisions.
  5. Just John

    Anybody else growing weary...

    I thought all the 98 "Attitude" bandwagon fans had quit watching by now. Part of being a real fan is sticking with it through the bad times. Just like your favorite sports teams, you don't abandon them when they have down years. That said, WWE is in a horrible state right now. The last three shows are on par with some April-June 2002 stuff. I don't blame anyone for being unhappy over the god-awful shows WWE has put out recently. I certainly feel the same way, but I won't quit watching. If for nothing else, when the next boom period hits in a few years, I can say "Yeah, well I was watching during the days of Facial Disease Jillian, The Boogeyman, and a year-long Bradshaw ME push." The early-90's WCW viewers as well as mid-90's WWF viewers can relate to that.
  6. Plus, They use the same ring/sound/production/lights/etc crews, so it's easier for them to go House show -> Raw -> SD. That's probably where you save the most money.
  7. Just John

    Lame finisher names

    It was the leg over the head one. And you're right... Cool move, bad name.
  8. Just John

    Lame finisher names

    Well, for some people before the move was named it was called the Brockbuster... Better or worse? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Worse. Wrestler's should not use their names for finishers. The only good ones I can think of are the Walls of Jericho and the Rock Bottom. Rey Mysterio in WWE has gotten some bad finisher names. I think West Coast Pop and Droppin da Dime are stupid.
  9. Just John

    What would be the best creative team possible?

    Russo would be fine as a member of the creative team, but certainly not as a lead writer. He did have some good ideas, but he needs some people who can (A) filter out his bad ideas and (B) come up with decent conclusions to his good ones. I think Russo, Heyman, Foley, Cornette, and other various road agents would be great. The in-ring product would improve tremendously as would the story lines. Russo could come up with enough crazy ideas to keep Vince happy, while the other guys keep those angles from getting out of hand.
  10. Just John

    The Future of MNM

    I don't think anyone really wants Shane in control. If he writes his own angles, the Kane feud should be a clear indication Shane shouldn't be booking. Although, that Kane/Shane feud was at least funny, even though it was for the wrong reasons. This CRAP that the Hollywood rejects pass as wrestling booking is inexcusable at best. I fully believe the Torch excerpt posted earlier, because the last 3 shows seemed to have no direction, little regard for the in-ring product, and some very un-funny sports "entertainment."
  11. Just John

    The Future of MNM

    Steph must think Melina is too fat, because MNM went from the best tag team in WWE to a joke in the course of a week. Losing the belts to Heidenreich and Animal was the death blow, and Jillian is just the icing on the rotten rice crispy. Sad to see MNM's comedic talents wasted trying to get an un-funny, Austin Powers ripoff joke over while LOD 2K5 retains their titles in 30-second jobber squashes.
  12. Just John

    What athletes had the best names

    Stromile Swift
  13. Just John

    WWE Main Eventer Leaving After SummerSlam

    Oh, Jericho's streak isn't that impressive then, especially when you factor in the single-brand effect. Angle had 40 from Survivor Series 99 to WM 19.
  14. Just John


    Cris Collinsworth and Bob Costas. I believe. ..I think i heard that <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Man, they should just get the entire Inside the NFL crew calling games. That would be entertaining.
  15. That's more of a cause-effect thing. Hogan was so over-exposed by 98 that fans drifted towards the fresh Austin character. It's pretty unfair to Hogan to make that claim, since his drawing prime was in the late 80's. As for Hogan's comments, I agree in the sense that he was on top longer than Austin, but he definitely sells Austin way short. The era Austin was drawing money in was completely different from the era Hogan drew in.
  16. Just John

    WWE Main Eventer Leaving After SummerSlam

    Interesting. When did the Rock's streak happen? I'm guessing it ended at Summer Slam 02.
  17. Russo with a competent overseer who can serve as an idea filter. No debate. Just look at WWF/E's 1998 success vs. their 2005 success.
  18. Just John

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Whatever happened to Ice Train after late 96? Didn't he come back towards the end of WCW as M.I. Smooth or something like that?
  19. If Jericho went to TNA, 'net fans would still be saying the same things about him... Only replacing "HHH" with "Jeff Jarrett."
  20. That was my first thought when I saw this thread title. Johnny Singer? Swinger? You ever heard of this guy? I sure haven't.
  21. Just John

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    What was with Ray Traylor's NWO stint? I can't even recall when it started or ended, so he must not have done much.
  22. Just John

    SD Non-Spoilers

    We know Eddie cuts a promo somewhere along the way, but what else goes down this week on the B-show?
  23. Just John

    Foods You Hate

    Pickles, tomatoes, mustard, most Chinese foods. And the one that always gets people: Chocolate. I can do chocolate in a shake where it's mostly vanilla ice cream, but I can't stand pure chocolate anything.
  24. 94. We won't get to see the first Arab-American World champion.
  25. Just John

    WWE's PPV Schedule for 2005

    Why are they doing Taboo Tuesday again? I don't see the appeal in a ppv set up by rigged voting, and last year's didn't seem too great.