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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    Flubbed lines in promos

    Raven to Sabu at some TNA show: Come out of the showers... I mean shadows. Lillian Garcia (after Test beat Nash): And the winner is Kevin... Test. Howard Finkel (introducing Jericho w/Benoit): And coming to the ring, being accompanied by Chris Jericho, from Winnipeg Manitoba, Chris... uh... Jericho.
  2. Just John

    Judgement Day

    What was the finish to the I Quit match?
  3. Just John

    NBA Western Conference Finals

    Should be a good series with a wide variety in final scores. I can see some games finishing in the 80's or low 90's while others get into the 120's. The winner will be decided by who can establish their pace more effectively. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if Phoenix won a defensive battle and/or San Antonio won a shootout along the way. I must say, the conference finals are the most interesting they've been in years.
  4. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    Why was anyone arguing against Nash getting the MVP again? He is carrying Phoenix.
  5. Just John

    NBA Eastern Conference Finals

    This will be a good matchup, and I like Miami to win. They have a deeper team than the Pistons. Detroit only has McDyess and sometimes Arroyo that give them anything off the bench while Miami has Dooling, Mourning, Laettner, and Doleac who can all get some points and rebounds. Miami also has great role players like Haslem and the two Joneses and are less prone to horrendous scoring droughts. Detroit is probably better defensively, but Miami is no slouch in that area. The Heat are infinitely better on offense as well. I think there will be games where the Pistons shoot themselves out of contention, as well as games where Miami hits their offensive stride. Detroit will probably win a couple ugly ones, but I think the Heat have too much firepower. Short version: Miami in 6
  6. Just John

    What players do you

    For small/unknown reasons: Like: Shawn Marion, Todd McCulloch (back in the day), Marko Jaric, Donovan Darius, Fred Smoot, Donnie Edwards, Milton Bradley, Juan Pierre Dislike: Slava Medvedenko For favorite team/known reasons: Like: Tracy McGrady, Bob Sura, Steve Nash, Andy Pettitte, Craig Biggio, Dontrelle Willis, Plaxico Burress, Troy Polamalu, Andre Johnson Dislike: Brett Favre, Eli Manning, Freddie Mitchell, Gary Payton, Erick Dampier
  7. Just John

    WWE Season four fantasy

    My team: WWE Fantasy... God Raw Guys: Dave Batista Eric Bischoff Muhammed Hassan Shelton Benjamin SD Guys: John Cena Johnny Nitro Kurt Angle Paul London
  8. Just John

    Athlete you thought was gonna be great...

    Kordell Stewart...
  9. Just John

    Judgement Day

    This looks like one of the best single-brand ppv's ever on paper. Was the last "I Quit" match the Rock/Foley one at RR 99?
  10. Just John

    Best Career Revival?

    Steve Austin after his heel turn in 2001. He ditched the stale face gimmick he had for 3 years, and started cutting fresher promos and wrestling smarter and better matches. Shawn Michaels in 2002. After 4 years on the shelf, he came back and started working solid matches and got incredibly over after his face turn.
  11. Just John

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    Oh no. It sucks, but it's definitely in the "so bad it's good" range. Not quite like Shane/Kane, but still reasonably entertaining in a wrestlecrap sorta way.
  12. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    Nah, I bet they rest Shaq again for Game 4, and why not? They already showed they could win without him, and they don't want to risk aggravating his thigh injury in a series that won't go but two more games at the most. They definitely want him healthy heading to the ECF. Hey, it's halftime and the Sonics aren't losing by 20 points! Amazing.
  13. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    Big win for the Heat tonight. I don't think many people realize how deep the Heat are. A lot of people I talked to said it's all Shaq and Wade, but Haslem, Mourning, Dooling, and the Joneses are solid role players. Shaq'll get plenty of rest heading into the Eastern Conference Finals now.
  14. Just John

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    What was with that horrible (yet unintentionally hilarious) Angle promo? He had really been starting to regain credibility with some big wins and serious feuds, and now he's talking about wanting to have "bestiality sex" with Booker's wife. Actually, between that, the poison apple, and the last segment, this was a horrible sports entertainment show. On a positive note, I did like that 6-man. Why does Charlie Haas not have a bigger role on SD? I also like MNM. I also liked Eddie's intensity in the ring after his heel turn. He's moving faster, and making his moves look sharper, though that was only against an ROH jobber. Hopefully he keeps up the good work.
  15. Just John

    Your favorite player that isn't a superstar

    NBA: Bob Sura, Tractor Traylor, Jim Jackson NFL: Tommy Maddox MLB: Jeff Kent, Eddie Guardado
  16. Just John

    What's better?

    Orton's run would be a case of the writers blowing their load too soon (or Vince not wanting Lesnar to be the youngest champ ever). Orton should've been in Batista's spot heading into Mania. Although, I thought the Batista turn and push was handled nicely. They didn't rush anything and let the fans warm up to him as a face, unlike Orton who won the belt as a full-fledged heel then turned out of nowhere.
  17. Just John

    What was the craziest and wildest...

    I had a dream where I was going on a date with Victoria (from WWE). We ate at Applebees, then took a school bus to her house, where she said she was having a party. A lot of my friends were there drinking and doing various activities. I had a beer and started to get tipsy, so I stopped drinking and decided to talk to my friends, but they were all doing crazy things. One was passed out, another was drunk and playing X-Box, one was wearing a dress, one kept ranting about how aliens were going to take over the world, etc. So, I went back to chat with Victoria and her friends at about 5:30 a.m. The house was a complete mess, but no one seemed to care until the front door opened, and in came Jonathan Coachman. He screamed "What have you done to my house?!" Victoria and her friends jumped out a window and ran away, while my friends and I helped Coach clean the house because we felt bad for messing up his place. Go figure.
  18. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    I still think Avery Johnson is stupid for trying to get Dallas to play a half-court game. They just don't have the personnel to carry it out. In the Houston series, the Mavs only won when they went small and ran the floor. When they tried to slow up, the Rockets had the advantage. Now, the Mavs are still trying to slow the game, but the Suns just score anyway. Problem is, going small won't help against Phoenix. The center matchup is the biggest problem for Dallas. Amare took Dampier straight to school in Game 1, and honestly, I don't see that changing in later games.
  19. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    That's 7 non-competitive games in a row now. Washington got a little closer this time, but it was mainly due to Miami missing free throws and it never really seemed like the Wiz had a chance.
  20. Just John

    Sports Misconceptions

    Another misconception about the "tuck rule" is that it was a bad call. It was actually the correct call based on the existing rules. Bad rule, maybe, but the Raiders lost cleanly. No one was out to screw them over.
  21. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    I loved that update from Craig Sager... "We'd all like to forget the brawl ever happened... But this footage is a haunting reminder of what can happen." *Cue brawl highlights*
  22. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    My picks: Suns d. Mavs (6) Spurs d. Sonics (7) Heat d. Wizards (4) Pistons d. Pacers (5)
  23. Just John

    Best match finishes ever

    Ultimo Dragon vs. Psychosis (Uncensored 97): Ultimo hits a running powerbomb, a top rope DDT, and a tiger suplex in rapid succession for the win. Meng vs. Chris Benoit (Slamboree 97): Benoit goes for the top rope headbutt and appears to connect, but actually got caught in the tongan death grip and passed out seconds later. TLC 0 (Wrestlemania 2000): E/C are on a makeshift platform (table propped up on two ladders) with Matt Hardy. Edge just throws Matt off through another table that completely shatters on impact, while E/C grab the belts. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble 03): After an excellent back-and-forth match, Kurt debuts the "never say die" ankle lock and forces Benoit to tap. Chris Benoit vs. HHH vs. HBK (Wrestlemania 20): Benoit locks in the crossface on HHH who inches towards the ropes, but Benoit rolls back to the middle of the ring for the dramatic tap out.
  24. Just John

    Sports Misconceptions

    A lot of people think it was Jim Kelly that led the Bills through the 93 playoffs (including the big comeback win over the Oilers), but was Frank Reich, if I'm not mistaken. Also, people think Bill Buckner's infamous botched fielding was in Game 7, but it was Game 6. The 1980 US hockey team beat Russia in the Semis, not the finals of the medal round.
  25. Just John

    Most drastic gimmick changes for Wrestlers

    John Layfield: Went from a beer-swilling, card-playing, rough, tough, Texas redneck named Bradshaw... To a clean-cut, rich, smart, professional investor in New York named JBL.