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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    Non-spoiler Smackdown and Velocity listings

    Matt Morgan vs. Rob Eckos - Don't care Orlando Jordan vs. Booker T - Wouldn't be surprised if Book won, as it seems like he's been getting a push. MNM vs. Scotty and Shannon - Squash to put MNM over Kurt Angle Invitational - More of the same Carlito vs. Bob Holly - As long as CCC goes over clean, it's alright. Rey vs. Chavo - Sounds like an excuse for Eddie to attack Rey...
  2. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    While JVG might have a case about the refs, as a Rockets fan, I'm disappointed that he's made such a big deal about it. That just sends the message to the team that they're playing well enough to win (which they're obviously not) but are just getting screwed by the refs. He should be more angry with the lack of rebounding or careless turnovers.
  3. It wasn't too long after they debuted. I know they were using it by August. At BATB, they just used the ppv theme.
  4. Just John

    Predictions you got totally wrong.

    Oh, I also said the Pistons had no chance against the Lakers last year.
  5. Just John

    The Pat yourself on the back thread

    I called New England over St. Louis in SB 36. I picked the Steelers to win the AFC North last year when everyone and their mother was picking Baltimore. My best prediction ever, though, was calling a New England/Carolina Super Bowl just a few weeks into the 03 season.
  6. Just John

    Predictions you got totally wrong.

    After their good 03 season, I said the Royals would make the playoffs in 04. I thought the Magic and Cavs would both be in the playoffs this year.
  7. Myth: Angle kicked out of 3 stunners at Summer Slam 01 Fact: He only kicked out of the first and third (about 10-15 minutes apart) and rolled out of the ring after the second. Myth: The Hog Wild 96 crowd was one of the worst ever Fact: They were bad duing Benoit/Malenko and the ME, but were actually very hot for most of the other matches.
  8. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    Is it not on WGN either?
  9. Just John

    Unanswered WWF/E Questions

    In hopes that by tapping the wrestler applying the hold will have gotten what they wanted (showing they can beat him, humiliation, etc) and will release the hold.
  10. Just John

    Unanswered WWF/E Questions

    I think it's so they can humiliate the other guy in front of thousands of people.
  11. Just John

    Unanswered WWF/E Questions

    Why do wrestlers always tag in and out during table matches? If the only way to win is to put your opponents through a table, it would make sense for it to be a Texas Tornado style match.
  12. Just John

    WWE to show Wrestlemania Battle Royal

    So, who won this battle royal?
  13. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    Apparently the 76ers think NBA games only last 12 minutes. Everyone looked sharp in the 1st, but since then, no one but AI and occasionally Webber seem to be doing anything. That Iverson inbound save to the 180 jam by Igoudala was sweet, though.
  14. Just John

    Kansas City is representing in the News this week

    I'm from KC too. That rabbi/neo-nazi fight story cracked me up.
  15. Just John

    Things that seemingly everyone hated

    Maybe once or twice, but I remembered Shane coming ahead way more than Kane. Even to keep them at 50/50 made no sense. You're right, and this is why most people hate it. I, however, loved it. It was so bad, I just couldn't wait to see what they would try next.
  16. Just John

    Things that seemingly everyone hated

    Nah, they would switch every other week. You know, one week Shane throws Kane in a burning dumpster, the next week Kane shocks Shane's nuts with a car battery.
  17. Just John

    Things that seemingly everyone hated

    Kane/Shane feud Glacier/Mortis/Wrath feud I agree with Steve Blackman's hardcore run
  18. Just John

    NBA Playoffs

    My early predictions: West -1- Phoenix vs -8- Memphis (Suns in 5) -4- Dallas vs -5- Houston (Rockets in 7) -3- Seattle vs -6- Sacramento (Sonics in 5) -2- San Antonio vs -7- Denver (Spurs in 6) East Current matchups: -1- Miami vs -8- New Jersey (Heat in 5) -4- Chicago vs -5- Washington (Wizards in 7) -3- Boston vs -6- Indiana (Celtics in 6) -2- Detroit vs -7- Philadelphia (Pistons in 4)
  19. Just John

    This "week" in the NBA

    I definitely think Houston could take Dallas to 7 games, and they have more than a reasonable shot at winning. Unlike the last few years, this Rockets team can score. The loss of Juwan Howard is a minor setback because he was a solid role player contributor before his injury, but Scott Pagett's been putting in quality minutes off the bench. Guys like Pagett, Barry, Wesley, James, and Mutombo will determine how far the Rockets get. And so far, they've looked pretty good. Mutombo looks like he found a wormhole in his locker and went back 10 years. He's been great for backing up Yao when he has an off-game.
  20. Just John

    This "week" in the NBA

    Memphis, Minnesota... It doesn't matter. They're just fighting for the right to job to Phoenix in Round 1. And how about the Rockets stopping the "hottest team in the league" cold?
  21. Just John

    Could Christy become a decent worker?

    ^^^ No, it's not. I personally can't stand her character.
  22. Just John

    This week in the NBA

    It's too bad the Warriors didn't have Baron Davis all year, as they are playing better than just about everyone now.
  23. From what I've seen: HHH vs. Mick Foley (Royal Rumble 2000) HHH vs. The Rock (Judgment Day 2000) Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble 2001) The Rock vs. Steve Austin (Wrestlemania 17) Steve Austin vs. Chris Benoit (5/31/01 SD) Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle (Summer Slam 2001) Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. Edge and Rey Mysterio (No Mercy 2002) Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 19) Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble 2003) Brock Lesnar vs. Eddie Guerrero (No Way Out 2004)
  24. Just John

    Favorite weapons

    Snitsky's "no babies" sign
  25. Just John

    If you could have one sport thing happen this year

    Rockets win the NBA finals. Runner ups: - Astros win WS - Patriots get some amazing defensive pickups just to piss people off - The NFC having more than 2 good teams for the sake of competition