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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. I must admit, this is one of those movies that I know is terrible, but I still like it. In some places it's really bad, but most of the time it's just so bad it's funny. Like Saturn and Sid Vicious trying to break into the Stu Hart ripoff character's house.
  2. Just John

    WCW New Blood Rising

    I think this just kind of sums up a good chunk of WCW's booking problems. Stupid swerves, matches that don't make sense, ridiculous gimmicks, horrible angles, worked shoots, you name it. It's almost as if this show were a self-parody by WCW.
  3. Just John

    Who said it?

    That's the Undertaker before he shoved JR's face into Vince's ass. That's definitely Dusty Rhodes.
  4. Just John

    This week in the NBA

    Dwyane Wade's block on Amare followed by his succsessful 3/4 court shot might be the NBA play of the year.
  5. Just John

    Favorite hidden gem matches

    A more recent one would be The Hardyz vs. Edge and Christian at No Way Out 2000. Everyone plays up their gimmick matches, but this regular tag match was excellent.
  6. Just John

    Lame finisher names

    Taking care of business (UT's dragon sleeper) Au revoir (decent move, bad name) Angle slam (Or any name-slam/bomb/stretch)
  7. Just John

    This week in the NBA

    Rockets continue their turnaround with a dominant win over the Blazers. Their matchup vs. the revitalized Celtics on Friday should be good.
  8. Just John

    Matches that made wrestlers stars

    Mick Foley - KOTR 1998 vs. The Undertaker (HIAC) The Rock - Royal Rumble 1999 vs. Mick Foley (I Quit) Rey Mysterio Jr. - Bash at the Beach 1996 vs. Psychosis DDP - Spring Stampede 1997 vs. Randy Savage
  9. Just John

    This week in the NBA

    I feel bad for anyone who had to watch Detroit and Utah put up a 64-62 final. That must have been awful.
  10. Just John

    Most ellating/depressing PPVs

    I still mark for the NWO forming at the end of Bash at the Beach 96. And the Rey/Psychosis match on that card was damn fine. I also mark for Sting returning to beat up the NWO at Uncensored 97, which also featured a solid undercard (esp. Malenko/Guerrero). I'll agree with Starrcade 97 being depressing. I remembered that whole show being mediocre when I watched it live. Then I re-watched it for the first time a couple weeks ago, and I discovered it was horrible. Just a hard to watch show all around, and the Hogan/Sting match was a joke. As for WWE... I marked hardcore when Angle won his first title. I still mark for Benoit and Eddie winning the major titles and the embrace at the end of WM 20. I hated it when those three lost their titles, but moreso for Eddie losing to JBL at the Great American Bash. I also hated the ending for the JD 2000 IM match. I love the show as a whole, and mark for Taker returning, but the final fall DQ left a bad taste in my mouth.
  11. Just John

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    I like "Screeeeew Yooooou" as he's stabbing the mutant traitor with a giant drill.
  12. Just John

    What are you watching?

    I pulled out the Eddie DVD for a string of ****+ matches. Eddie vs. Jericho (Fall Brawl 97): Excellent match that many probably would never see if not for this DVD. Eddie puts on a clinic of how to work the back and breaks out some SICK submissions. Toward the end, both guys start to work the high-impact moves with Jericho hitting a nice release german and double powerbomb, and Eddie lands a solid urinage that puts the rock bottom to shame. The match starts off a little slow, but it really picks up and is well-paced. Definately one of Jericho's better matches, but just another day at the office for Eddie. Eddie vs. Rey (Halloween Havoc 97): I love this match. The pacing picks up and slows down depending on who is in control, and creates the illusion of both guys using strategy. There are also some great counters from Eddie (Cartwheel into a belly to back, springboard hurricanrana into a back breaker), and some amazing spots from Rey (backflip DDT, Springboard dragonrana to the floor). Just an awesome match, especially for not breaking 15 minutes. Eddie vs. Lesnar (No Way Out 04): This is a great match that I always get into. Brock shows his dominance and why he was the next big thing at one point. Eddie is ompletely underrated, but fights back using a smart attack on Lesnar's knee. Goldberg interferring and the ref bump slowed the match down, but it's still great to watch. I mark on the inside when Eddie wins.
  13. Just John

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Are you sure the Wolfpac was around before Hall turned on Nash? I know there were two distinct groups that didn't like each other in the NWO, but I didn't think they were officially a separate stable.
  14. Just John

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Slamboree 1998. Scott Hall turned on Nash costing them the tag titles. Nash went on to form the face Wolfpac and Hall stayed with the heel Black and White. It stayed this way for about 7 months when both factions reunited as heels with the fingerpoke incident. Although, only the top names were kept in the reunited NWO (which kept the black/red wolfpac theme). The jobbers (like Stevie Ray, Scott Norton, Vincent, and Horace) were left in the black/white stable, which became known as the "NWO B-team." After Hogan was injured at Spring Stampede 99, they all just went their separate ways. Couldn't tell you about any of the later versions, but that's what happened to the original.
  15. Just John

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Easy question for anyone brave enough to watch WCW in 99... When/how did DDP turn heel, and then back to a face?
  16. As far as bad catchphrases from the Rock, nothing will go lower than "How's your lips."
  17. Just John

    Underrated PPV's

    I'll start by mentioning Slamboree 1997. Fun ME with Flair/Piper/Green vs. Hall/Nash/Syxx Great TV title match with Regal and Ultimo Great cruiser match with Rey and Yuji Yasuraoka Good death match with Benoit and Meng Good US title match with Malenko and Jarrett The only noticably bad match was Steve McMichael vs. Reggie White, but I wasn't exactly expecting a classic there.
  18. Just John

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    Has anyone mentioned Rico yelling "Come on, Jeff, God damn it!" to Jeff Hardy when he was horribly out of position for a spot?
  19. Just John

    Underrated PPV's

    I watched Souled Out 98 recently too (you should know, I got both shows from you), and I was somewhat disappointed. It was a good show, but I heard quite a few people play it up (esp. the Benoit/Raven match) as one of the best. I never heard a thing one way or the other about Slamboree, but I thought it was solid. I'm also surprised to see so much love for Uncensored 99. I thought it was bad, but it really has so-bad-it's-good quality to it. People acknowledge the ME and Stevie/Vincent match were bad, but there was more. You also had a boring Booker/Scott Steiner TV title match, a boring Jericho/Saturn dog collar match, a terrible handicap match with the Cat and Sonny Oono vs. Jerry Flynn, and Nash squashing Rey.
  20. Just John

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    During the battle royal before Summer Slam last year, Orton clearly said "motherfucker" when Jericho saved himself from elimination. Then of course, there's the whole diva search thing.
  21. Just John

    Underrated PPV's

    I second Uncensored 97. I didn't think Iaukea/Rey was that bad, though. Not great, but passable. And Dusty Rhodes was brilliant the whole night.
  22. Just John

    New Trivia on moveset

    Don't forget the Steiner screwdriver, arguably his best finisher.
  23. Just John

    Cool finishes

    Maybe not a big one, but one that got my attention recently: Benoit vs. Meng at Slamboree 97 in a death match. Benoit jumps off the top with the diving headbutt and looks like he connected, but Meng actually caught him in the Tongan death grip. Benoit pounded away, but Meng held on until Benoit passed out.
  24. Just John

    WWE sign Johnny Swinger

    Johnny Sinjer? S-singer? Swinger? You ever heard of this guy, 'cause I haven't. Zero in ten chance of winning. No chance.
  25. Just John

    Used to like them, can't stand em now

    The "can't stand" guys John Cena - Nothing new. The Dudleys - Cool when they came in, extremely stale now. Eugene - Funny at first, but the gimmick got old fast. The "guys I can still stand, but like less" Christian - He's been boring for a while Victoria - Liked her psycho gimmick, don't like her face role.