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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    Good wrestlers......

    I've never seen the match you're talking about. Was it in Japan? I'm not surprised they could have a great match together, I've just always thought their matches were never quite as good as they should be. And I still don't agree that the Nitro match was ****, but that's all subjective. It was great for the limited time, but not ****.
  2. Just John

    Good wrestlers......

    Austin and Jericho is another example of two good wrestlers not having chemistry. None of their matches are very good.
  3. Just John

    Good wrestlers......

    Totally agree. For two of the top 10 North American workers ever, they just don't have great chemistry. I think their match in Iraq was their worst together. I liked the Nitro match on the Benoit DVD, but it wasn't **** or anything. I also recall Dean Malenko and Psychosis having a really boring match at WW3 96. Both men had several good-great matches in that time period, but they were off in that one.
  4. Just John

    Someone explain the NO DQ...

    I think that was against the Big Show, but yeah, one of the worst "changing the rules to fit the match" spots ever.
  5. Just John

    NFL Week 17

    If Indy wins, the JAX/OAK game becomes very important. If the Jags win, they're in. If the Raiders win, the Ravens sneak in.
  6. Just John

    Nicknames for wrestlers that you came up with

    Oh, I can't believe I forgot my super lame Jerry "The Fairy" Flynn.
  7. Wow, that "Night of Champions" promo really got my hopes up. I knew I shouldn't have, and this card verifies it.
  8. Just John

    Nicknames for wrestlers that you came up with

    In No Mercy for N64, I created Nash, but named him Big Lazy. I used to call X-Pac "X-Pic" because Edge called him that back in 2000. Funny how almost everyone has a special name for Waltman. I also called A-Train "Gay-Train" because I'm soooo original.
  9. Just John

    Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.

    UT doing a short arm scissors (vs. Angle, SD 03) Scott Steiner doing a sit-down tiger bomb (one of the early war games matches) Goldberg doing a standing back flip (vs. DDP, Halloween Havoc 98) Benoit's top rope German suplex (vs. Angle, Raw 01) Matt Hardy's top rope Russian leg sweep (vs. the Dudleys, Survivor Series 01) Ric Flair connecting with his top rope double axe handle (vs. HHH, Raw 03)
  10. Just John

    NFL Week 16

    I think the Pats and Eagles played last year. If I remember, the Pats killed them 31-10 or something similar.
  11. Just John

    Someone explain the NO DQ...

    I don't think anyone considers Hebner a good referee. He fucks up a lot for being the "senior official."
  12. Just John

    Someone explain the NO DQ...

    I guess their logic would be that Flair never touched either competitor. When it comes to touching the ref (but not doing any major harm to him), it's pretty much a case-by-case thing. It all depends what the bookers want. I do agree that it was a stupid ending, but there was no way anyone thought Shelton would go over with the given stipulations.
  13. Just John

    NFL Week 16

    Even though Carolina is 7-8, they're still playing better now than most of the NFC. If the Saints win next week (unlikely), they'll be quickly and effortlessly eliminated from the playoffs by Green Bay. If Carolina gets in, Green Bay is in for a fight and a decent chance at a first round loss. We know Carolina can play Atlanta close, and without TO, Carolina is looking at the same Eagles offense they mauled last year, so don't count them out.
  14. Tonight's "Bod" segment with Jerry Lawler prompted me to think of this. What are the most shameless promotions of products in wrestling? To get the ball rolling, I'll throw out HHH making a promo comparing Goldberg to YJ Stinger.
  15. Just John

    WCW: The Essential "Must Have" List

    Yeah, I don't think there's anything essential about Flair/Eddie. Ok match, but nothing special. The crowd can't take away the fact that Benoit and Malenko put on a ****+ match. I don't think you'll find any better match between the two. They were on to something at Spring Stampede 97, but it was ruined by a clusterfuck ending. Also, people tend to hate the crowd for the reaction to this match (and they were horrible for this and Hogan/Giant), but overall it was a pretty good crowd. They were really into Rey/Ultimo, Eddy/Flair, Luger/Sting/Outsiders, and off the charts for Harlem Heat/Steiners. Really, I think booking was more to blame as neither Benoit or Malenko was established as a face or heel, and the ME was heel/heel. Anyway, back on subject... You should also include Ultimo/Rey from this show. IMO, it's better than their overrated WW3 encounter. Not to say WW3 was bad, but it was pretty much a squash. Ultimo hits impressive move after move, and I kept waiting for Rey to do something and he never did. Rey looked terrible (kayfabe wise) the whole match.
  16. Just John

    Worst thing you ever laughed at?

    For something that's just comical, I laughed at my aunt getting clotheslined by a tree branch on a double-decker bus. For stuff that's just evil and shouldn't be laughed at, too many to count. Some examples: A girl at our school died in October 2002 in a car wreck. I commented to my friends "I hope she wasn't driving with Kane." Trying not to laugh at a down syndrome parapalegic who takes tickets at a theatre that another friend (not present) had previously made fun of. My friend that was with me said "Just don't look at him," even though it was a woman, and I just exploded.
  17. Just John

    Non-spoiler Smackdown and Velocity listings

    No Angle hometown challenge?
  18. Just John

    Most Disappointing Movie(s)

    A bunch of people told me to see Napoleon Dynamite because it was hilarious. It most certainly was not. In fact, I'll say it was downright terrible.
  19. Just John

    What's the worst WCW Nitro Ever?

    What? I want to know more about this...
  20. Just John

    Comments we weren't supposed to hear

    Kane vs. RVD in a cage match: RVD slips out of a powerslam attempt and lands on his feet. Kane yells "Hit me!" and RVD starts throwing punches.
  21. Just John

    Favourite, Least Favourite Jerseys

    NFL Good: Chargers powder blue, Steelers white, Broncos orange, Ravens black, Saints black Bad: Bills away, Bengals away, Texans red, Eagles black
  22. Just John

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Yeah, thanks. That was right before I started getting into wrestling. I've watched lots of shows from that time period, but I could never piece that angle together.
  23. Just John

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    When did Col. Parker and Sherri start managing Harlem Heat? Why was Scott Hall given an alcoholic gimmick in 98?
  24. Just John

    Funny reviews on amazon.com

    I don't know why, but I laughed at that part.
  25. Just John

    HHH or Jericho

    I really like the IM match, outside of a couple minor complaints. I don't like the fact the Rock's leg work didn't go anywhere, or that the did basically the same brawling sequence up the ramp twice. However, they also had some really good spots and I never felt genuinely bored watching it, which is more than I can say for any other IM match I've seen. I haven't seen the NM match, but I would definitely take the IM over the Rumble match.