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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Steve Austin vs. The Rock at WM 15. Kevin Nash vs. Golberg at Starrcade 98.
  2. Just John

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    Bash at the Beach 98 (During Eddie vs. Chavo): Heenan: The whole Guerrero family is gathered around the TV for this... Hoping the match ends before the repo man comes.
  3. Just John

    Hey Vitamin X: I demand more witty NFL team names

    New Orleans Taints
  4. Just John

    Favorite submission finisher/hold

    Lion Tamer Texas Cloverleaf Brock Lock Rings of Saturn
  5. Just John

    Hey Vitamin X: I demand more witty NFL team names

    Jacksonville FAGuars
  6. Just John

    Random WWE news

    Did Edge get married to someone wrestling related?
  7. Just John

    Debate on the worst PPVs of all time!

    Just to dogpile on WCW, I'll throw in Uncensored 99. Match 1: Billy Kidman d. Mikey Whipreck (CW title) Whipreck's unhyped debut is met with no reaction. He busts out some decent offense, but not enough to salvage the match. Kidman hits about 4 offensive moves over the course of 15 minutes and still somehow wins. Match 2: Stevie Ray d. Vincent (Harlem street fight) Just as bad as it sounds. 7 minutes of sloppy, heatless brawling including the WORST "heads colliding in the corner leading to unintentional lowblow" spot ever. Stevie wins with the slapjack and gains full control of the NWO Jobber stable. Match 3: Kevin Nash d. Rey Mysterio About like their Nitro match, except no excitement of Rey winning. It was pretty much a squash and wiped out the Rey/giant killer angle that had been built over a month. But hey, Nash let Rey save some heat with interferrence before the jackknife Match 4: Jerry Flynn d. The Cat and Sonny Oono Another one that doesn't need an explanation. Basic handicap formula until the extremely stupid ending. Sonny gets the unintentional tag, so you think Lynn would want to beat him up really bad, right? Wrong. Lynn just grabs Sonny and falls on him for the 3. No punches or kicks, just a pin. Match 5: Hak d. Raven and Bam Bam Bigelow (No dq) Basic weapons match. It had some funny moments, but you can only watch guys get hit with miscellaneous items for so long. 15 minutes definitely pushes the limit. Chastity turns on Raven for some unknown reason and costs him the match. Match 6: Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko d. Curt Hennig and Barry Windham (Tag titles, lumberjacks w/straps) 4 good workers that just didn't really click in this match. I think the lumberjacks really threw off the flow. Heenan makes the idiotic comment that he would rather be hit by a bus than whipped by Meng. Arn's interferrence, which inexplicably went unnoticed by the heel lumberjacks, leads to the Horsemen winning. At least some good came out of this match. Match 7: Saturn d. Chris Jericho (dog collar match) Again, 2 good workers that just didn't work well together. Match was slow and boring. Saturn hits the DVD for the win. This was also at the height of the Saturn/crosdressing angle. Match 8: Booker T d. Scott Steiner (TV title) Another boring, generic match. Not the best effort between these two by any means. Match 9: Ric Flair d. Hulk Hogan (World title, cage match, "first blood") Despite being a first blood match, Flair gets busted open and the match continues for at least 10 minutes. Flair wins by pinfall in a FIRST BLOOD match. In retrospect, you can see that this is a double turn and the start of the Lil Naitch Charles Robinson character. But, damn, you certainly couldn't figure that out the first go around. Very confusing match, not redeemed in any way by quality. Halloween Havoc 94, it ain't.
  8. Just John

    Astros/Cardinals NLCS thread

    Yeah. Pulling Berkman was stupid, also.
  9. Just John

    Strangest Kayfabe reasons for a heel turn

    UT in 01 was pretty bad too. JR won't kiss McMahon's ass, so Taker suspects that JR thinks he's better than him.
  10. Just John

    Strangest Kayfabe reasons for a heel turn

    Not necessarily a heel turn, but Kane got overly upset when Jericho accidently spilled coffee on him in 2000.
  11. Just John

    Astros/Cardinals NLCS thread

    Fuck Dan Miceli.
  12. Just John

    Astros/Cardinals NLCS thread

    Astros bullpen = Death.
  13. Just John

    Let's Make DEFINITIVE "Best of" Years

    WWF 2001: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble) Royal Rumble match Steve Austin vs. HHH (No Way Out) Rock vs. Kurt Angle (No Way Out) Chris Jericho vs. William Regal (Wrestlemania) Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (Wrestlemania): Gotta include the early stages of this long rivalry TLC 2 (Wrestlemania) HHH vs. UT (Wrestlemania) Rock vs. Steve Austin (Wrestlemania) Rock vs. Steve Austin (Raw after Mania) Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (Backlash) Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (Judgment Day) HHH vs. Kane (Judgment Day): Just for some "2 man power trip" stuff Steve Austin vs. UT (Judgment Day): See above Jericho/Benoit vs. Austin/HHH (Raw): Quad tear match Chris Benoit vs. Steve Austin (Smackdown) Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (Raw): cage match Edge vs. Kurt Angle (KOTR) Kurt Angle vs. Shane McMahon (KOTR) Austin vs. Jericho vs. Benoit (KOTR) The whole ECW/WCW/Alliance bit Inaugaral Brawl (Invasion) Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle (Summer Slam) Rock vs. Booker T (Summer Slam) Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle (Unforgiven) Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle (Raw) Rock vs. Chris Jericho (No Mercy) Winner Take All 10 man (Survivor Series) Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin (Vengeance)
  14. Just John

    Worst ending to a PPV?

    I think dq endings are for free tv. All ppv main events should have a finish. It doesn't have to be clean, but there should be a real decision of some kind. I agree that a dq ending can advance a feud, but it should never end a show. Look at Summer Slam 01. Austin/Angle was the real main event, but went 2nd to last so as to accomidate the dq finish, which actually helped that feud.
  15. Just John

    Worst ending to a PPV?

    ANY ppv with a main event dq/countout/non-finish. Fans pay to see feuds settled, not hyped as if it were just another Raw or SD. Unforgiven 02 and Judgment Day 04 come straight to mind.
  16. Just John

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    Don't forget this Bret Hart classic: "Terry Funk, you're stupid. And old. And nobody likes you because you're stupid and old."
  17. Just John

    Let's Make DEFINITIVE "Best of" Years

    I'll try some WCW. 1997: Savage joining the NWO Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero (Uncensored): Workrate, Dean wins U.S. title 3 team Battle Royal: WCW vs. NWO vs. Piper (Uncensored): Sting returns and beats up the NWO DDP vs. Savage (Spring Stampede): DDP's first ME shot. Jeff Jarrett vs. Dean Malenko (Nitro): Eddie returns, Jarrett wins U.S. title Glacier/Cat vs. Mortis/Wrath (Bash at the Beach): Glacier's undefeated streak ends, fun match Juvi/Lizmark/Garza vs. Villano 4/Psychosis/La Parka (Bash at the Beach): Exemplifies WCW's hot cruiser division Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan (Bash at the Beach): Sullivan forced to retire DDP/Hennig vs. Savage/Hall (Bash at the Beach): Hennig's debut match, turns heel Luger/Giant vs. Hogan/Rodman (Bash at the Beach): Celebrity appeal Ted Dibiasie returns (Nitro) Luger vs. Hogan (Nitro): Luger wins WCW title Luger vs. Hogan (Road Wild): Hogan regains title. Raven vs. Stevie Richards (Clash of the Champions): Raven's debut NWO mocking Horsemen skit (Nitro) Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho (Fall Brawl): Eddie wins CW title, good match Wargames: Horsemen vs. NWO (Fall Brawl): Hennig turns on Flair Goldberg vs. Hugh Morrus (Nitro): Goldberg's debut Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio (Halloween Havoc): MOTY, Rey wins CW title DDP vs. Savage (Halloween Havoc): Good match to end a good rivalry Hogan vs. Piper (Halloween Havoc): Piper wins, hilarious fan run in Hennig vs. Flair (WW3) I think there's a Nitro in here where the Steiners finally get the tag belts from the Outsiders Hogan vs. Sting (Starrcade)
  18. Just John

    OSSOTD for 10/8/04: WCW Hog Wild 1996

    This show had about the widest range of good and bad matches on any single card. Benoit/Malenko is one of the most overlooked matches ever. I would give it **** 1/2 easy. The crowd doesn't affect it. And while they weren't into that match, they were HOT for the Steiners/Harlem Heat match. Benoit/Malenko ruled, and Rey/Ultimo was at least *** 1/2. The ME was pretty bad and Norton/Train was terrible. The rest of the matches were varying degrees of average.
  19. Just John

    Favorite nonsensical turns

    Undertaker in 01. UT: Are you gonna kiss this man's ass? JR: Hell no! UT: So, you're saying you're better than me? Taker then shoves JR's face into Vince's ass, after which Vince dances around the ring in JR's cowboy hat and no pants. Pure wrestlecrap.
  20. Just John

    Good/Great matches between bad wrestlers

    Shane vs. Vince at WM 17. Not a good wrestling match, but a fun sports entertainment match.
  21. Just John

    Favorite Family Guy lines

    Quagmire: You know, Lois, it's a little chilly out here. Why don't you put on this jacket? (Camera zooms out to reveal that one of the coat arms goes into Quagmire's fly)
  22. Just John

    Heat results

    Just to nitpick, Benoit actually made him tap to the crossface. I'm just wondering when these matches will air.
  23. Just John

    Your Favourite 3 WCW Matches.. (1993-2001)

    Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio (Halloween Havoc 97) Psychosis vs. Rey Mysterio (Bash at the Beach 97) Sting vs. Vader (Super Brawl 93) Honorable mention: Benoit/Malenko (Hog Wild 96), Guerrero/Malenko (Uncensored 97), Benoit/Hart (Nitro), Wargames (92 and 97).
  24. Just John

    Favorite Family Guy lines

    Peter: Since when did they change the meaning of the word "for" to "from?" Brian: Well, they had a big meeting about it, but when you got your invitation and it said FOR Peter, you thought that it meant FROM Peter... and... You know, it's just easier to call you stupid. (After Peter reads his version of the Christmas play opening) Man 1: This is blasphemous! He can't do this! Man 2: There's nothing you can do. Man 1: Oh, I guess I'll have to get a sense of humor then.
  25. Just John

    What movie has the most swearing?

    Don't forget the flashback of Jay's mom's swearing tirade.