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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    What movie has the most swearing?

    I'm pretty sure it's South Park, but I think Pulp Fiction and Scarface are right behind. I would imagine Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is up there too. They must say "fuck" about 20 times in the first two minutes.
  2. Just John

    How good or bad are these WCW matches?

    Well, from the one's I've seen: Jericho vs. Juvy, WCW Superbrawl 8 - *** DDP vs. Benoit, WCW Superbrawl 8 - *** 1/4 Konnan vs. Jushin Liger, WCW Slamboree 1996 - *** Saturn vs. Raven, WCW Fall Brawl 1998 - *** 1/2 DDP vs. Bret Hart, WCW World War 3 1998 - *** They're all pretty solid, but nothing spectacular.
  3. Just John

    Favourite/Least Fav. Regular Spots

    I don't mind the missed dropkick spot if it actually looks like a real dropkick (i.e. person attempting dropkick lands on his face). I do, however, hate it when the person missing makes it look like he's trying to powerbomb himself.
  4. Just John

    Favourite/Least Fav. Regular Spots

    The double footed ring shake of death. Duh.
  5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 6th Sense Godfather Part 2 Terminator (only the first one) Fight Club
  6. Just John

    As we approach Classic #31

    Why would it be so bad to have a 2nd page?
  7. Just John

    Favourite/Least Fav. Regular Spots

    One I hate is the spot you see in every Jericho match. He taunts his opponent, who foolishly runs at Jericho, gets caught in drop toe hold and lands in 619 position on the ropes. Jericho does his goofy looking run (and goofy facial expressions) and hits the back of his opponent's head with his nuts. I hate this spot. I also hate Wrestler A using a resthold and Wrestler B fighting out, only for Wrestler A to put the same resthold on again 5 seconds later.
  8. Just John

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    I'm pretty sure that was Hennig, but it was funny.
  9. Just John

    Favorite WWE Euphemism

    I voted for bowling shoe tendencies. If a match is going to suck JR might also say something like "This match will not earn many technical stars" or "This will not be a catch as catch can classic." I also like it when they have to cover for lots of punching and kicking with lines like "_____ uses a pound and ground attack" or "This won't be a wrestling match, it's gonna be a fight."
  10. Just John

    Favorite year of wrestling

    WCW: 1997 - NWO was at its peak and the midcard was solid workrate. WWF: 2000 - Good angles, good wrestling, and the funniest tag team ever (E/C)
  11. Just John

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Oh god... I watched Rey Mysterio 619 just to see this moment and it's great. The worst part is that after Benoit does his goofy face, he does it again! I think Rey was a little slow on the roll up, so Benoit just bobs his head and makes the same exact face. Unfortunately, the camera only caught the second face from the side, but I couldn't stop laughing.
  12. Just John

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Hulk Hogan and the motorcyle that wouldn't start Shane getting his nuts shocked by Kane
  13. Just John

    What has wrestling taught you?

    The only crime that will get you arrested is vandalizing a car. Cameramen are extremely difficult to notice (One explantaion for wrestlers revealing their evil plans on tv) No one in the back actually watches the show (The only other reason) If you hate your boss, it's ok to beat him up.
  14. Just John

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    Survivor Series 01: (Austin has the Rock in the sharpshooter) Heyman: Why isn't Earl Hebner ringing the bell? JR: Because the Rock isn't tapping. Heyman: That never stopped him before.
  15. Just John

    NFL Darkhorse

    Does Seattle count? I think they have a serious shot at going to the Super Bowl. Jacksonville will be this year's Cincinnati. I think Detroit and Houston will make solid improvements, but not quite reach the playoffs.
  16. Just John

    Vikings pushing Lesnar merchandise

    If you're gonna start mixing numbers and letters, then Lesnar's jersey has to be F5.
  17. Just John

    Best/Worst Announcers Of All Time

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Mark Madden for worst. Very occasionally, he had a redeeming joke*, but all in all he was terrible. * Madden: Look at Coach Nash leading the Natural Born Thrillers. He's passing the torch to these guys. Stevie Ray: What torch are you talkin' about, Madden? Madden: The one you held for about 3 seconds.
  18. Just John

    Your pubic region:

    I doubt you'll do that with a safety razor. I perfer trim, myself.
  19. Just John

    Big change

    This is why they need something like G-TV, or the short lived F-View. That way the wrestlers don't know there's a camera on them, so they don't look stupid.
  20. Just John

    Biggest styles clash match ever

    At one WWE ppv a couple years ago, William Regal fought Jeff Hardy. The match was awful.
  21. Just John

    Future WWE plans

    I hate the long term plan for Raw. Benoit jobs the title to Orton and goes straight back to the IC division? Fuck that. If their going for that angle, Benoit should job to Orton at Survivor Series, so there's less down time between the Benoit match and the HHH feud for Orton. It's so obvious that's where they're going, there's no need to slow burn it.
  22. Just John

    The OaO 7/28 PPV thread

    This is the first TNA ppv I ordered. The matches were fine for the most part, but the only one worth paying for was Ultimate X. The rest were just ok. The promos for the most part were terrible. I did like Raven's until he told Sabu to "quit hiding in the shower... I mean shadows." Dusty was pretty funny with his "Get yo god damn hands offa me!" forcing Mike Tenay to apologize for language. All in all, it was enjoyable, but not something I'll pay to see weekly.
  23. Just John

    Most Underrated Match Ever

    No doubt. I'm not a big fan of the ending, but that was a solid technical match. I was impressed they went 27 minutes in 85-90 degree heat. Rey Mysterio vs. Ultimo Dragon from the same show is also underrated. I perfer this match to their WW3 encounter, although the ending sequence in WW3 was much better. Edge/Christian vs. The Hardy Boys at NWO 2000 is overshadowed by their TLC stuff, but this was the best "real" match between these teams.
  24. Just John

    Worst one-game announcing performance

    John Madden always goes in "depth" on the most obvious things. "It's 3rd and 5, so they should go for about 5 or 6 yards on this play."
  25. Just John

    New Smackdown GM?

    I didn't see a thread for this, but who do you think will be the GM now that Angle is back to wrestling. I think it'll be a McMahon kid. Speculate...