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Just John

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Everything posted by Just John

  1. Just John

    Worst one-game announcing performance

    Falcons vs. Panthers (Sunday Night Football, 2003) The ESPN guys would not stop blowing Michael Vick. Everything was about Vick, everything!
  2. Just John

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Here's a finish idea: First it's established that there must be a winner and we'll have OT if necessary. You could have Hunter down 5-4 or 4-3, then let HHH pick up a fall with the pedigree with about 40 seconds to go. While HHH is gloating, have Benoit get a quick roll up with about 5 seconds left for the win. Unfortunately, we'll most likely get an overbooked clusterfuck.
  3. Just John

    Announcers making shoot comments...

    Comments like that are usually "shoots that aren't supposed to be shoots." Kinda like when Kurt Angle said the SD divas were all worthless. Now, there was an episode of Thunder that had Kevin Nash has a guest announcer and Nash definitely was shooting. Mike Tenay: Why is La Parka helping Buff Bagwell? Nash: Cause I was late to the booking meeting. (After a WCW action figure commercial featuring a Goldberg figure pinning a Nash figure) Nash: Man, they've even got me doin' the job in the commercials!
  4. Just John

    Raw Drinking Game

    Take a shot anytime a segment that happened less than an hour ago is replayed Take a shot anytime JR calls Kane a "monster" Take a shot anytime someone kicks out of a finisher
  5. Just John

    Top 10 Ugliest NBA players

    Alfdogg, why exactly is Jermaine O'Neal in your top 10? He's not even the ugliest Pacer (that title goes to Reggie Miller).
  6. Just John

    McMahon Upset That SD! Drew Stronger Rating Than

    How is SD drawing better ratings than Raw? SD hasn't been good for months. Why is talented CW like Akio going to OVW? Akio is infinitely better than Spike Dudley and would put a little variation in that division. Of course, I'm assuming the writers actually care about the CW division, which is probably a mistake on my part. I'm sure I'll just be one in a long list of many to complain about Orton winning the title. He has been getting better, but he's not good enough to justify a world title run. Besides, we all know that would lead to Orton turning on HHH, giving us the Hunter/Orton feud no one wants to see. HHH would most cerainly get the title back as a face in the near future. Let Benoit hold it for a while longer.
  7. Just John

    New Smackdown GM?

    Good call by EHME on page 1. It should be good as long as he isn't a heel.
  8. Just John

    Movie Characters

    Brendan Frasier's kid in The Mummy Returns Anakin in Phantom Menace
  9. Just John

    Impact *SPOILERS*

    The show was decent this week. I liked the AJ/Jerrelle match, even though it was short. Also, get Monty Brown a new finisher. How is the "pounce" supposed to hurt anymore than a shoulder block? Slightly off topic, but going on with the Brown theme... Why does every football player turned wreslter have to use some form of tackle as a regular spot or finisher?
  10. I have a WCW "Giant" shirt. It basically consists of a huge picture of Paul Wight's face.
  11. Just John

    100 Reasons..

    9. Riding the NWO train as long as they could, but neglecting to build up other guys in the process. 10. Too many worked shoots
  12. Just John

    Bill Walton quotes

    On Phil Jackson taking the blame for LA losing to Atlanta: "I think that's unfair. I mean, how many free throws did Phil Jackson miss?" During the 1st round of the playoffs (Miami vs. New Orleans): "Tractor Traylor is treating the Miami defense like a buffet line."
  13. Just John

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Well, it looks like Derek Fisher signed with Golden State. Should've gone to Houston, though. There, he would actually make the playoffs.
  14. Just John

    Best comedy segment ever?

    I loved the segment where Edge and Christian were trying to get out of defending their titles against the APA by claiming they had genital warts. Edge said "Genital warts rule." Then, Foley came in and booked the match anyway and finished with: "Oh, and genital warts do not rule. They're painful and humiliating... or so I'm told." Other great E/C moments: Bitch-lanta Braves pose Ripping Billy Gunn after KOTR Doing guest commentary and telling everyone they were about to do a run-in
  15. Just John

    Underrated Workers......

    Dean Malenko. He always put on solid matches and brought some good moves. Dean usually gets mentioned when people talk about the best work from Benoit, Eddie, or Rey, but he seldom gets credit on his own.
  16. Just John

    Gunn, Holly unhappy with WWE

    Ok, not even Holly and Gunn deserve that. Making Kenzo and Mordecai look good is not an easy task, let alone for two guys as bad as Holly and Gunn.
  17. Just John

    Moves which went out of fashion

    John Cena's 5 knuckle shuffle.
  18. Isn't that the match where Shane McMahon out-wrestled an olympic gold medalist? I always thought that match was overrated. Angle's best match was against Austin at SS 01 and I'd put that at ****+, but not 5. His match with Benoit at RR 03 was also very good, but not 5*.
  19. Just John

    UT/Bearer rehearsal video from Sat. feed

    Even though they build Eddie as lying, cheating, and stealing. And there's already been numerous death angles, most involving Undertaker, not to mention the whole Katie Vick thing with Kane. WWE is strait up lying to parents, but I suppose JBL could justify it because it's entertainment, right? Technically, robbery involves violence or threats of violence to take something from others. I don't think Eddie has actually mugged anybody.
  20. Please elaborate. Was it more fake looking than JR being set on fire?
  21. No, Bradshaw said to win you have to touch all 4 corners. Think of it like a strap match with an annoying piece of metal. The big question: Will the GAB 2004 be worse than the GAB 1991?
  22. Just John

    Most Dastardly Heel Acts

    Bubba power bombing Mae Young off the stage Stephanie telling Freddie Blassie something to the effect of "The WWF is about to die and so are you!" "OH, WHAT THE??!!! MY GOD! SHAWN MICHAEL... SHAWN MICHAELS JUST THREW MARTY JANETTY THROUGH THAT PLATE GLASS WINDOW! BUT WHY?! WHY WOULD... I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY SHAWN WOULD DO THAT! WHY WOULD MICHAELS DO THAT TO HIS LONG TIME FRIEND AND PARTNER? I CAN'T BELIEVED WHAT WE'VE JUST WITNESSED! (Deep breath) Oh, god. Janetty needs medical attention. Can we get some EMT's out there... For the love of god, that man needs medical attention. (Solemn silence) Well, we'll try to get an update on the condition of Marty Janetty, but as far as I'm concerned, Shawn Michaels has gotta helluva lotta explainin' to do. We'll do our best to keep you updated on this situation, but... (goes off to shill something else. someone more creative than me can take over)."
  23. Any match that features good wrestling is entertaining, so I'll just mention fun matches that don't necessarily earn many technical stars. - Vince vs. Shane (WM 17) - UT vs. Mankind (HIAC, King of the Ring 98) - Any TLC match, save for #4 - Eddie Guerrero vs. John Cena (Parking lot brawl)
  24. Just John

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Excellent. Now the T-Mac deal can go down without a hitch.
  25. Just John

    The Great American Bash Thread

    "There's a lady! There's a lady in the men's bathroom!" - Dusty Rhodes