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Everything posted by cmclennan

  1. cmclennan

    Two Celebs Dead...

    This post edited to avoid further flaming.
  2. cmclennan

    How old be you?

    I am 16 17 on October 16th. I hsare my birthday with Flea, of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I think. Either that or my sign.
  3. cmclennan

    Thanks, everyone

    Annie=Roq, Annie gone=Not roq. Therefore, I am a sad panda. But whatever is good for Annie is best.
  4. cmclennan

    Best 10 minute match ever?!

    Hart vs. 123 Kid - King Of The Ring 1994 Used to be my favourite match... RIght around the end of my mark days... Nah, it was about 15 minutes... Or I'm stupid. My vote is on the second one.
  5. cmclennan

    Greatest Wrestler Of All-Time

    In order of worst to best, just to mix things up... Jumbo Tsuruta(Never seen his stuff) Tiger Mask (Satoru Sayama)(Never seen his stuff, either) The Dynamite Kid(Never really understood why people like him... But then, I've only seen 2 matches... Neither of which I finished, because they were boring... Ric Flair(Well, basically he sucked. He was never that good a wrestler. Well, maybe for the 70's, but... Nobody talks about the "Great matches of the 70's". Shawn Michaels(He was okayish. His athleticism got him over, even though he played politics, which makes him teh suq.) Bret Hart(Here's the deal: Bret Hart rocked. Throughout his career. He's Canadian, which makes him gold in my books... I mean, honestly, has anyone ever seen a wrestler that actually made it to the big show, i.e.: WWF, WCW, etc., that wasn't great come out of Calgary? Or, for that matter, Canada? Chris Benoit(CRIPPLAH~! \m/ I love Chris, If I was a gay man, I'd fuck him. OH, WAIT, I AM A GAY MAN~! HAHAHAHA LOL2003~! He is the epitome of everything North American Wrestling should be... Speaking of epitomes, WHERE THE HELL IS ANGLE ON THIS POLL~!?) Jushin "Thunder" Liger (Oh, Jushin. He is teh roq. Best Junior Ever... Although I prefer Lucharesu, or Purolibre, or whatever you call it, in MPW over straight New-Japan style Juniors, Lyger still rocks.) Mitsuhara Misawa(The greatest wrestler. Ever. Any style. Any Country. Of Any Era.) Toshiaki Kawada(On par with Misawa, wrestling-wise, but I mark for the haircut and the tights.) So there you have it. Discuss it amongst yourself while I go entertain myself with a ping-pong ball and some matches.
  6. cmclennan

    Metal Losing Matches.

    As SJL Metal returns from commercial, the camera pans the crowd, settling on Annie, Judge, and Ejiro at the announcer's desk. Annie: Here we are, about to start the third match... Excitement is shooting through my body as we speak. Ejiro: You think the match is going to be THAT good? Annie: No, I was just thinking of Rose and I last night.. Ejiro: Hot! Got any pictures? Annie: Actually, yes. Ejiro: Can I have some? Annie: That depends on what you're willing to trade... I hear your sister's pretty fine... Ejiro:... Judge: Would you two stop? Funyon is in the ring now. Funyon: Introducing first, Weighing in at 180 pounds, Standing 6 feet, 2 inches... Briannnnnnnnnnnnnnn Kingsmennnnnnnnnnnnnn! "The Gauntlet" by the Drop Kick Murphys blasts over the amp, as Brian Kingsmen makes his way to the ring. Funyon: His opponent, weighing in at 205 pounds, standing at 5 feet, 11 inches... Craiiiiiiiiiiiiig McLeeeeeenaaaaaaaaannn! Craig McLennan Comes out to the song "Rose of Pain" by X-Japan. He walks to the ring, hops up onto the apron, then to the top, and backflips into the ring. Annie: Some early acrobatics by McLennan... But he pays for it, and is attacked from behind by Kingsmen as he lands! Kingsmen lands some heavy punches to the face of McLennan, who is backed into the corner. Kingsmen continues to lay into McLennan, but McLennan escapes after landing a stiff forearm to the face of Kingsmen, who backs off, slightly stunned by the sudden impact. Judge: Kingsmen may have significantly fewer teeth after this match is over. Annie: I hear your boyfriend prays for the day you will lose all of yours in a match... Judge:... You know, if you weren't a woman, I would so slap you right now... Annie: You mean, If you didn't know I would kick your ass if you did? Judge:Ye... no, that's not what I said! Ejiro: Settle down, there's a match going on! McLennan connects with another forearm, and then another, then spins around, Nailing Kingsmen in the side of the head with a roaring elbow. Kingsmen goes down immediately. McLennan picks up Kingsmen by the hair, but Kingsmen executes a go-behind into a waistlock. McLennan struggles to escape, and manages to part the hand of Kingsmen. McLennan, holding Kingsmen's arm, takes him down with a drop toe-hold. He Keeps the leg hooked, and pulls Kingsmen's arm back, hooking his other arm under Kingsmen's chin with a torture cobra stretch variation. Kingsmen struggle to get to the ropes, but McLennan doesn't let him move an inch. Annie: McLennan has the Stretch locked on tight! Kingsmen's face is turning an ugly shade of purple. Judge: I hear that's your favourite colour... Annie: You really have to work on your insults, William. McLennan lets go of Kingsmen, But as soon as Kingsmen starts to get up, McLennan nails a heavy boot to the side of Kingsmen, who goes flat on his chest again. McLennan Winds up and catches Kingsmen with another kick, then another, and then another. McLennan grabs Kingsmen's arm, pulls it detween his legs,and sits on Kingsmen's back, pulling up on the arm, trying to hyperextend the shoulder. Annie: McLennan is really going for that arm. Kingsmen might have to tap early on! McLennan Releases the hold, But goes right back to attacking the arm with a cross armbreaker, but before he can lock it on properly, Kingsmen scrambles to the ropes, freeing himself of McLennan's grip. The referee tells McLennan to break the hold, which he does, reluctantly. McLennan backs off, waiting for Kingsmen to reach his feet. Judge: McLennan is stalking Kingsmen... looks like he has something big up his sleeve. Annie: You say sleeve, but you think pants. Judge: Are you quite done, yet? As Kingsmen reaches his feet, McLennan takes a running start at him, going for a running kick to the face, but Kingsmen ducks, and McLennan hits the ropes, and bounces back, off balance. Kingsmen Leaps into the air, hitting a big dropkick to the back of McLennan's head. McLennan Falls to the mat, WHile Kingsmen lies on his side, trying to get his wind back. Annie: Both men are down, here... Judge/Ejiro: ... Annie: What? Judge: No witty remark? Ejiro: No clever burn? Annie:... do You really want me to? Judge: No, no, I'm just surprised, that's all. Annie: ... right. Back to the match... McLennan manages to recover before Kingsmen does, And is right back at him, elbowing him in the face repeatedly. McLennan whips Kingsmen into the ropes, and on the bounceback, nails him with a Roaring elbow, and goes for the cover! 1... 2... No! Kingsmen barely manages to get a shoulder up, and McLennan slaps the mat in frustration. He roughly grabs Kingsmen, and proceeds to beat the Hell out of him, Striking him directly in the jaw with an elbow, Then a knee squarely placed in the midsection, which sends Kingsmen to his knees. McLennan kicks Kingsmen in the side of the head, making an audible slapping noise on impact. Several fans cringe in the front row. Kingsmen, on his knees, receives serval brutal Knees to the back of his head, before McLennan finally finishes with a barrage of clubbing blows to the back of the head and neck, and a nasty kick to the ribs. Judge: McLennan Unloading on Kingsmen! Annie: You see, you walk right into them, Judge. Ejiro: *snicker* Judge: Shut up, Fasaki. McLennan going for the cover... 1... 2... No! Annie: McLennan is getting Frustrated here... it could cost him. McLennan hooks up Kingsmen for an inverted suplex, And lifts him sky high. But instead of simply dropping back, McLennan sits out, and Kingsmen comes down, smashing his chin on McLennan's Shoulder. Ejiro: That was... innovative. McLennan rolls over to Kingsmen, and lays across him, hooking a leg. 1... 2... 3!!! The ring bell sounds three times, As McLennan raises his arm in triumph, and, standing up, looks down at his fallen opponent, who is just now beginning to show the after effects of the beating given to him: A Swollen Nose, red marks around his neack and chest, and a black eye. McLennan leaves the ring, leaving Funyon to announce the results to both the blind and those who took a pee-break during the match. Funyon: Ladies and Gentleman, Here is your winner via pinfall, in 11 minutes, 24 seconds... Craiiiiiiiiig McLeeeeeenaaaaaan! Annie: Well, that was... Neat. Judge: Yes. Neat. Ejiro: Quite. Annie: I'm a lesbian! Judge: RIght. Now for a commercial break... Ejiro: SO, ANnie, about those Pictures... *commercial break~!*
  7. cmclennan

    Some ideas to put us back on top...

    News=SOmething I WILL do. I can cover the JL, or what little of it there is. I am going into my 2nd year of high school journalism, I have post-college reading, writing, vocabulary, and comprehension levels. Well, I did when I was tested, anyway. And that was when I was in Grade 7. I am also planning on getting some sort of degree in journalism and creative writing when I go to college after this, my final high school year. So, in conclusion, who do I have to blow to get a job covering the JL?
  8. cmclennan

    Metal Comments

    FIrst off, congratulations to all who won, especially Kingsmen. Nice match, and sorry for squashing you in my match... MY FIRST LEGIT LOSS~! w00t~!... Not that that's saying much... Hmmm... Now to go for my first legit win...
  9. cmclennan

    worst angles ever

    ... IN terms of heat-killing, the INvasion Angle is the worst EVER. Not one, not two, not three, hell, not even 10 careers killed, but ALmost an ENTIRE FUCKING ROSTER'S WORTH OF TALENT lost any heat they had! Excluding the uber-charismatic, like Booker T.
  10. cmclennan

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    Let's get one thing straight: WWE women ALL SUCK. I don't care if they're "Trying" to be good, or if someone thinks they're "Better than the men", because people who say those sort of things obviously don't understand what good wrestling is. I'm begging you, get some Japanese video tapes, or download some online, because the women in japan can actually wretle. Well. The women in Japan are better than 75% or possibly more of the men in North America.
  11. cmclennan

    Your state pride/shame

    Nope, Chris Jericho=Born In Winnipeg, Raised in Vancouver, fathered by Hockey Hall Of Famer Ted Irvine~! GO CANADA GO~!
  12. cmclennan

    Most Fake or Unrealistic Moment in Wrestling

    I'd have to say that the most fake thing EVER was The Warrior's "mysterious" "Disappearances" and "appearances" in WCW... I mean, you could fucking SEE the trap door. Also, Anything involving a wrestler beating another wrestler who has a 100+ pound weight advantage, unless they win by fuckery.
  13. Them: Isn't that all fake? Me: Depends on your definition of "fake". If by "fake", you mean pre-determined, then yes, it is fake. Them: No, I mean Fake fake. Me:... Them: As in, "not real", And they don't actually hit each other. Me: Say, have you ever heard of Shinya Hashimoto? Them: No... Why? Me: You should see some of his stuff. Them: WHen did he wrestle? Me: He's still going. Them: Don't be stupid, I've never EVER seen him on Smackdown OR Raw! Me:...
  14. cmclennan

    SJL Crimson August 14, 2003

    Tod, I am terribly sorry that I could not send anything... I was stuck in my aunt's house for 3 Days... WITHOUT INTERNET! My dad randomly sprung it on me the day after I was booked. I should have no interruptions this time, so I will be able to send in a match.
  15. I NOW HAVE TEH AIM~! .... my s/n is... kaithekender
  16. cmclennan

    SJL WRATH CARD - August 10

    And I'm not letting this card go by without some HEAD-DROPPIN' ACHTUNG~!
  17. cmclennan

    Official FPW2 Edits Thread

    Okies, here is CRAIG McLENNAN~!... I am using the moves that I will use once I get to teh SWF~!... Although I'll probably include more head drops... God I love head drops... Craig "Pyro" McLennan Appearance Stance: Wrestling Size: S Face: 138 Chest(M): FIRE SUIT Stomach(S): FIRE SUIT Upper Arm(M): KAISER SUIT Lower Arm(S): F. WRISTBAND L Wrist: BAREHANDED Thighs(M): FIRE TIGHTS Knees: MEXICAN TIGHTS1 Ankle: SHOES3 Color Set Skin: 31/24/18, 28/18/12, 19/11/9, 12/6/4 Costume 1: 31/0/0, 31/0/0, 31/31/0 Costume 2: 31/0/0, 31/31/0, 31/25/0 Costume 3: 31/0/0, 31/0/0, 14/14/0 Kneepad: 31/0/0, 31/31/0, 31/31/14 Shoes 1: 31/31/0, 31/0/0, 31/0/0 Shoes 2: 31/31/0, 31/0/0, 31/0/0, 31/0/0, 31/31/0 Mask Gloves 1: 31/31/0, 31/0/0, 31/31/0 Mask Gloves 2: 31/0/0, 31/31/0, 31/0/0 Hair: 4/3/2, 11/8/4, 21/16/5, 4/4/6 Edit Skills Organization: Free Fight Style: Luchadore Defensive Skill: Luchadore Critical Type: Finisher Special Skill: 1 Min. Killer Recovery: Medium Recovery(Bloody): Medium Breathing: Above Breathing(Bloody): Medium Awareness: Medium Awareness(Bloody): Medium Neck Strength: High Arm Strength: Medium Waist Strength: Medium Foot Strength: High Movement Speed: Fast Ascent Speed: Fast Ascend Skill: Can Run Up Outside Return Count: 6 Touchwork: Fast Theme: Before Dark Edit Moves Standing B: Slap to chest Standing A: Kick Standing AB: Front Dropkick Running B: Shoulder Tackle Running A: Kitchen Sink Counter B: Shoulder Throw Counter A: Headscissors Whip Running(Corner) B: Back Elbow Running(Outside) AB: Tope Suicide Slingshot(Outside) AB: La Quebrada Slingshot(Inside) AB: Swn. Dv. Hurricanerana Post B: Shooting Star Press (Signature) Post A: Swing Ultra Rana Post AB: Dv. Guillotine Drop Grab B: Body Punch Grab B ^: Body Slam Grab B <>: Flying Mare Grab B Down: Dragon Screw Grab A: Body Punch Rush Grab A ^: Reverse T. Piledriver Grab A <>: Jumping Backdrop Grab A Down: Swing Neckbreaker Grab AB: Small Package Hold Grab AB ^: Cobra Twist Grab AB <>: Ground Cobra Twist Grab AB Down: Devil Rush Back B: Back Liver Blow Back A: One Hand Backbreaker Back AB: Octopus Hold Back AB ^Down: Vertical Reverse DDT Back AB <>: Dragon Suplex Back Def. B: Elbow Pat Back Def. A: FLying Mare Down(Face Up) Head AB: Dragon Sleeper Down(Face Up) Legs AB: FIgure Four Leglock Down(Face Down) Head AB: Jpn. Leg Roll CLutch Down(Face Down) Legs AB: Holding One Leg Pin Down(Face Up) Head A: Face Cut Down(Face Up) Legs A: Thigh Kick Down(Face Down) Head A: Stomping to Neck Down(Face Down) Legs A: Stomping to leg Running(Down) AB: Stomping Corner(Grab) AB ^: 2nd Rope Brainbuster Corner(Grab) AB <>: Body Blow Corner(Grab) AB Down: Super Dragon Screw Performance(Before): Muscle Appeal 2 Performance(During): Fire Pose Performance(After): Oh! 2 Front Platoon: Jewel Cutter Combo 3 Front Platoon: Triple Hammer Blow 2 Back Platoon: Choke SLam Combo 3 Back Platoon: Triple Hammer Blow 2 Corner Platoon: Combination DDT 3 Corner Platoon: Triple Powerbomb
  18. cmclennan

    The *New* SJL Stats Page!

    Preliminary Question: I found out about the SWF while on the Prowrestling.com forums... Smarks Board Name: cmclennan Wrestlers Name: Craig McLennan Height: 5'11" Weight: 205 lbs. Hometown: Duncan, British Columbia, Canada. Age: 22 Face/Heel: Heel Stable: Ring Escort: Weapon(s): Quote: Looks: Wears a mostly Red flamey-type full-body spandex suit, with a yellow mask with mock flames extending from the top. Ring Entrance: Craig McLennan Comes out to the song "Rose of Pain" by X-Japan. He Reaches into his suit, and produces a Zippo© brand lighter. He walks to the ring and puts the lighter down in the corner, and hops up onto the apron, then to the top, and backflips into the ring. Stats: ¯¯¯¯¯ Strength: 4 Speed: 8 Vitality: 4 Charisma: 4 Style: Fast, with some technical. Signature moves: Top rope hurricanrana Stiff Kicks to the face and chest Ringpost Legrop Standing Shooting Star Press Twisting Plancha Running kick to the face. Front suplex onto the ropes, then a slap to the face. Common moves: Flying Elbowdrop Tiger Suplex Top-rope Splash Standing dropkick Japanese Arm Drag Standing Senton Headscissors takeover Super-Stiff Roundhouse kick Jumping Neck Snap Reverse Tombstone Standing Moonsault Top-rope Moonsault Cross body press German Suplex with a bridge. Backdrop. Rare moves: Release German Suplex(Head drop) Piledriver Release Tiger Superplex(Fucking Brutal-ass head drop) Finishers: Bakuhatsu Suru (Inverted Hurricanrana) Orange Crush Pin Notes: Wrestles hunched down, much like Tajiri, or perhaps Low-ki. Also, is very All Japan-style. What with head drops, Japanese-style psychology, and, of course, everything is super-stiff.
  19. cmclennan

    SJL Stats Thread!

    Preliminary Question: I found out about the SWF while on the Prowrestling.com forums... Smarks Board Name: cmclennan Wrestlers Name: Craig McLennan Height: 5'11" Weight: 191 lbs. Hometown: Duncan, British Columbia, Canada. Age: 22 Face/Heel: Heel Stable: Ring Escort: Weapon(s): Quote: Looks: Wears a mostly Red flamey-type full-body spandex suit, with a yellow mask with mock flames extending from the top. Ring Entrance: Craig McLennan Comes out to the song "Feuer Frei" by Rammstein. He Reaches into his suit, and produces a Zippo© brand lighter. He walks to the ring and puts the lighter down in the corner, and hops up onto the apron, then to the top, and backflips into the ring. Stats: ¯¯¯¯¯ Strength: 2 Speed: 8 Vitality: 4 Charisma: 6 Style: Fast, with some technical. Signature moves: Top rope hurricanrana Springboard dropkick Ringpost Legrop Standing Shooting Star Press Twisting Plancha Somersault Elbowdrop Shooting Star Dropkick Common moves: Flying Elbowdrop Tiger Suplex Top-rope Splash Standing dropkick Japanese Arm Drag Standing Senton Headscissors takeover Roundhouse kick Jumping Neck Snap Double foot stomp Standing Moonsault Top-rope Moonsault Cross body press German Suplex Rare moves: Powerslam Piledriver Superplex Finishers: The Explosion (Inverted Hurricanrana) Notes: Wrestles hunched down, much like Tajiri, or perhaps Low-ki.
  20. cmclennan

    Getting arty again

    WHat about me? I need a shirt, too! If not, I'll steal Rando's writing ability, and job him to some homosexual hobos with glasses.
  21. cmclennan

    SWF Chat Thread!

    Come into chat, dammit, people! There are only 2 other people in here, and they're BOTH IDLING~!
  22. cmclennan

    Fuck all you bitches!

    No, No. The Man is ANNIE~!
  23. cmclennan

    Fuck all you bitches!

    Damn you, Frost! You're leading him on a false trail, and I know why... Because Frost is... THE MAN~! OMGWTFSWERVE~!