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Placebo Effect

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Everything posted by Placebo Effect

  1. Placebo Effect

    Box Office Weekend Numbers

    Depending on how long the event you're going to watch is, just wait until it has been on the air for twenty to forty-five minutes. That way you can fast forward through the commercials and you're still watching it relatively live. I do this for everything.
  2. Placebo Effect

    WWECW Report Fitchburg, MA

    I can't wait to hear the crowd shit at the Hammerstein shit on the show Tuesday night.
  3. Placebo Effect

    The Deep South Wrestling Thread

    Awesome. Thanks for posting this. I love watching bad indy wrestlin, and DSW seems to be just that.
  4. Placebo Effect

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/25 (Week 7)

    My fucking God did Balls/Credible SUCK. I'm perfectly happy with the first half of the show, but that was just fucking awful.
  5. The cause can't be lost if it never existed. This is the first time he's ever really been close to the top. I'm not a big fan of his, but he has to be given a chance to get over further with the fans.
  6. Placebo Effect

    OAO Impact Thread - July/20th/2006.

    Konnan has power of attorney?
  7. Placebo Effect

    OAO Smackdown Thread - July/14th/2006.

    I hope this show isn't eighteen sorts of suck like last week's.
  8. Placebo Effect

    Good shows gone bad...

    Those besmirching the great name of Boston Public will die horribly painful deaths. Boston Public has to be my favorite TV show of all time. It was over the top, but fuck, it was over the top to perfection. Two favorites off the top of my head was Lipschitz' "I have a black, negro, African American son that I fathered with a colored woman" and Marla and Danny punch each other.
  9. Placebo Effect

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    Well, one's things for sure. Test doesn't appear to have improvised at all in the past year.
  10. Placebo Effect

    OAO Impact Thread - July/6th/2006.

    I'm digging the return of crazy, cursing Rhyno.
  11. Placebo Effect

    ECW Shirt Poll

    WWE hasn't made these t-shirts yet. They've simply designed them. Designing a shirt costs very little since WWE surely has in-house people. Printing thousands of shirts, however, does cost money. And if you print thousands of shirts that don't sell, it's bad for business.
  12. Placebo Effect


    If I remember correctly, UPN never wants Hassan to be on TV again. That's why he was taken off and subsequently fired in the first place.
  13. Placebo Effect

    OAO ECW TV Week 3 Thread - June/27th/2006.

    It doesn't mater how many times Edge wears that t-shirt on TV. It still looks freshly cumstained.
  14. Placebo Effect

    OAO ECW TV Week 3 Thread - June/27th/2006.

    This is almost the exact show as last weeks. Time for Sandman to beat up the fat stripper.
  15. Placebo Effect

    OAO ECW TV Week 3 Thread - June/27th/2006.

    Poor girl looks so lost. And it sure is hot that her tan is uneven on her legs.
  16. Placebo Effect

    OAO ECW TV Week 3 Thread - June/27th/2006.

    So her name is Kelly Kelly?
  17. Placebo Effect

    WWE Cancels 7/4/06 ECW TV @ ECW Arena

    Wrestling fans are losers. Hell, I'm such a loser that I'm considering going.
  18. Placebo Effect

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Or keep your tv docked to Sci-Fi, and you'll get 3-4 per day. Ohhh no, no, no, no. Sci-Fi Channel usually sets a minimum standard for their movies in terms of budget and stars. The films in the Scarecrow series, especially the last two, make that Chris Jericho movie look like gold.
  19. Placebo Effect

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    If you want to see a truly awful movie, stay tuned for Scarecrow Slayer. http://www.yourvideostoreshelf.com/reviews...crowSlayer.html
  20. Placebo Effect

    OAO Impact Thread - June/15th/06.

    Joe's going to humble Steiner! That Nash/Mr. X match was fantastic.
  21. Placebo Effect

    OAO Impact Thread - June/15th/06.

    I'm glad I opened up this thread because I had no idea it was starting at midnight. I wonder what the rating will be this week.
  22. Placebo Effect

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    I'll be in Trenton tonight for the show. Can't wait to see how this turns out.
  23. Placebo Effect

    WON WWE News and Notes

  24. Placebo Effect

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    If you want to get into the chat room, just hit the "Chat" button on AIM and invite yourself (your screenname) to wwecwons2.
  25. Well this is a heatless mess.