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Placebo Effect

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Everything posted by Placebo Effect

  1. Placebo Effect

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Holy shit at Tobias' entrance. "Ann's got a lot of mass."
  2. Placebo Effect

    3PW to have free show

    That's actually fucking genius. That's what MECW fucked up.
  3. Placebo Effect

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Ohh God, I hope not. That's a death slot. Better than no AD, though.
  4. Nash really put it into prospective when he compared his W-L record to Dustin's.
  5. Placebo Effect

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Thankfully there were two episodes on FOX last night from earlier in the season. Two more awesome episodes.
  6. Placebo Effect


    The heel turn was D.O.A., and didn't improve at all when the Million Dollar Corporation was made to look like a complete and utter joke. Tatanka's fucking loaded, as he has business ventures in Florida. Anyone who was a fan in 1995 and used to get WWF Magazine should know that Tatanka has a home that's probably worth $2 million in Florida thanks to it.
  7. Placebo Effect

    Will Chappelle's Show go the way of the dodo?

    I fucking loved Unhappily Ever After. I wish it was still on in syndication. It was so stupid and irreverant. The best was towards the end of the show, when they had nothing to do with Justin Berfield (who plays Reese on Malcolm in the Middle). All they did was paint him as a pathetic kid that the whole family wanted nothing to do with.
  8. Placebo Effect

    Tugboat vs Steamboat

    They were scheduled to face off one night but Tugboat no sold the appearance.
  9. Placebo Effect

    Will Chappelle's Show go the way of the dodo?

    Don't forget about Nick Reno: Licensed Teacher, or whatever that show was called.
  10. Placebo Effect

    The OAO South Park Thread for 3/30/05

    Yeah. I just saw the advertisement.
  11. Placebo Effect

    Smackdown spoilers from Houston

    Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch.
  12. Placebo Effect

    Box Office Report

    And that one "1" was from some fuck at ApolloGuide who doesn't like the film due to violence, unlikable characters, and lack of morals. The only unlikable characters are uninteresting ones.
  13. Placebo Effect

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Another great episode. The Family Guy pop-up joke came out of nowhere, but it's so entirely true, as those pop-up flash ads are aggravating. Hopefully everyone who watched this episode saw that David Blaine video from Carson Daly's show.
  14. Placebo Effect

    Anyone see this "Real Pro Wrestling" show on PAX

    That bored the shit out of me really quickly.
  15. Placebo Effect

    Box Office Report

    I knew that. I'm on RT every day or so. But 45% isn't horrible for a film of this kind.
  16. Placebo Effect

    TNA to invade Wrestlemania

    The day after Wrestlemania...
  17. Placebo Effect

    Box Office Report

    Meh. The reviews haven't actually been too bad. Stupid film, but at least MC 2 didn't make it #1.
  18. Placebo Effect

    Do you need a "FOX Blocker?"

    I'm fairly certain that a lot of the people that bought it did so for the "sense of humor" aspect involved in it.
  19. Placebo Effect

    Interpromotional matchups

    This will happen eventually. More than likely it'll be the next time a big star gets injured and they have to rework their plans for the next few months.
  20. Placebo Effect

    Tom Seizmore to serve 17 months in jail

    Jailtime: The compassionate conservative method of dealing with drug addicts.
  21. Placebo Effect

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    1) Indeed there was. It was lightly acknowledged on Thunder. From another site: "I just don’t see why some of these younger superstars with LOSING RECORDS deem it neccisary to showbaot and totally turn their backs on their opponents to get noticed by the crowd." 3) Don't know if you nailed the specifics, but yes. 4) There's part of me that hopes he was joking, but I'm relatively sure he wasn't. It was Babar The Elephant Boy, though. 5) Wow. You've stumped me. I should know this. 6) End of August into September. It lasted very briefly, as Bret's last appearance in WCW was an interview that setup Scott Steiner beating Goldberg down if I remember correctly. 7) No way was a brand extension going to happen. JJ laying down for Hogan was a work. Everything that happened after that wasn't.
  22. Placebo Effect

    Booker T resigns for two more years

    Unless Booker T invested absolutely horribly, he's doing fine. Booker and Stevie were both, for some reason, making around $750,000 a year for their last couple years in WCW. I believe they reworked Stevie's contract, though, once they realized how fucking nuts they were.
  23. Placebo Effect

    the home of comedy

    You didn't find it, you made it.