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Placebo Effect

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Everything posted by Placebo Effect

  1. Placebo Effect

    South Park Writer Gets First Feature Film

    It's been done to death but there's always a fresh line-up of college kids willing to get high and watch them. H & K Go To White Castle didn't do tremendous in theatres, but the DVD sales have been huge. I think it could be a fun movie.
  2. Placebo Effect

    Bret Hart to be in LA during WM 21 weekend

    He used to do comic drawings occasionally for WWF Magazine back in the day.
  3. Placebo Effect

    TNA Apparently In Talks With The Rock

    Care to explain what it is you're smoking? -=Mike Doom = Universal Studios Production As a result, it's very likely that The Rock will put in some kind of appearance at Univeral Studios in Orlando. There are young fans in that area constantly, especially during the summer, which is when Doom is slated to get its theatrical release in America. If that appearance falls near a taping, there'd be no problem with The Rock showing up for an hour and a half to film a few promos and make an appearance in front of the live crowd. A .4 isn't much for something like a syndicated, mid-morning talkshow for housewives, but a .4 of wrestling fans means much more. This all of course depends on how sour the relationship with McMahon has become, of course.
  4. Placebo Effect

    AJ heel turn

    Maybe this time Kevin Nash can be his mouthpiece as to make him even less of an imposing figure.
  5. Placebo Effect

    Ozzfest Tour Dates

  6. Placebo Effect

    Joss Whedon confirmed for Wonder Woman movie

    For those speaking of Resurrection's script
  7. Placebo Effect

    Here's a random "this day in WWF history" thread

    I love looking at those crappy ass house show cards from 1995. Duke Droese vs. Mantaur? I'm there!
  8. Placebo Effect

    Who said it?

    Roddy Piper?
  9. Placebo Effect

    Great feuds while they lasted

    DDP and Kanyon never truly got the chance to feud, but Kanyon's one-sided version was beautiful.
  10. Placebo Effect

    TNA Apparently In Talks With The Rock

    I could see Rock coming in, but not to wrestle. Especially since if he does it while in the middle of filming a movie, the insurance forbids him from wrestling during that time period.
  11. Placebo Effect

    Shane Douglas planning ECW Reunion show

    Jesus Christ, $150 for THAT talent line-up? They better do something real special or this is going to be embarresing.
  12. Placebo Effect

    CCC and one more C for Charismatic

    All better then CCC. In JBL's case, loads better. BTW, JBL is a solid wrestler and gets slept on waaaaay too much. Bradshaw's the pitcher, and as such, sleeps on top.
  13. Placebo Effect

    Psicosis signs with wwe

    They gave it back to Rey and acted like it never happenend after he went around without it for nearly three years. Considering how low profile Psicosis' loss was, coupled with the fact that he was barely used after that, I'd say yes. And lets not forget how cool his mask is. I still have a Psicosis mask someone picked up for me in Mexico.
  14. Placebo Effect

    Hellraiser franchise......

    Even I skipped Hellseeker, and I run a website about direct-to-video films. That should give you an idea about my level of respect for the sequels. They're not great, nor are they bad. They're just mediocre.
  15. Placebo Effect

    Tna's May PPV get "named"......

    Wow. That sounds like the title of a direct-to-video film. Edit: Turns out it WAS the title of a direct-to-video film - http://imdb.com/title/tt0113261/
  16. Placebo Effect

    3PW this weekend (3/19/05)

    That main event will really put asses in the seats.
  17. Placebo Effect

    WWE Signs Masato Tanaka

    The big question is whether or not he'll get fired before the show for a lack of Axl Rotten merchandise being sold.
  18. Placebo Effect

    Impact Spoilers from Meltz

    That IS funny. But Jesus Christ. HARRIS BOYS? Apolo is a stupid decision. Dustin Rhodes is a stupid decision. Phi Delta Slam is a stupid decision. But The Harris Boys being kept around is such a God damn spit in the face, what with the fact that they've never drawn a dime in their lives. Plus, Ron (or Don, whichever one) could've gotten TNA some really bad publicity back when we had that Nazi symbol on his shirt.
  19. Placebo Effect

    Hey Yo

    That attitude (it's okay to use them every so often) was okay when they were just a weekly PPV company, but they're (at least attempting) to be a national wrestling organization, connecting with new fans whenever possible. You can't have unreliable workers, no matter how good they are. Diehard TNA fans, especially since they're not in Nashville, have dwindled. There's those on the Internet, but we'll watch regardless if D-Lo or Low Ki was present.
  20. Placebo Effect

    Jim Niehart in WCW

  21. Placebo Effect

    WWE Signs Masato Tanaka

    Wait, you mean... a) Jason was able to clear his incredibly busy schedule to work this event? and b) His phone is actually connected? Jason without Joey Styles to feign disgust is just wrong.
  22. Placebo Effect

    Ken Shamrock and Owen Hart...

    From the newsgroups... I passed along to Ken the debate raging on this newsgroup and asked him to respond to the allegations that he was disrespectful to Owen Hart, for not wearing the armband in the ring during his match with Bob Holly on last Monday's RAW. He said he "chose to honor Owen in his heart, rather than on his arm." A lot of you don't know, Ken, when he came into the WWF, was trained by Bret Hart in Calgary and, like Owen, is a family man. His wife talked to Owen backstage, a short time prior to the tragedy. Ken, and his wife, lost a good friend.
  23. Placebo Effect

    Wrestling 900 Hotlines

    No, no. During the PPVs, you could call the Superstar Hotline tand hear angry/happy messages from the winners and losers. By 1995 or so, they just always showed the wrestlers talking, so it became common place. This is, I believe, where WWF Magazine got their quotes from in their PPV coverage. Livewire was on Sunday mornings before the PPV.
  24. Placebo Effect

    WWE Signs Masato Tanaka

    I'd love to see Tanaka face Awesome, but if the shape Awesome was in two years ago in TNA is any indication of how he looks now, fuck it.
  25. Placebo Effect

    Shows you won't admit to your friends you like

    Fuck yeah. I love Becker, mostly because I can get into any sitcom that's entirely mean-spirited. My television schedule is so mundane because of the number of movies I watch; Simpsons, occasional Malcolm, American-made Adult Swim, Arrested Development, Real Time, Daily Show, and South Park. If it goes beyond those, I'd be surprised. I used to TiVo and watch Recess everyday for about six months straight. Such a great show, though people can't grasp the concept of the cartoon being made as much for kids as it is adults, so I gave up on telling people about it.