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Placebo Effect

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Everything posted by Placebo Effect

  1. Placebo Effect


    God damn it. I saw it coming, but I was always hoping they'd give up.
  2. Placebo Effect

    Contestant on NBC's "Contender" committs suicide

    Well, at least we can now narrow down the field a bit.
  3. Placebo Effect

    Chris Rock makes fun of Oscars

    Drudge = Shit The best thing about diehard Republicans is when they defend Druge by saying, "But he breaks big stories!" And then when you point out that one in thirty of his big stories actually pan out, they repeat the same thing. They're also the same people who cried for Rather to be fired. Not that I disagree with that, but it's funny how idiots defend him.
  4. Placebo Effect

    Destination X matches announced tonight at tapings

    Why the hell are they doing Rhodes/Raven again? Ohh yeah, Dusty...
  5. Placebo Effect

    Return of the Living Dead 4 & 5

    Those posters are temporary AFM ones, so that means that they were showcasing it there to get themselves US and International distribution. I'm kind of curious as to who is going to pick them up. No doubt Lions Gate would, as they just picked up a (what even the director acknowledges as terrible) zombie flick from York Entertainment, but I can see the bid going to someone like Columbia Tristar or even MGM.
  6. Placebo Effect

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Nothing wrong with it every once and a while. George Michael and Tobias slipping on the spilled martini was almost my favorite part of the show.
  7. Placebo Effect

    Official TNA Against All Odds Preview

    Jesus Christ, I was being sarcastic.
  8. Placebo Effect

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Another absolutely golden episode.
  9. Placebo Effect

    Help a brother out

    If you want my help, you can call my secretary and make an appointment... Brother.
  10. Placebo Effect

    Return of the Living Dead 4 & 5

    I can't believe it took them over 10 years to get the ball rolling on these sequels. Nice to see they actually were made. Can't wait.
  11. Placebo Effect

    Crowe/Kidman film put on indefinite hold

    Am I the only one surprised by this? http://www.caringconsumer.com/animaltimes/...bey-maguire.jpg "FUCK OFF!!!!" McGuire's a typical Hollywood fuckstick who would rather be doing Shakespeare in the Park instead of Hollywood action films. Of course, money comes into play with that issue. There was a big story before or during Spider-Man 2's release about how difficult and whiny he was on the set of SM 2.
  12. Placebo Effect

    Official TNA Against All Odds Preview

    Personally, I think Jarrett should just bust out a banjo or a violin.
  13. Placebo Effect

    Crowe/Kidman film put on indefinite hold

    Born in New Zealand in '64, A hot-headed actor named Russell Crowe. He loves to act, but he loves one thing more... FIGHTIN' AROUND THE WORLD! He fights his directors and he fights his fans. It's a problem no one understands. If there's 2 things he loves, it's fighting and... FIGHTIN' AROUND THE WORLD! Making movies, making music and FIGHTING AROUND THE WORLD!
  14. Placebo Effect

    Fox to "Cut Down" Arrested Development

    For what it's worth, Bateman was just on Conan, and didn't speak of the cancelation/cut down issue.
  15. Placebo Effect

    Former Ms Monday Nitro robs the cradle

    The 13 year olds would be teaching HER.
  16. Placebo Effect

    TNA Spoilers

    Someone else will use the guitar, Jarrett pins, 1-2-3. Next week, Jarrett talks about how much of a genius he is because he outsmarted Rhodes.
  17. Ohhh shit. That's gold. Ummm... Off the top of my head. I was in the backstage area of some abortion of a wrestling show, and after showing up an hour late, Sabu threw the door open, nearly landing it in my face. Buff Bagwell chose to sit outside the locker room and talk to me for twenty-five minutes rather than listen to the locker room peptalk. With one swift action, he managed to both a dick and a nice guy. I've been in the back at CZW shows where various wrestlers are watching the matches on the monitor. There was a Mixed Tag Match with the Joker and Sabian, along with their female counterparts, where they just completly marked out at the females' work. Ruckus borrowed my pen to write down certain spots that he had do in his match on his taped up wrist. I smoked up with an ex-WCW guy, but I won't reveal his name as that'd be wrong.
  18. Placebo Effect

    American Dad

    Anyone else catch the "Sorry I'm not like those anorexic aliens in the Signourney Weaver movies" or whatever it was. I was, to say the least, shocked that Seth would so blatantly lift a line from Family Guy ("Sorry I'm not like those anorexic babies in the diaper commercials"). It's one thing to create Family Guy-lite with new jokes, but Family Guy-lite with rehashed jokes is too much. I still laughed almost consistently.
  19. Placebo Effect

    Favorite TV shows that lasted a season or less

    Titus actually went three, and FOX let it with dignity, simply choosing not to renew over canceling it in the middle of its run.
  20. Placebo Effect

    Because I am forced to listen to it everyday...

    I'm a fan of Bionic Jive and Chino XL.
  21. Placebo Effect

    Favorite TV shows that lasted a season or less

    That show was fucking horrible. I was hyped to see it after hearing so much about it, so I rented both the DVDs from Netflix. It was seriously groan inducing. There were episodes where I didn't laugh once. Fucking According to Jim will make me laugh once during an episode. But I disgress. As a fan of Unhappily Ever After, I liked The Help. It was so incredibly offbeat that I found even the unfunny jokes to have a certain charm to it. Run of the House, starring Joey Lawrence, which was the lowest rated series of the 2003-2004 season if I remember correctly, I loved watching just because it was such a trainwreck. I had fun watching This Just In on Spike TV the few times I saw it. The fact that it was done in flash allowed the jokes to be incredibly current, which helped its cause a bit. I loved Do Over. Too bad it was in the Thursday death slot. I never got the opportunity to see it, but I heard good things about Platinum. And let me not forget about FASTLANE. I loved this show, and after it popped a huge rating for its first episode, I was expecting it to well. Unfortunately, it didn't, so it, John Doe, and Firefly all got the ax thanks to the same exact night. And the next season, Boston Public, Luis, Wanda Sykes, and Playing It Straight got it. And I don't even know what they have in that slot this season.
  22. Placebo Effect

    Tina Fey gets Sitcom Deal

    Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble
  23. Placebo Effect


    Good entry. Target date for completion: June, 2010
  24. Placebo Effect

    Box Office Report 1/30/05

    Well, when you've read about films like these -- http://www.schlocktoberfest.com/current_co...y_bware05A.html -- coming out this year, the film companies listed there would snap him up for his notoriety alone. With even lower production values, he either might be forced to not suck (WS' movies were better when he had less money to throw around) or his movies will end up with the Ed Wood production values that would make his movies even funnier. It's win/win to me. Ohhh trust me, I know all about those films ( http://www.yourvideostoreshelf.com ) I was actually going to put together a preview of sorts for 2005, but now that he did it, I won't have to blow hours upon hours prepping it. As I said, Sanctimony and Heart of America, while nothing fantastic, are perfectly acceptable films. It's too bad Boll's a fucking nut, though.
  25. Placebo Effect

    Box Office Report 1/30/05

    Uwe's got a bright career ahead of him in direct-to-video films if they cut him off. Honestly, Sanctimony and Heart of America are better than House of the Dead and (I presume) Alone in the Dark by far. I think it's studios giving Uwe bottom of the barrel scripts that hurts him the most, though he is at fault for a lot of his crappiness.