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Placebo Effect

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Everything posted by Placebo Effect

  1. Placebo Effect

    Who's Your Daddy?

    Season finale is the second week of January.
  2. Placebo Effect

    Next week's Impact! pre-empted in most markets

    Maybe it is just me, but this sounds exactly like some horrible WCW idea. AJ vs Skipper could be interesting, but adding Johnny B Badd doesn't help at all. Just flat out weird booking from week to week. TNA are having random six mans just because they want to keep their roster happy by making sure to use each wrestler at least one time a month.
  3. Placebo Effect

    What's Thrasher up to these days you ask?

    Yeah, uhh, used the wrong word in my infinite wisdom. They retold the story to me.
  4. Placebo Effect

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Ohhh lord. Hogan/Wall would have headlined the next PPV, with Hogan doing the tired old comeback win over the big guy. Vampiro wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the top, as he was getting the famous push where he NEVER wins over guys like Luger. I could have seen them turning Vampiro heel and doing the Sting feud by June or so, which would end, of course, with Sting squashing him. As for the rest of it, God, I can barely remember that crap.
  5. He had really bad bacne the last time I saw him, which is a pretty good indication. And Raven talked about steroids in one of his journal entries. Very interesting and detailed.
  6. Placebo Effect

    What's Thrasher up to these days you ask?

    No, the people at the diner simply recanted the story to me.
  7. Placebo Effect

    This is pathetic, but kind of funny.

    What a clusterfuck of a story.
  8. Placebo Effect

    Women of WWE in Playboy

    W365 is the worst newsletter I've ever read. I love it. Every other story, he talks about his "secret sources" and such, even though you know none exists and he's just some mark changing stories around. Well, he's been right pretty much every time he puts something in there, so I'll take his word on it. The majority of it is... "PWInsider is reporting that Triple H is angering several people backstage with his attitude as of a late. A source at the company told W365 that 'His ego is just very inflated right now and he's very difficult to deal with.'" Facts are rarely in his reports. If 1wrestling and such refute the story soon, I'll give him credit, though.
  9. Placebo Effect

    Women of WWE in Playboy

    W365 is the worst newsletter I've ever read. I love it. Every other story, he talks about his "secret sources" and such, even though you know none exists and he's just some mark changing stories around.
  10. Placebo Effect

    Rate the TV shows you watch...

    I've been downloading and burning most television shows this season. The ones I've been TiVoing though... Simpsons - C (still funny, but this is grading by Simpsons strandards) Arrested Development - A Sealab 2021 - B+ (stupid, but still hilarious) Tom Goes to The Mayor - B Ummm... I think that's it. Desperate Housewives, Lost, Veronica Mars, and others I've just been TiVoing.
  11. Placebo Effect

    Simpsons Season 5 DVD Box set

    Are there still commentaries on every episode?
  12. Placebo Effect

    to Real reason heyman was released

    Yeah, uhhh, there's no defending Heyman here.
  13. Placebo Effect

    Ian Robinson

    Not really sure why people are shitting on the new Killswtich. Sure, they "sold out," but the album, at least to me, is tremendous. Considering Ian was bitching on MTV a few years back about the lack of Headbangers Ball, it's appropriate for him to be hating it now.
  14. Placebo Effect

    WCW: The Essential "Must Have" List

    You seem to have forgotten Jimmy Hart vs. Mancow.
  15. Placebo Effect

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Beautiful show last night. "Maybe I'll put it in her brownie."
  16. Placebo Effect

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    Your puns are absolutely hilarious.
  17. Placebo Effect

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    He'll be remembered for that by US, the Internet fans. The fans actually buy him as a champion, and have been doing so for several months. Despite not watching Smackdown all that often, I've enjoyed Bradshaw quite a bit since the feud with Guerrero ended.
  18. Placebo Effect

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, Dec 17-19

    I knew they should've chosen Gene Snitsky...
  19. HBK bulked up quite a bit between leaving The Rockers and becoming The Heartbreak Kid.
  20. Placebo Effect

    Knoble to ROH!?!?!?!?!?

    It's not THAT big a deal. Knoble is a great athlete, yeah, but until he puts on a truly fantastic match (which he hasn't been allowed to do during his WCW/WWE career), I'm not getting my hopes up.
  21. Placebo Effect

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    It's not that entirely easy to pull someone out of the ring if they're not cooperating.
  22. Don't worry about it. I don't think any less of you.
  23. Probably the greatest match to ever grace the squared circle. You must remember it's the year 2004, not 1994. Hall was never that great of a wrestler, and by now he's got to be way over the hill. Jannetty I haven't seen wrestling in years, but I doubt he's still good enough to have many good matches. I am interested in seeing this and the "main event" though. :cough:sarcasm:cough:
  24. Placebo Effect

    2004 Gooker Nominations!

    Arnold fought the trashcan masturbating, midget killing Teo on that show.
  25. Placebo Effect

    Times WCW Title on the line on Nitro

    7 - 1995 20 - 1996 3 - 1997 20 - 1998 21 - 1999 30 -2000 5 - 2001