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Placebo Effect

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Everything posted by Placebo Effect

  1. Placebo Effect

    Possible Jesus Injury

  2. Placebo Effect

    Worst Song(s) of the Year

    For whatever reason, I kind of like that song. It's creative. But yeah, thankfully with a CD player in my car, I never have to submit to the radio anymore.
  3. Placebo Effect

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Try that one again.
  4. Placebo Effect

    Shows you have a much different view of now

    I marked out hard for the Royal Rumble 1994 when I was a kid. I watched the Coliseum Home Video version five times when I rented it.
  5. Placebo Effect

    NWA and/or TNA Questions

    God, no.
  6. Placebo Effect

    Arrested Development Season 2

    Ohh shit. I had forgotten that. Fucking hilarious.
  7. Placebo Effect

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    Do you really want to see Chris Harris and James Storm go off on their own again?
  8. Placebo Effect

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, Dec 3-5

    While I'm sure the overseas B.O. will be a huge driving factor, the fact that the sequel had absolutely ZERO hype in the U.S., as nobody seemed to care despite the nice box office, will probably influence the chance of a third.
  9. Placebo Effect

    Best ignored album(s) of the year

    Ian Thornley comes off to me as a Chris Cornell impersonator. Well, I'm kind of biased because I got drunk with Ian Thornley, who proceeded to "open up" to me about various subjects. But yeah, I actually do like the album. Not a tremendous album by any means, but I put that down simply because I enjoyed it.
  10. Placebo Effect

    Chappelle's Show season 2 DVD info

    Unaired Charlie Murphy skits???? Holy shit.
  11. Placebo Effect

    WON January 8th 1991

    Thanks man. That's awesome.
  12. Placebo Effect

    Best ignored album(s) of the year

    Cypress Hill - Till Death Do Us Part Thornley - Come Again The Format - Interventions and Lullabies I'm sure there's been better ones, but that's all I can think of.
  13. Placebo Effect

    2005 WWE PPV schedule

    Either that or a two hour delay. That way any spoilers that come out as far as the last hour of the show goes (where the most important matches are placed) will only go to those who have already bought the PPV, or those who had no plans in the first place to buy it. After all, there are only a few people who, if they hear that Spike Dudley vs. Nunzio was only **, won't order the show.
  14. Placebo Effect

    Anyone get the Seinfeld DVDs?

    Hollywood Video has them, so I'll wait for them to be put on the MVP plan before I rent them.
  15. Placebo Effect

    Memorable crimson mask?

    New Jack's had a few matches where blood has been dripping down his face.
  16. Placebo Effect

    Predictions for TNA Turning Point

    I predict a thunderously low buyrate.
  17. Placebo Effect

    Interstate 60: Have any of you guys seen this one?

    On the subject of Amy Jo Johnson, she's one of the few actresses in the direct-to-video world who seems to be selective in the roles she takes. She's been in very few clunkers. Not all great movies by any means, but some actresses take ridiculously bad films because of a guaranteed paycheck. Amy seems to look around. She's in a quirky little romantic comedy called Pursuit of Happiness, Killing Mr. Griffin, and quite a few others.
  18. Placebo Effect

    Interstate 60: Have any of you guys seen this one?

    I liked it quite a bit. Didn't deserve the Best Live-Action DVD Premiere Film of the 2003 Award from DVD Exclusive by any means, but still a damn good movie.
  19. Placebo Effect

    The OAO South Park Thread for12/1/04

    510. How To Eat With Your BUTT - Very, very stupid episode with only a few funny parts involving Cartman being unable to laugh. 511. The Entity - Totally fucked up episode and I loved it. 512. Here Comes the Neighborhood - Despite a weak middle part, this episode is worth watching due to the brilliant final few minutes. 513. Kenny Dies - Great episode 514. Butters' Very Own Episode - Another great episode. Watch out for Some Puerto Rican Guy.
  20. Placebo Effect

    Julia Roberts delivers her twins

    Jon Stewart tore this news story a new whole on The Daily Show last night. ABC News Woman: "Last night Julia Roberts gave the greatest performance of her career..." Stewart (in a high voice): "Apparently she's never seen Mystic Pizza." And then... Stewart: "She named them Hazel and Phinnaeus because she hates children."
  21. Placebo Effect

    The OAO South Park Thread for12/1/04

    Damn good season. I'm sure the mini-commentaries will be included. Is Jared Has Aides from the sixth season? I haven't seen that episode in years because Comedy Central refuses to air it.
  22. Placebo Effect

    Fox's Midseason...

    But this is coming off of months of reports saying that Fox was bringing Family Guy back due to high syndication reruns and DVD sales. They had better follow up on that promise eventually. Family Guy is May/June of '05. That isn't considered midseason.
  23. Placebo Effect

    Jesus Christ! RF Video doing a SABU shoot!

    Lucharesu, I usually will agree with what you say, but it's pretty obvious that your young age is impacting your views on the RF situation. One day you'll realize that there is a HUGE fucking difference between bouncing checks, trying to prevent others from wrestling, rape accusations, etc. and SOLICITING SEX BETWEEN A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD BOY. And one day you'll get some ethics too. Let's say I, for example, owned a grocery store in your town. It's the only grocery store in the town, and you need to travel twenty minutes extra to get the second store. I punch your mother in the face, probably WANT to punch your mother in the face a second time, but I'm on 24/7 police monitoring because of it. Obviously, I won't be punching your mother in the face again soon. However, knowing that I'd still like to punch your mother in the face, would you support me by buying groceries at my store, or travel the extra twenty minutes (the equivalent of waiting a couple weeks and buying a copy) to go to the second store.
  24. Placebo Effect

    NYRevolution, Royal Rumble posters inside

    No, it doesn't.
  25. Placebo Effect

    Fox's Midseason...

    Jonny Zero is a piece of crap. It's so incredibly typical, as they just wrap a "meh" plot around with the playing of several "Top 10" hits in the background. It will surely join Firefly, John Doe, Boston Public, Luis, Wandy Sykes, and others in the Friday night graveyard.