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Placebo Effect

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Everything posted by Placebo Effect

  1. Placebo Effect

    Any have a playlist for the DMB Show

    http://www.nancies.org/tour/reviews/20040711/ Google > *
  2. Placebo Effect

    Impact Spoilers

    Styles shouldn't be on the program. I'm glad they kept him off to sell the injury. I recognize the name of the jobber Sabu put down. I'm thinking he was a jobber on Xplosion a couple months back. I like the 10 minute time limit. They're on a sports network, so they're throwing little things out there to "impress" FSN in a great attempt to make it seem more like a sport. Looks like a fun show.
  3. Placebo Effect

    Indy Wrestlers you do like...but why?

    For whatever reason, I mark out for Cory Kastle.
  4. Placebo Effect

    Diva Contest a Work?

    She apparently did some nude photos that got out, and as a result, the WWE wanted nothing to do her with anymore. Their latest decisions makes a lot of sense... I also wonder if they're even aware of Alexis Laree's less-than-virginal past.
  5. Placebo Effect

    Sabu's career record book

    And 3PW's debut show, by the way, was 2/15/02
  6. Placebo Effect

    Sabu's career record book

    The Eruption match wasn't bad compared to their WWA Revolution match which was absolutely dreadful. That entire PPV was just a big mess. The "best" match of the night was Styles/Lynn, which they'd later upstage several times in TNA. The match had such a lack of psychology, with one man having the advantage for a minute, and the other have it for the next, rinse, lather, repeat.
  7. Placebo Effect

    3 things to make TNA better

    A video detailing that would be #4
  8. Placebo Effect

    Weird Science (The Series)

    Ed Ferrera actually wrote parts of that series.
  9. Placebo Effect

    Land of the Dead...

    That's an awesome fucking angle.
  10. Placebo Effect

    CZW Overdrive Review

    On that note, I think it's about time I get off my ass today and order a few CZW DVDs. Really good review.
  11. Placebo Effect

    The OAO Nightmare on Elm Street thread

    Part 6 was badass simply because of Breckin Meyers' death scene. Part 2, I don't know, I've just never felt it. The opening sequence is cool, but it gets to the point where it's so drastically different from the other Freddy movies that you start scratching your head.
  12. Placebo Effect

    TiVo or DVR...

    I plan on getting TiVo just in time for the Fall 2004 season. From all reports, with the amount of TV I want to/do watch, it'll be great.
  13. Placebo Effect

    Raven's day off

    And a brief period where he was Russo's flunky, before, of course, becoming Positively Page. BANG!
  14. Placebo Effect

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.12.04

    They wanted to showcase Flair because of his book.
  15. Placebo Effect

    Raven's day off

    This is WCW you're talking about. You know they rented a house, hired a caterer, brought in a twenty-five person crew, etc.
  16. Placebo Effect

    Raven's day off

    Yeah, that angle went NOWHERE. What an utter failure. Rave, though, loved that period of his life if I remember correctly. I think he got clean at that time, and was getting paid very well to sit around and film the occasional video. And yes, Kanyon and Raven did go to the Versace store, and the cameraman walked in on Kanyon when he was in his boxers.
  17. Placebo Effect

    TNA Impact! webcast - free & w/ permission of TNA

    Edit: Nevermind. Waiting for the new episode to be put up...
  18. Placebo Effect

    nwatna.com interviews D-RAY 3000!!!

    Personally, I love the D-Ray character. He's playing a fun jobber character at this point, and when he's doing backstage segments ("the ring is that way" comes to mind), I get a good laugh in. You complain about Hero or B-Boy not being brought in, but what would you be doing if they brought them in as a comedy tag team and jobbed them out every week? Bitch. Even ROH has (or had?) the Christopher St. Connection as comedy jobbers. Obviously, I'd rather have a guy like Colt Cabana on my screen doing a comedy character than D-Ray. But D-Ray's got a gimmick and look that sticks with a viewer after you see him, a very important aspect of a federation just getting television.
  19. Placebo Effect

    WWE Superstar out a year

    For me, that match is the highlight of Test's career. He rocked that out so well. If reports didn't indicate that Test was so much of a dick, I'd be all about a big push for him when he comes back. I like his look, and his wrestling doesn't make me sick. Unfortunately, I just can't feel bad for the guy.
  20. Placebo Effect

    Going to Raw tommorow night in Manchester.

    That'll probably get confiscated since the security, who knows nothing about wrestling, will think it's advertising another federation.
  21. Placebo Effect

    OAO CZW Best of the Best 4 Thread

    So Pain and M-Dogg are back? Wow. I'm now inspired to go to TOD3 and the next Arena show for whatever reason.
  22. Placebo Effect

    TNA News & Notes from the 7/12 Observer

    Taping Xplosion on Thursdays may not be realistic. They have to overnight the tapes to the various outlets, and the show airs on the Sunshine Network on Friday nights. Thus, the show wouldn't be edited until Friday morning. Maybe they can do it, though. Doesn't Sunshine run out of Florida?
  23. Placebo Effect

    TNA Impact! webcast - free & w/ permission of TNA

    I didn't get to see last weeks, so AWESOME.
  24. Placebo Effect

    WWE News & Notes from the 7/12 Observer

    The only thing that Undertaker is killing off right now is Smackdown viewers. Uh huh. 95% of the marks I meet are hardcore Undertaker fans. They may not like how he's being handled now, but he's still a huge favorite. That's why most smarks could never run a wrestling company.
  25. Placebo Effect

    CZW Tournament of Death 3

    If I don't go to Hellfest, I'll be there for this. Should be an awesome show.