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Swift Terror

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Everything posted by Swift Terror

  1. Swift Terror

    The Vanishing......

    I saw it in the theater when it was released. It came to the Esquire theater in Cincinnati, which plays all the movies the national chain passes on. All I can say is, it is fantastic. And the buildup to the ending is stunning. I feel sorry for you if you already know the ending--better to go in blind.
  2. Swift Terror

    Welshman Cuts off testicles...

    At least he had the balls to carry through on his promise. Well...
  3. Swift Terror

    US gives $40m aid to Palestinians

    Not so fast with all the warm fuzzies... http://www.turkishweekly.net/news.php?id=3931 And for an editorial masquerading as a news article: USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2005-02...tomb-rice_x.htm
  4. Swift Terror

    Do you have a problem with what

    http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&i...ws%26id%3D68467 http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washingt...some_in_combat/ : http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/nation/3023771 :
  5. Swift Terror

    Most Disturbing Image

    That reminds of the scene in "Mountains of the Moon" (about the real life expedition of Richard Burton [not that Richard Burton] in Africa in the 19th century) where his colleague John Speke is sleeping and some disgusting desert insect crawls deep into his ear canal. Then the only option left to them is to stab a sharp thin instrument into his ear to get it.
  6. Swift Terror

    Most Disturbing Image

    Just about all of "Gummo". Probably because I'm from Ohio, where the film takes place.
  7. Tony Blair and Bill Gates were at the World Economic Forum and the press (Daily Mirror) got hold of what they thought were Blair's doodles, scribbled during the conference. The seized on this to report that Blair was a terrible leader, even hiring handwriting experts to back them up. Turns out they were Bill Gate's doodles. They got it wrong twice--Gates has done pretty well for being profiled as unable to concentrate, not a natural leader. http://www.telegraphindia.com/1050201/asp/...ory_4322049.asp See a picture of the doodles drawn by Gates here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/4223445.stm Good job, boys. And this directly on the heels of having to apologize for getting the civilian deaths wrong in Iraq. Edit: not the Mirror, it was BBC who reported the deaths incorrectly.
  8. True event: (1) The Barbary Wars against the North African Arab states in 1805-1815, great vehicle for sea battles, ship captain heroics. Would blow away Master & Commander if done properly. (2) military career of George Washington through the Revolution. Benedict Arnold would be a strong secondary character. Sequel: ....... Remake: Captain America. Well, more like a brand new effort to right the wrong that was the piece of shit from 1991. At least everyone says it was a piece of shit, don't think it is available on video or was released in the U.S.
  9. Swift Terror

    UN clears Sudan of genocide

    Just curious, but do you know if the UN did the same thing regarding the Rwandan genocide, i.e. Hutsi and Tutsi conflict? Either way, this isn't surprising in the least, just confirmation that the UN is a non-entity.
  10. Swift Terror

    Weapons of Mass Deception....

    That is "Brainwashing 101", directed by Evan Maloney. This will only make conservatives look bad. I'm afraid he'll employ the same tactics as MM. The documentary will be full of careful editing and he will not confront anything that might detract from his agenda.
  11. Swift Terror

    Recommendations for reading?

    Christopher Lee has an updated version of his 1977 Autobiography out titled Lord of Misrule. Forward by Peter Jackson. I just started it. Very interesting but also a somewhat tough read because of the heavy British vernacular used throughout. Tom Wolfe's I am Charlotte Simmons looks promising.
  12. Swift Terror

    Guy tries to kill himself, but decides to live...

    I know where you're coming from and I thought this at first as well. I thought, this guy must have known the train would derail. But now I do not think he knew the train would derail. In fact, most trains do not derail when striking a vehicle, even trucks, when the locomotive, non-passenger section is in front. I heard this from an engineer who workered in LA being interviewed. I'm not saying this in order to be sympathetic with this a-hole. As the article below reads, with this particular train the locomotive was pushing the lighter, more vulnerable passenger cars. The locomotive was in back, not in front. It was these passenger cars that struck the guy's truck. Apparently LA has done the locomotive-from-behind approach for several years now. This guy probably was not aware of this--how many of you in LA knew this, probably not many. I don't think he went into this thinking that many people would be hurt or killed by his actions. I think he still deserves many decades in a small room, but certainly not execution. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/27/national...ed=3&oref=login (This web page requires a free sign-up to NY Times site.)
  13. Swift Terror

    Guy tries to kill himself, but decides to live...

    The one detail I would like to know is this: did he attempt to drive his vehicle off of the tracks and could not because it was stuck.... or did he jump out of it without attempting to move it. If it is the latter, screw him. If it was the former, well, I'll cut him a tiny bit of slack, but he still needs to go away for many decades.
  14. Swift Terror

    Largely forgotten

    Ok, I am an 80s child and these flicks aren't around much anymore, or talked about. I think they deserve a second--or first--look, especially for those of you who were born in the 80s and may never have seen these. Vice Squad (1982) -- Nasty 80s flick about underground drug/prostitution in LA. Notable for the classic character "Ramrod" portrayed by Wings Hauser. Wings Hauser + coathanger = classic. The Exterminator (1980) -- You think the Punisher was hardcore? Get a load of Robert Ginty on the mean streets of NY. Altered States (1980) -- I don't see this around much, worth a viewing. With William Hurt. My Bodyguard (1980) -- Probably a little cheesy, but better than average high school flick. Adam Baldwin (X-Files baddie) Blow Out (1981) -- Great Brian DePalma movie with the then out-of-fashion John Travolta. Big Easy (1987) -- Was noted for its frank sex scenes between Dennis Quaid and the odd looking Ellen Barkin. No Way Out (1987) -- Good political paranoia flick. Unless you hate Kevin Costner that is. Silverado (1985) -- Lawrence Kasdan western with nearly every name 80s actor on earth. Brazil (1985) -- Terry Gilliam + weird stuff + 80s = great. Gardens of Stone (1987) -- Knock out Coppola flick about soldiers on duty at Arlington National Cemetary during the Vietnam conflict. Absolutely masterful, tasteful. A strange companion piece to Coppola's Apocalypse Now. The Hitcher (1986) -- Now, C Thomas Howell is a well known tool, but this movie rocks with Rutger Hauer. Innerspace (1987) -- Meg Ryan, Dennis Quaid, Martin Short. Into the Night (1985) -- Great cameo by David Bowie as a hitman. Live and Die in LA (1985) -- William Friedkin. 'Nuff said. Making the Grade (1984) -- Classic 80s teen/college flick. Andrew Dice Clay shows up. Near Dark (1987) -- Great vampire flick. Nighthawks (1981) -- Great Stallone/Billy dee Williams actioner. Rutger Hauer once again rules. The Bionic woman looks good in this. Porn star Jamie Gillis has brief appearance. Mischief (1985) -- Alright, doesn't belong here, but it must be listed due to gratuitous nude shot of Kelly Preston having sex. post any others you think of...
  15. Swift Terror

    Guy tries to kill himself, but decides to live...

    I heard a co-worker of his (or it may have been just a friend) interviewed on the radio. This dumbass said that he knew about Alvarez's plans to park his car on the train tracks. He said "I thought he was going to kill himself, not all those people". Brilliant, you jackball. He should join Alvarez in prison for not reporting the info he had.
  16. Swift Terror

    Bad 80's martial arts movie

    That one is "A Force of One" (1979). I remember the scene. The Octogon is good, gotta love ninjas whenever they show up.
  17. He did direct Heartbreak Ridge "damn, this guy's hardcore...I know, wait till Swede gets here, he'll take care of him" "swede, swede, swede, swede, swede, swede" Swede, after getting ass kicked by Clint: "Sorry sir, I'll report to the brig."
  18. Swift Terror

    Largely forgotten

    Damn, I forgot about the awesomeness that was the early 80s martial arts fest known as KILL OR BE KILLED & KILL AND KILL AGAIN Troma movies are awesome, remember the one with the plane crash on the island...
  19. http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=544 Devil's Rejects trailer: http://www.thedevilsrejects.com/main.html Crap.
  20. Swift Terror

    Largely forgotten

    Ruthless reviews: sweet Best weapon of any 80s action movie: hands down, Clint Eastwood's Automag, used only in 1983's Sudden Impact.
  21. Swift Terror

    Largely forgotten

    Ah, Pray for Death is great How about Private School, with the lucious Phoebe Cates Oh yeah, and My Tutor...hot, stacked tutor of high schooler ends up shagging the hell out of him
  22. Swift Terror

    Largely forgotten

    Chuck Norris was great in Missing in Action 1, but the sequels kinda fell off. He was better in Code of Silence. Uncommon Valor was decent.
  23. Swift Terror

    Largely forgotten

    Flight of the Navigator - 1986 The Keep was cool Cruising, wow. That got a lot of flack from the gay community. That one is worth a look. I forgot about the Ninth Configuration (1980). Kick ass movie.
  24. Swift Terror

    Largely forgotten

    Of course, Louis Gossett Jr. rocks. Not so sure about Jason Gedrick.
  25. Hold on, that new airplane is the shit. The Airbus (France) A380, powered by GE GP7000 engine. Bigger than the 747 baby. It will have bars, suites, possibly even a gym. The Europeans (France in particular) are prouder of that airplane than they are of anything else. They claim that, because this new airliner is better than the legendary Boeing 747, it proves that Europe is not Rumsfeld's "Old Europe". Yes, a passenger airliner should certainly be front and center on the world stage. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...118_airbus.html