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Swift Terror

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Everything posted by Swift Terror

  1. Swift Terror

    Blair Witch Creator Dies

    So the producer and 1st camera assistant bailed out of the plane, leaving the dude behind to drown, without at least attempting to save him? Perhaps they had read the script...
  2. Swift Terror

    It has happened again

    I wasn't lying. When I went there, there was no mention of the beheading. Obviously they have updated it when you got there--took them long enough, considering this broke around 2:30pm eastern time.
  3. Swift Terror

    It has happened again

    Both the NY Times and Wash. Post web sites do not even bother to mention this on their front page. The lead stories at both sites deal with how we fucked up on 9/11 and how a civilian contractor is accused of beating up an Afghan detainee. Yep, we're worse than our enemy...
  4. Swift Terror

    It has happened again

    yeah, what she said... At least we killed the fuck (Abdulaziz al-Moqrin) who was behind this. But I guess we'll hear protests about how he should've been sent to international court with a fine lawyer from NYU...
  5. Swift Terror

    It has happened again

    Paul Johnson worked for Lockheed Martin. I mention this because I work for Lockheed as well, although in a far different business area within Lockheed than did Mr. Johnson. This is horrible and frustrating. I'm waiting to hear from the likes of Michael Moore (who BTW has slandered the Colorado facility of Lockheed in "Bowling for Columbine", accusing them of manufacturing WMDs. Nope, they make rockets that are used to launch satellites). Lockheed does make various weapons systems, however, at other locations. So, really, Mr. Johnson got what he deserved for being a part of making weapons (in this case, the Apache helicopter) used to kill muslims. Right, Mikey?
  6. Swift Terror

    Cin. Bearcats coach Bob Huggins

    Well, at least he didn't engage in any NCAA recruiting violations. Now that would have been grounds for firing...
  7. Swift Terror

    Some pictures from the Funeral procession

    Clinton supporters: "not fair, they are probably praying" Clinton haters: "disrespectful bastard, typical Clinton"
  8. Swift Terror

    Some pictures from the Funeral procession

    Ditto I was able to find a live webcast so I could watch it at work, then the damn thing crapped out just after Margaret Thatcher spoke and had to go back to the radio.
  9. Swift Terror

    Ronald Reagans state funeral tomorrow

    Thatcher rules. BTW, unforgettable rendition of The Battle Hymn of the Republic.
  10. Swift Terror

    10 Things to do before England v France

    I hear England fans will be permitted to light up the weed at the game. They should try this for Raider games...oh, well, it wouldn't matter much. Dumb American question: is Beckham playing for England in this game?
  11. Swift Terror

    This Week in Baseball

    I meant the "curse" that normally accompanies a sports figure or team when a photo of them gets on the Si cover. They get on the cover, they start to play like crap. Mostly a joke, I'm sure Junior will be OK. Maybe he needs to go on that clown Jim Rome's show and get some of that vaunted "karma."
  12. Swift Terror

    This Week in Baseball

    Just when you thought the Reds and Junior were rolling along nicely, they get slammed by the A's.....and Junior gets on the cursed cover of Sports Illustrated. Thanks a lot SI, and so long Junior back-in form Griffey.
  13. Swift Terror

    Theory of Relativity to be tested

    And you thought it was hard, established fact... The theory remains unverified and now, after 88 years, it is being tested in space, thanks to NASA, Stanford U. (brain power), Boeing (launch rockets), and Lockheed Martin (spacecraft, scientific apparatus). This experiment will test two predictions in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity: 1. The geodetic effect, which is the amount that Earth warps the space-time around it. 2. The frame-dragging effect, which is the amount that Earth drags space-time with it as it rotates. The launch took place 20 Apr 2004. http://www.nasa.gov/missions/highlights/la...update_gpb.html http://www.nasa.gov/missions/deepspace/grav_b.html http://einstein.stanford.edu/
  14. Swift Terror

    Theory of Relativity to be tested

    Yep, I'm giving up...unless the scientifically minded SideFXs cares to "weigh" in....on the "gravity" probe...oh hell, there's too much fat joke tie-ins here.
  15. Swift Terror

    Theory of Relativity to be tested

    But the real question is: who is actually fatter, Michael Moore......or Ted Kennedy?
  16. Swift Terror

    USA POW Beheaded

    Well, the far left is politicizing this already. The father of Nick Berg is a proud member of the delusional whack jobs known as Internationl ANSWER. Michael Berg is specifically blaming Bush and Rumsfeld for this. He also used his press conference to criticize the Patriot Act of al things and claimed that the Act had something to do with his son's death. He is giving out the dates for an upcoming rally against Bush, mere days after his son is brutally slaughtered. Despicable. He says he wants to "act now to end the war"--well then, perhaps he should direct this message to the radical Muslims who wish to continue to slaughter infidels, in the manner of their prophet and founder of Islam, that being Muhammed. The Koran absolutely does justify the killing of innocents. And Kerry is following right along, making his own statements, tiptoeing around blaming Bush for this and the prison scandal.
  17. Swift Terror

    USA POW Beheaded

    SideFXs' point about the media: they have saturated the airways and newspapers with the photos of Abu Garib (in their glee over the whole thing, the Boston Globe published FAKE photos of U.S. servicemen raping an Iraqi woman, hoping to further disgrace the U.S. cause, i.e. Bush's cause); they have not done so with Mr Berg's slaughter. The networks, as well as all the cable outlets, have said they will not show it. Also, they continue to shape headlines that tiptoe around what happened. Such as "Civilian contractor dies in Iraq". What, he had a heart attack? And we constantly hear the following: "We certainly condemn the killing, but we must understand there was a reason behind it, and the U.S. must recognize its criminal actions in the Middle East". The Old York Times used this slaughter as an excuse to once again bring up the prison abuse scandal--the scandal was the main focus of their piece on the slaughter. Praise be to Allah!, the good Muslims following the example of Muhammed and his blessed Sons, have shown the Americans what awaits them all. Your blood will flow from the tips of our swords.
  18. Swift Terror

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Back in the day, I went to a screening of a new episode during the college tour they went on (somewhere around 1991 or so). This was at the University of Cincinnati. I can't remember the damn name of the movie, but it had Adam West in it, made in the mid-80s. It was one of the better ones, the audience loved it.
  19. Swift Terror

    Mcdonalds Boss dies from Heart Attack

    Maybe the dork who did the documentary portraying his 30-day all-McDonalds-all-the-time experiment will croak too. If the founder of Papa Johns dies, let's put restrictions on pizza please.
  20. Swift Terror

    PS2 game "Energy Airforce"

    I would like to find this game badly. It is manufactured by Taito. It appears to be sold in Japan only, so: -- Is it possible to buy it from here in the U.S.? -- If so, do some of you video maniacs know where one can get obscure games like this? -- Will it play on U.S. PS2 consoles? Thanks a million.
  21. Swift Terror

    Point Made

    Talk about missing the point and deflecting it to arguing about whether any connection was justification for the war... I believe Mike's point is that Clark has contradicted himself very clearly. That makes everything else he says in 2004 suspect. He has no credibility.
  22. Exactly who do you consider "anyone"? Plenty of groups and leaders have called Israeli actions against Palestine terrorism. An Example: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher Also, Iran has taken the position that the killing of Yassin is terrorism.
  23. Complaining about Israel's policies is one thing, calling them terrorists is insane. I don't see any shrines to murder in Israel, as there is a shrine in Palestine to the Sbarro pizza bombing, where young adults were killed. In fact, there is a recreation of the pizza parlor, complete with fake bloody limbs to prasie the incident.
  24. Swift Terror

    Obit from the London Times

    Well, after all, I think it was the Old York Times that referred to Yassin as an elderly, spiritual advisor in an article shortly after his death (praise be to Allah).