Swift Terror
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Everything posted by Swift Terror
And Simon's response:
Hey, those SUVs are thirsty suckers, gotta get the kids to the soccer field. BTW, OB, speaking of the Reds, what do you think of Steve Stewart so far? Willie Mo, Willie Mo, where are your 5 tools?
thank god--goodbye Sapp now let's get rid of that ungrateful fuck Dillon
So they've exhausted the 60s and 70s TV shows (I Spy, M.I., Charlies Angels, Flintstones, Starsky & Hutch, etc.) and now they're starting to mine the 80s for movie ideas... Can a big screen version of Murder She Wrote be far behind. Clooney is a legit star with legit screen presence...it's his off-screen persona that turns a lot of people off. Such as making fun of someone's terminal illness and the 9/11 fund debacle (showing up for the fund-raiser but failing to back it up when it was exposed that the funds weren't getting to the people).
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...-2004Mar16.html When HASN'T the rest of the world hated America? Maybe for about 20 minutes after WWII. I have but one response to the rest of the world, courtesy of one Randy Newman: --Randy Newman, "Political Science"
New poll -- contempt for U.S. growing
Swift Terror replied to Swift Terror's topic in Current Events
I accept that people in Eurpoe and around the world do not spend most of their day thinking about 'hating' America, of course they don't. But when they are asked what they think, they normally respond with a negative attitude, as this poll would appear to show. There is nothing obsessive about commenting on their response. -
New poll -- contempt for U.S. growing
Swift Terror replied to Swift Terror's topic in Current Events
ok, guilty of the 'netiquette' overuse of the "!" I WILL NOT DO IT AGAIN, I SWEAR. EVER. AGAIN. SERIOUSLY. THIS WILL BE THE BEST. POST. EVER. -
And when the Bush administration responds to this, they will get the familiar line, "Oh look at Bush attacking, attacking, attacking...We will not stand for these attacks, we will respond forcefully..." classic leftist tactic: bring up the issue (Bush pre-knowledge of 9/11, now this) and then say, "hey, I'm only repeating what is reported, I don't necessarily believe it, but it must be looked in to..."
Kerry claimed he 'met with'...foreign leaders. He used those words and also the phrase 'looked me in the eye.' Which means, to any reasonable person, that he was in the same room with them, let alone the same city. Now he claims what he meant was 'I have heard from them'...'I spoke with them on the phone, I received a letter', yeah that's right. Oooohh K, John. Of course, he has taken this position because it has been pointed out to him that, in the time frame he is talking about, he has not been in the same city with any foreign leader with the exception of an official from New Zealand. So the man asks him to name the leaders he 'met' with and Kerry doesn't answer and then berates the guy for not answering his question....classic.
From Space.com:
Just when you thought it was safe to respect Spain for standing with America to fight terrorism... Way to go, Spainish socialists, for sending the message that terror pays. Where are the Spainish knights we you need them...732 AD, 1492 AD anyone? Charles the Hammer, come back to us.
I like that, nice touch. BTW, where is Ed Asner, Mike Farrell, et al.? They sure like Mumia, shouldn't they be holding candle-light vigils, demanding we spare his life? Come on guys, get with it now.
He should be forced to leave his cell and enter an outdoor open area everyday at noontime. He will do this for 30 days straight. He will be told that on one of those days, he will be shot in the head. It could the first day or the 30th, he will not know. Occasionally, shots will be fired very near him, just for fun.
Heroic Duo: 7.5/10 Fulltime Killer: 9/10 28 Days Later: 7/10
So how much of a bump will Kerry get now that....North Korea is endorsing him.
My friend has the original Danish mini-series on Laserdisc, and it is out of this world good. This remake is, so far, a mere shadow of the original. The original was described by a critic as being "like ER on acid". I would agree with that. They should have just shown the damn thing over here and not bothered with remaking it. Americans would accept the original, I think, subtitles or not.
Teen tries to kill girl, to have sex w/her corpse
Swift Terror replied to MrRant's topic in Current Events
So the kid was hard up. Just give the poor fucker a silicone doll and put it behind you. -
http://www.kake.com/home/headlines/653662.html A woman just suffered a heart attack while watching the movie--she later died. Well, it IS supposed to be powerful, but jeez. There has been a lot of talk about how a lot of older folks--who haven't been out to see a movies in decades--who are making an exception for this film. I wonder if she was one of them.
Wrong Turn: 7/10 Cabin Fever: 1/10
Kerry helped the North Vietnamese
Swift Terror replied to Rob E Dangerously's topic in Current Events
The fact that he looks like Jay Leno after having his face squeezed in a vice is reason alone to not vote for him. -
This is a direct link to an .avi file. It is a clip of bad guys being taken out with a...well, let's just say a very capable weapon. If you are a loony-left psychotic type Liberal who is against what the U.S. military is doing these days, you may want to avoid this as it will most certainly cause irreparable mental trauma. Doomed
I heard the press conference yesterday with Clarett and his lawyers. They avoided questions regarding whether he wants to enter the draft or return to Ohio State. They did this because Ohio State has said as long as Clarett meets the requirements (going to class, etc) that were settled from his previous problems AND he does NOT declare for the draft, then he can play this fall. If he does declare, he will be ineligible. Clarett (well, his lawyers) is worried that if the NFL's appeal is successful and they have already declared, then they are screwed on both fronts. Sadly, Clarett seemed to still blame the university for his problems, although he did accept personal responsibility for his lies, etc. This is one screwed up sh*thead.
Propose class-action lawsuit over Jackson's boob
Swift Terror replied to kkktookmybabyaway's topic in Current Events
stupid bitch--she should be jailed on principle alone -
I saw that show on the History Channel, along with a couple of other shows ("The Men Who Killed Kennedy") about the Kennedy thing which detailed other theories. They were interesting if nothing else. Suing, I don't get--there are books out there with unbelieveable accusations concerning this and I don't see these people suing the authors or publishers.
My other half's job is starting to drive her nuts. A short while ago, they started to require 20% overtime, no option. Then they began "working lunches"--that's right, you get to eat, but you have to sit in on a meeting the entire time. And last but not least, they are requiring her to stay after work to take additional training, instead of conducting the training during normal work hours. Arg, this may interfere with our sex life--no seriously, this sucks, this company is quickly becoming a nightmare.