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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Discovery's 100 Greatest Americans

    Yes, but many, MANY Americans served in World War II. What did Ted Williams do that rates him better than any of our other servicemen? He had virtually no impact on American history, outside of the baseball world. They'll probably make it seem like such a huge and unique sacrifice, but I'm hoping Discovery isn't ESPN.
  2. Highland

    Who still routinely watches Pro Wrestling

    I'll watch Raw off and on, but it's no big deal if I miss it. I haven't seen SD in ages.
  3. Highland

    US 'erodes' global human rights

    Ahh, the usual double standards applied against the US by bodies which engage in far worse atrocities than the US has ever been accused of.
  4. Highland

    Prince William the Nazi!?

    Exactly. No, but he is part of the family that is supposed to represent the UK, at least symbolically.
  5. Highland

    Prince William the Nazi!?

    It's a variant spelling. Either is correct.
  6. Highland

    Prince William the Nazi!?

    No, it's not my logic, but obviously I am the only one applying common sense. Stop flamebaiting me. I'll need to bathe after this but Frigidsoul was 100% correct. You look and sound like an idiot. Halloween has transformed us all into unsavoury characters. I am both a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and Freddie Kruger. Whatta mix! I jokingly quote Joseph Stalin, I am a Communist pig looking to undermise capitalism! and on and on I neither seek nor require your approval, Banky. Nowhere did I state that I equate someone wearing a Hallowe'en costume as being supportive of that role. Dracula is a fictional character, a Nazi soldier is not. I do not consider a Nazi uniform to be a Hallowe'en costume and frankly those that would are in a tiny minority.
  7. Highland

    Prince William the Nazi!?

    You have not presented any logic whatsoever for your arguments, and have instead only flung insults towards me. You've accused me of not knowing the difference between reality and fiction, and for some reason believe that I would view someone dressed as a fictional character for Hallowe'en is really a bloodsucker in a dark cloak. I've already stated an exception of when I would consider it acceptable to wear a uniform of the enemy. Harry was neither part of a theatre troupe or a movie production. I see no reason to continue this rather one-sided debate with you either here or in HD, as I'll just continue to undermine your fallible logic in either forum.
  8. Highland

    Prince William the Nazi!?

    No, it's not my logic, but obviously I am the only one applying common sense. Stop flamebaiting me.
  9. Highland

    Prince William the Nazi!?

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume that was sarcastic. No, I wasn't being sarcastic. Anyone that wears a Nazi uniform outside of a play or movie production should bloody well know the controversy it would cause. Thousands of his fellow countrymen died thanks to the Nazis and he should be publically humilated at the least for at best making a mockery of veterans and victims of World War II, and at worst proclaims his support of such a regime. I see no need why anyone should trip over themselves to make up excuses for his perfidity, and if the UK has Legion Halls, then he should be made to visit them in that uniform. Without any of his security detail with him.
  10. Highland

    Prince William the Nazi!?

    He should have known better, and by wearing that "costume" in a public place and by garnering such publicity he has made known his views and should be at the least publicly astrocised for them.
  11. Highland


    For once we agree.
  12. Highland

    It's Official: No WMDs in Iraq.

    That said, Saddam should be impeached. To all Saddam apologists, what justifications are left for not going through with this war?
  13. Highland

    Why do you hate ... who you hate?

    The Habs, on a matter of principle.
  14. What can he expect if he does get the book thrown at him? Though something tells me this will be quietly swept under the rug.
  15. Highland

    International Bush supporters

    I don't think most of the Maritimes are pleased witht the Liberals. But whatever the Liberals lose, they'll gain in Ontario. I have to question how patient even Ontario can be with the latest antics of the scandal ridden Liberals. Martin is clearly incompetent and has no business being in the PMO, worse, he has turned out to be exactly like Chretien in regards to his treatment of MP's, after arranging a coup against Chretien by promising to let MP's have more influence. Right.
  16. Highland

    International Bush supporters

    The Liberals might be left with only Ontario with the way things are going now. They'll be lucky to win a single seat in Newfoundland and Labrador come next election.
  17. Highland

    International Bush supporters

    Bush has done an excellent job of portraying that image. I don't think he's an idiot at all, and I think his public image is a calculated one designed to make him more appealing to the average Joe. It has obviously worked. I agree completely.
  18. Highland

    Rathergate Massacre

    It's all about who's palm you grease and how much....
  19. Highland

    The RAW Midcard Disaster

    It has clearly been established that the whole of E&C is greater than the sum of its parts. Why WWE ever broke up such a good thing I'll never understand.
  20. Highland

    International Bush supporters

    What mercy?
  21. Highland

    International Bush supporters

    I don't care for his domestic policy, but I do think he's given a really shitty rap regarding his "lack" of intellect. The man isn't stupid by anymeans, but a few mis-pronounced words and guffaws early on and everyone jumped all over it. On the flip side, he isn't the Second Coming of the Messiah either. Sorry fundies.
  22. Highland

    You deserve to meet...

  23. Highland

    I broke Firefox

    I've had the same problem a few times, thanks for the tip on how to fix it.
  24. Highland

    Ice Storms

    Blackouts are indeed the suck.