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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Frank Miller. Jim Lee. Batman

    DK2 was atrocious artwork wise, and yes I understood the "subtle" undercurrents of the story and I wasn't impressed. Batman isn't a terrorist. I also saw his work with a Wolverine graphic novel and I'd say he was at best above average, certainly not worthy of the near worship he receives.
  2. Highland

    CNN axes Crossfire

  3. Highland

    I'm noticing a lack of old school

    Well, it looks llike there won't be a need for a TNA folder much longer.
  4. Highland

    CNN axes Crossfire

    It definately lost alot when they went with the live audience format.
  5. Highland

    Frank Miller. Jim Lee. Batman

    Why do people hate Jim Lee's work? I loved the artwork in Hush.
  6. Highland

    An Open Letter to CE

    I was going to get that, but my DVD player had to fall apart. I need something to tide me over til Jordan finally gets around to releasing the next WoT book....
  7. Highland

    Republicans demand Washington state....

    I've a question: If a recounted right now somehow resulted in more EC votes for Kerry than for Bush, would Bush have to resign and Kerry be sworn in?
  8. Highland

    Israel vs Palestein

    We could only hope.
  9. Highland

    Israel vs Palestein

    How would it not suck for him to stick around? He's comparable to INXS in his stupidity.
  10. Highland

    Israel vs Palestein

    I'll stay out of the collective circlejerking over MikeSC, thanks. "Oh my god! He said Toronto!"
  11. Highland

    Who doesn't love Fred Phelps?

    I knew it was only a matter of time before some fucktard starting gloating that the deaths of tens of thousands of people was an act of God.
  12. Highland

    Another Jason Todd scare

    Jason Todd's death continually haunts Bruce Wayne and is a major factor behind Batman's vendetta. He needs to stay dead, to revive him would be to lessen the impact of his death and the direction the books took afterwards and would cheapen the characters of Batman and the Joker.
  13. Highland

    Israel vs Palestein

    I thought it was mildly amusing the way he spelt it. I didn't bother reading the post though. I hate to be whiny bitch, but could you reduce the size of your signature, Cerebus? It stretches the screen.
  14. Highland

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    The success of the newborn democracy in Iraq could have a similar effect in the Middle East as well.
  15. Highland

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    I've grown numb to it.
  16. Highland

    I want to be as funny as Vanhalen

    I listen to British bands, I'm a pompous elitist, I watch House of Commons on C-SPAN, and I apologise (yeah with an s, not a zed) even when it's the other guy's fault, just to be polite. But oh, I how I love a good row! Followed by tea, of course. How much more British can I act? You're Canadian, except for the tea part. Maybe even with it.
  17. Highland

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    The final figure will be way over 400k. We're at 120k at the time of writing; I think that it is fair to say that at least double that will be dead but at the moment not found and following that a significant amount of people will die due to water borne disease, lack of medical care and famine. Something I want to raise here..does anyone think that this disaster, as in a great flood, is biblical? I'm not religious in any way but this has certainly made me think. Religion is a myth so no I don't see any biblical similariities between this and Noah's Flood, nor is this sign of the End Times.
  18. Highland

    Paul Votsis Will No Longer Be Writing for TSM.

    What was the point of bumping this?
  19. Highland

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    The problem is that the waves hit poor areas of the region where there was no early warning system in place. They were completely unprepared.
  20. Highland

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    Drudge claims the death toll in Indonesia could exceed 400,000. I know it's Drudge, but if that figure is true.....
  21. Highland

    Iran may attack US

    claims congressman. I find it rather amusing that he'll reveal the heinous terrorist plot, but only if you buy his book.
  22. Highland

    RIP Jerry Orbach

    RIP Jerry Orbach.
  23. Highland

    Canadian flags lowered

    There are rules of ettuquette for the flag, but there are no penalties as far as I am aware for taking it down uncceremoniously, etc, as far as I'm aware. I know the US has laws regarding its flag, but if Canada possesses similar laws, they are buried deep in the CCC somewhere?
  24. Highland


    Not the best example, you know. If anything, he was technically proficient, but his stuff didn't "breath" properly, whatever that means. He was better at landscapes and still lifes than figure studies and portraits. See, that's pretty good. I watched a documentary on his art, and it was because he was unable to properly do figures that he was rejected. He did reasonably well with still lifes and backgrounds, just not people.