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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland


    He refused to let any women, even is wife Eva Braun, near him in public. It would have interfered with his cultivated image as being "married to the Riech". He was only moderately talented as an artist and he was a horrendous military commander and strategist who routinely ignored and countered the (usually correct) advice of his military advisors. He was advised not to invade Russia, was advised to reconsider when things went badly there and at every turn he ignored them. He was, however, an outstanding public speaker and possessed pulpable charisma. I think we would have had to been there, and have been his audience (without the knowledge of what he planned) to have really appreciated this quality.
  2. Highland


    Watch Triumph of the Will sometime. It won't make you a Nazi... but you'll understand. We do get the revisionist version of Nazi Germany, most assuredly. It was a utopia in many ways. Agreed. A real show of why even President Bush said "things would be a lot easier if we were a dictatorship." A lot of people attribute that to dumb things he's said, but it's actually spot-on. Nazi Germany was a showing of how efficient things could really be, even with a massive beauracracy. I don't deny Nazi Germany was efficient--they were notoriously meticulous with their records. I just reject the argument that the populace were unwitting pawns of the Nazi party and its policies. As for Triumph of the Will, I haven't watched it yet, but I'll take your word for it. And yes, things get done in dictatorships: It doesn't make them not-evil.
  3. Highland


    Only Stalin has surpassed Hitler in the number of people killed under his authority and thirst for power, and that is only because no one was willing to stop Stalin and he had alot more time to kill (literally). I blame the entirety of Germany for World War II and the Holocaust. Fuck them and their protestations of ignorance. Goebels orchestrated the Holocaust, Hitler used his powers as fuhrer and his oratoral skills to tell the Germans what they wanted to hear and they willfully listened. Only a tiny minority of them objected to the tide of evil sweeping over them; them majority eagerly choosing to go with the flow, looking for anyone but themselves to blame for their economic woes. Hitler was evil, leading his like-minded followers. An entire nation of them.
  4. Highland

    Iran may attack US

    Will they also ban corporate lobby and special interest groups?
  5. Highland

    Alchohol Ban On College Campuses

    If you're old enough to live away from your parents, join the army, drive, vote or otherwise be considered an adult, you're old enough to drink and the law should reflect that. I still get a chuckle out of hearing stories about soldiers fighting valiantly and all of them expected to give their lives for their country, but if they're under 21 they're not mature enough to drink. Sad.
  6. Highland

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    Better make that death-toll over 20,000 It's only a matter of time before something like this happens closer to home, IMO.
  7. Highland

    Your wrestler biases

    Bias for: Batista, Benoit, Brock, Eddie, HHH (sometimes and depends who he's facing), Trish. Bias against: 'Taker, Jarrett, HBK, Nash, Austin, Hardcore Holly, Torrie Wilson and the vast majority of the divas, except Molly and Trish.
  8. Highland

    2005 World Junior Hockey Championship Thread

    Hopefully they win back the gold and erase that abberation from last year.
  9. Highland

    Alchohol Ban On College Campuses

    Where is the sense of personal responsibility? College students are considered adults, not children and if they don't want to drink they shouldn't have to, conversely if they want to they should be able to. The universities have no business banning anything just because some people were too weak-willed to know when to stop.
  10. Highland

    Talk about your holiday here.

  11. Highland

    Canadian flags lowered

    This wouldn't even be an issue if Martin hadn't promised NS and NFLD&LD 100% of the oil revenues. Martin reneged and Williams is calling him out on it.
  12. Highland

    Canadian flags lowered

    Of course it won't get Martin ousted. All he has to do is continue catering to Quebec and Ontario at the expense of the RoC. Business as usual. Speaking of Martin, I wonder which flag is flown over his Canadian Steamship Lines? Hint: Not the Maple Leaf.
  13. Highland

    The Czech Republic/Slovakia

    I stand alone.
  14. Highland

    Canadian PM Paul Martin visits Libya

    It doesn't matter who we vote for, they all run things the same way in the end. The trappings of power are too tempting for them to do what is right. Despite this, I vote anyway, because I feel that brave people before me fought and died for my right to vote.
  15. Highland

    Answer this question,

    If you have a passport, bring it. Otherwise your Birth Certificate and a picture id (drivers license) will do.
  16. Highland

    Canadian PM Paul Martin visits Libya

    I like to get paid while I'm working. and wow Highland, that was a moronic statement you made. You can hate Martin and Liberals all you want, but to call Martin a dictator just shows your arrogance. Sarcasm is obviously lost on you. But then again I don't have such a high opinion of you considering you voted Liberal despite the scandal and corruption rife in that party. Unlike you I actually think before I vote.
  17. Highland

    Inapropriate Christmas gifts...

    Believe me, it was effortless.
  18. Highland

    How could they do this to a child?

    Sloppy seconds? No thanks.
  19. Highland

    Brock Calls Vince

    Brock's punishment will be losing a big fued to either Orton or Batista. That's it. I personally don't care about paying your dues and all that shit. It's utter nonsense. Why the fuck should anyone have to be humiliated just to gain the "recognition" of some fucktards in the back? I'm seriously waiting for a story where someone smacks Holly, Calloway or JBL upside the head backstage for being such twats. Brock is still in his twenties. Vince is smiling not only because he can punish Brock, but because he can use him as he originally intended. Brock'll be wearing the world title sooner than later.
  20. Highland

    How could they do this to a child?

    I think we've taken a break from the political bs. We've finally remembered it's current events, not political events.
  21. Highland

    So I was watching Demolition Man...

    Demolition Man is my favourite guilty pleasure. Awesome on so many counts.
  22. Highland

    Inapropriate Christmas gifts...

    Did someone send this to INXS, or more appropriately the poor girl he gave that STD to?
  23. Highland

    How could they do this to a child?

    Pity implies she is a victim: she is not. The woman is only that girl's mother in the biological sense; she has such a lowly view of her child that she would sell her off for money, and to further compound her contempt for her own daughter, she brags that she would never anything against her mother: Meaning she fully expects to use her daughter as she sees fits without and repercussions or consequences. She also has her hooked on drugs, no doubt as a further means of control. Make no mistake about it, this woman is not insane. She is a sociopath who cares nothing for other people, is incapable of feeling remorse and would do whatever it takes to get her way. She'd kill her daughter if she could profit from it, of if her daughter ever got in the way of her ambitions.
  24. Highland

    Movies that killed a career

    Coming to America is easily his funniest movie. Raw and Delirious are amongst the greatest stand-up comedies ever.