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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Hello Morality!

    The hypocracy of the religious "moral majority" never ceases to infuriate me.
  2. Highland

    Americans or United Statians?

    I know it only because I remember what the Finnish hockey jerseys look like. I miss hockey
  3. Highland

    Americans or United Statians?

    Some neo-cons in Canada might love to be called Americans, but it wouldn't go over very well with the rest of the country.
  4. Highland

    The Marine who shot dead an injured man

    No, I didn't notice the body at the top of that picture. Now I feel like I just did an INXS, someone give me a .44.
  5. Highland

    The Marine who shot dead an injured man

    The top picture doesn't tell me anything, but is that a dead insurgent or Marine at the bottom picture?
  6. Highland

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    They're more conservative than the rest of the country, and if they were for some reason annexed by the US they'd probably vote Republican.
  7. Well now you can. Amusing.
  8. Highland

    You will NOT use bad words in SC schools!

    I can't wait until they step out of the bubble of that school and into the real world and get stepped on because they have no idea how to deal with the real world and all it's "negativity".
  9. Highland

    Scott Peterson Convicted of Murder

    Horror upon horrors.
  10. Highland

    Scott Peterson Convicted of Murder

    That's pretty much it.
  11. Highland

    D'Onofrio is losing his mind

    Damn it. L&O: CI is one of my favourite shows, precisely because of the way Goran is portrayed. It's not going to be the same without him, but until he's officially dismissed I'll just consider it yet another rumour.
  12. Highland

    Scott Peterson Convicted of Murder

    Would you prefer a hockey fight or something? Read NoCalMike's post below yours. That's my answer.
  13. Highland

    Scott Peterson Convicted of Murder

    I'm so glad this ultimately insignificant event in the annals of American jurisprudence is finally at an end. Good riddance. Oh, the media had already convicted him long ago, so this verdict shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
  14. Highland

    How Will Arafat be remembered?

    It depends on who you ask, really.
  15. Highland

    Wow, This'll Piss Off Some Folks

    Hate crimes are bullshit, and are in and of themselves a form of discrimination by assigning a punishment based on the race, ethnicity, etcetera of the victim, instead of the crime itself.
  16. Highland

    President Bush to nominate Gonzales

    I would be. Is "foreseeked" a word, Highland? -=Mike I'm not sure: it's supposed to be from Star Wars, but I don't have the set, so either I'm misquoting it, or Lucas is wrong. Either way I freely admit to taking liberties with the word.
  17. Highland

    President Bush to nominate Gonzales

    Anyone is better than Reno....
  18. Highland

    Iraqi PM's relatives kidnapped

    Technically monkies don't walk on two feet. STOP INSULTING MONKEYS!! They can at LEAST be taught to clap and push buttons. Monkeys deserve better than being compared to these slime. Sorry, you're right, my bad.
  19. Highland

    Iraqi PM's relatives kidnapped

    Technically monkies don't walk on two feet.
  20. That Molson commercial is fucking awesome.
  21. Highland

    Man commits suicide due to election outcome.

    Alright, I'm no psychologist, but who else here thinks this guy did it solely for the publicity? Think about it: He travelled all the way from Georgia to NYC. If I was so distraught over the results of the election that I felt the need to take my own life I'd have pulled the trigger as I was watching the results sitting on my ass in my house.
  22. Highland

    Man commits suicide due to election outcome.

    And people ask why the politicians don't bother catering to the youth vote.
  23. Highland

    Iraq declares State Of Emergency

    Oh, I don't know.... edit: graphic image
  24. Highland

    Man commits suicide due to election outcome.

    At least he can't vote again.