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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Clinton to Dems: Don’t whine, work on image

    I see nothing wrong with no term limits. Let the voters decide if a sitting president deserve to be re-elected. That, and the increasingly prohibitive costs of running a campaign will virtually assure that no one will be able to remain in office for more than 3-4 full terms if they're very lucky.
  2. Highland

    Clinton to Dems: Don’t whine, work on image

    You can keep him, we have enough wash-ed up hasbeen actors as it is.
  3. Highland

    Time To Do the Happy Dance!

    Arafat's death won't make a difference in the long run, and neither would Sharon's.
  4. Highland

    Time To Do the Happy Dance!

    Chirac was at his bedside, apparently.
  5. Welcome to the true north strong and free.
  6. You sick bastard~! You need professional help for even considering that! I said "nearly" and it would have been purely a protest vote. Yes, all the candidates were that bad. I ended up voting for the Conservatives.
  7. I've voted for a different party in each of the elections I've voted for; I nearly voted for Natural Law in '93.
  8. Gheyme was banned for uttering a death threat. Yeah I know it's not the only reason, but that was the post that put the final nail in his coffin.
  9. Highland

    New Osama Tape

    So, half the American electorate are already cowed by terrorists, and their capitulation will be complete if Kerry wins the election (which is not an unlikely possibility)? Right.
  10. Highland

    Tell this college student why I

    I've been to college and I've been called a right wing bigot because I oppose affirmative action. The irony is I don't consider myself to be a conservative.
  11. Highland

    Man says live wire in bath was to save marriage

    What is it with Wisconsin and homicidal people?
  12. Highland

    How far is too far

    Bush and Cheney need to have the Imperial March precede their entrances instead of Hail to the Chief. Then again, I'd probably think it'd be cool if they did come out with the Imperial March playing.
  13. Highland

    New Osama Tape

    Out of everything else that everyone else has mocked you for, THIS takes the cake. Your ignorance is duly noted. Saddam wasn't behind 9/11, but Cheney managed to insert enough innuendos in his speeches that people start to actually believe that he was. Further, bin Laden was scarcely mentioned in the news in the past year.
  14. Highland

    New Osama Tape

    Apparently he watched F9/11. One of Bush's campaign managers (sarcastically) congratulated Moore for giving comfort to the enemy.
  15. Highland

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    Or that. But, all parties have said neither have committed any wrong-doing, so there won't be a huge counter-suit by O'Reilly.
  16. Highland

    Michael Powell the gues on Gene Burnes show

    I said "the moment they are able to do so" meaning through either legal or technical means.
  17. Highland

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    Either he paid her hush money, or he found information on her that wouldn't be good for her if publically known. *shrug*
  18. Highland

    Doctors dispatched to treat Yasser Arafat

    Apparently, the French are going to treat him.
  19. Highland

    Michael Powell the gues on Gene Burnes show

    The internet will be regulated and censored just as other forms of media are the moment they are able to do so, and unfortunately it is only a matter of time.
  20. Don't bother arguing with him. He'll harp on and on and on and on how he's an economist and does this for a living, conveniently ignoring the flaws inherent in the medical system he is championing.
  21. I need more than the rhetoric of a columnist using an uncited source before I believe that Canadian hospitals are Third world cess pools. I also don't care if the poor drug companies are made to make their products affordable: if it's a choice between people having the treatment they need made available to them and lining someone's coffers. Ah, here's the source. Amusing he didn't bother to mention that it is isolated to a single hospital, and instead uses it to bash the entire medicare system. Here.
  22. Man, I wish I was part of THE RICH, that way I'd have assloads of money and I'd still get "free" medicare.
  23. It's not exactly free, since we pay for it with our higher taxes.
  24. Highland

    Star Ocean 3 & Star Trek

    I haven't played SO3 yet, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Time Gate was indeed inspired by the Guardian of Forever.