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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Gunstar Super Heroes

    We concur.
  2. Highland

    Vote Passes recommending Libs resign

    This is signature worthy. Edit: Or would be if it would fit
  3. Highland

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Can someone send me a PM of when and how we're going to chat this out, or whatever we're doing? Thanks.
  4. Highland

    Homolka's about to be released

    Like all puns the less it is used the better.
  5. Highland

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Did you serve in Vietnam?
  6. Highland

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    They'd just have to grab a phone if he started shit. Whether they'd just use it to call someone or crack him over the head with it doesn't matter.
  7. Highland

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Speaking about (former) mods getting banned, what happened to Dazed?
  8. Highland

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    We're all on borrowed time, sooner or later you're taken out and forgotten, unmourned by the denizens of TSM....
  9. Highland

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    That's it, send this thread to Classics.
  10. Highland

    The Current Events Pool

    I give it about 3 months. It'll be on life support during that time and if it can't wake out of it, then obviously its cortex has turned to liquid and should be starved out of our misery. But, if it makes a miraculous recovery, then it's all good.
  11. Highland

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    I don't care either which way about MikeSC, but I hope this isn't the start of a worrysome trend where people are banned out of the blue long after a specific event or repeated warnings given months ago. There should be a cut off time when if you're not warned about it, you shouldn't get the axe. Just some non-mod bitching at some mods.
  12. Highland

    Harry Potter Movies

    Yeah, the ending of that book kicked all kinds of ass.
  13. Highland

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    So, who's going to play the role of Benedict Arnold?
  14. Highland

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Without the suit, Vader would have destroyed Luke, and probably Palpatine as well, since the suit actually reduced Anakin's power with the Force.
  15. Highland

    Homolka's about to be released

    If Laci Peterson wasn't so photogenic nobody outside of her neighbourhood would have given a fuck.
  16. Highland

    Homolka's about to be released

    She should never have been released in the first place, and she only got that deal because she played the battered wife sympathy card. Hopefully, someone finds out where she'll be living and takes care of the matter. Pity it didn't happen while she was in Club Fed. Oh and during the trial, the US had more information on the case, since as usual there was a publication ban, something that frequently occurs during trials here.
  17. Highland

    I need an RPG........

  18. Highland

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Nope, we don't have any room on the panel for people that don't appreciate Earthbound. Sorry. Maybe next time. Don't hate me for speaking the truth about Earthbound.
  19. Highland

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    Can I join in on this list? I too have been playing since the days of Intellivision and used to own a C64. I still consider some of those games to be better than the games offered today. Anyone that's played Pirates! or Below the Root will know what I mean. Classics.
  20. Highland

    Al Qaeda's No. 3 captured

    That joke is so 2004.
  21. Highland

    I need an RPG........

    You don't need a job to play old RPGs. Just get an emulator and find ROMs. Play some Seiken Densetsu 3 and make up for the lameness of Evermore. And fuck Square USA in the ear for giving us Evermore instead of SD3. Incidentally, I was surprised to learn that in the union of Square and Enix, Square's the bitch. Apparently a lot of the ideas from the old Square people are getting nixed. Skies of Arcadia is pretty good. Thank god for emulators.
  22. Highland

    Exploding bras

    Stuffed with explosives
  23. Highland

    Exploding bras

    I'm waiting for all the lawsuits resulting from the strip searching they'll have to do at the airports. You know, because getting money for hurt feelings is more important than whether I feel safe getting on a plane.
  24. Highland

    Convince me two wrongs don't make a right

    Put them in general pop. Make sure everyone knows what they did.
  25. Highland

    When did these hippie ads start appearing?

    I'd rather they open into a new window or tab. I'm too lazy to right-click and select open with tab.