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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Hahahaha Kerry!

  2. Highland

    Doctors dispatched to treat Yasser Arafat

    Arafat. Castro can only die if you remove his head.
  3. Highland

    Who here MU*s?

    Basically a MU* (there's a very large variety) is a text adventure game played online. Anyone else play any? I happen to have a few favourites which I go on.
  4. Highland

    Banned posters Hall of Fame

    For every memorable Eagan-style pucblic execution there's a few dozen back door executions that go un-noticed by the general TSM populance...
  5. Highland

    You Don't Say, Mr. Jennings

    Bush isn't stupid; he uses common words because he feels it gives him a closer connection to the average American voter that didn't go to Yale. It's a good tactic, really. People confuse his stuttering, mispronounciation and his inability to remember the name of an incredibly obscure foreign diplomat as indicative of his lack of intelligence. They're the morons that fall for it.
  6. Highland

    Two arrested for throwing pies at Ann Coulter

    Our leaders don't take any kind of shit from hippies.
  7. Highland

    Cool Halloween Costumes

  8. Highland

    Israel strikes again!

    No, but drawing new enemies out of the woodwork is a dumb strategy.
  9. Highland

    The Greatest Canadian

    Even we don't want him.
  10. Highland

    Cheney: "Terrorists May Bomb U.S. Cities"

    You already do, just not in the traditional sense of 'empire'.
  11. Highland

    The Greatest Canadian

    Banting should win this, since he was one of the discoverers of insulin.
  12. Mormons = Cult. Jehovah's Witness = Not a cult, but they still annoy the fuck out of me. Still, I take their literature when they knock on my door just so they'll go away.
  13. Highland

    Favorite Animated shows

    Count me in on the Samurait Pizza Cats fandom, I loved that show. I also agree that Gargoyles is one of the better animated series of all time, and yes it did plummet in quality during its last season.
  14. Highland

    The Greatest Canadian

    I am the greatest Canadian; followed by a tossup between Lester B. Pearson and John A. MacDonald.
  15. Highland

    Modern day slang

    u r teh suxx0rz!
  16. Willful ignorance such as that displayed by INXS and others is the reason we are faced with situations like Rwanda and the Sudan. Saddam Hussein's usurpal was a good thing; it doesn't matter whether or not he had stockpiles of WMD whether fully assembled or in pieces. It's irrelevant. Further, if I was an American and voting in this election, I probably wouldn't vote for Bush, but I sure as fuck don't have a pro-Saddam poster in my room, which is the trap that many that opposed the war fell into: that Saddam isn't really that bad and the Bush administration is trying to shove American imperialism down Iraq's throat.
  17. Highland

    FDA okay's implanted medical chip

    It's bad enough I need to carry a card, I shouldn't have to get an implant (whenever they're introduced).
  18. Highland

    Just How Much of a Mess is Iraq?

    Actually, I doubt there are many corporations that have the resources and means to partake of such a huge undertaking as the reconstruction of a country's oil program. Haliburton is one of those companies. Further, why shouldn't it be an American company getting the contracts? It was the US that toppled Saddam's regime, therefore it is the US that should benefit the most, not any foreign corporation whose host country was not in the coalition.
  19. I wish I was drunk right now
  20. The one debate I watched in its entirety and it had to be the worst....it was boring. I found myself agreeing with Bush more often than Kerry, on most of the questions he was asked, though.
  21. Highland

    Just How Much of a Mess is Iraq?

    What does Haliburton have to do with anything? The situation in Iraq is not nearly as bad as it is being made out to be. It's because we are fed up-to-the-minute reports from there that we believe it's all going to hell in a hand basket. Iraq will be democratized, it's already on it's way, but it will take time, at least 10 years, before it is stable, thriving and wealthy democracy.
  22. Highland

    Michael Badnarik arrested

    Money talks, as is needed for any candidate to run a campaign, regardless of their political affiliation.
  23. Highland

    If you had 3 superpowers.....

    Maybe, but if you're immortal then time doesn't mean anything.