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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    If you had 3 superpowers.....

    Ageless immortatlity Omnipotence Omniscience
  2. Highland

    3 Western States to Vote on Pot Proposals

    Isn't it all moot, since the Feds will just raid any places selling drugs in these states anyway, regardless if that state decriminalizes/legalizes said drugs or not?
  3. Highland

    States you've been to

    I've lived in BC and Alberta, drove through Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia, where I live. Driven through Maine, Vermont, New Hamphire, CT, MA, NY, PE, Delaware and I'm staying in Maryland right now.
  4. Highland

    Quadraplegic dies in DC Jail

    I believe one of the theories is legalization of marijuana, specifically hemp, would be very damaging to the cotton industry.
  5. And the sooner we crush them, the sooner they'll stop kidnapping and decapitating our citizens, because they (the terrorists) will be dead.
  6. Highland

    Quadraplegic dies in DC Jail

    The judge will of course be commended for this, since he took a vile pot smoker off the streets for good, though he should be charge with negligence causing death, or manslaughter.
  7. Highland

    Saddam and French Connection

    No, they only sided with an enemy of a member of NATO, of which ironically enough France is a member, for reasons that escape me. I doubt they'd ever drastically reduce the price at the pumps no matter how cheap it was by the barrel.
  8. Highland

    Supporting Kerry = weakening the War on Terror

    And I think that anyone that actually believes that the terrorists give a flying fuck who is in the White House is naive.
  9. Highland

    A second chamber for the UN

    This UN isn't that bad that it should be punished by being relocated to Paris, is it?
  10. Highland

    A second chamber for the UN

    This could be a good thing, then again giving even greater powers to highly populated Third World dictatorships probably isn't.
  11. Highland

    US bugs President Chirac's phone

    I've no doubt that their's is not the only country who's leader's offices/phones are bugged. I also have no doubt that similar bugs are infesting the Oval Office.
  12. Any Olsen twins movie. Scream (pick any). Home on the Range. How can anyone not like Platoon?
  13. Highland

    Favorite Spaceballs lines

    "Now, the short short version!" "Do you?!" "Do you?!"
  14. Highland

    Your family origins

    Mostly Scottish, but I'd have to go back several centuries. Also my great grandfather was Belgian.
  15. Highland

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    I caught the last half hour of the debate; I don't believe either of them won, but Kerry did appear to be alot less wooden and dare I say possessing of some personality in his deliveries. I just hope the other debates are more interesting. The VP debate will be much better than this, I believe.
  16. Highland

    All of the Bossman bullshit

    *checks time* Yep, it's time once again for yet another HD attack on the WWE folder.
  17. Highland

    Let's use nukes to stop hurricanes...

    That would be awesome.
  18. Highland

    Paul Martin speaks out against UN

    A pity he did such a great job as Finance Minister slashing the Canadian military budget that today all we can do is just make speeches.
  19. Gein, Dahmer were all residents of Wisconsin; you're just in a fucked up State.
  20. So should CE be strictly limited to political or world events? Somehow I doubt the victim here considers it fluff. Oh, this kid needs to be someone's prison bitch.
  21. Highland

    Hey, where'd I put my keys?

    Other: The guy that bumped into you the day you lost your keys picked your pocket and is now twirling your keys in his hand while he and his less than upstanding friends case your house.
  22. Highland

    What the f*ck?!? Terror watchlist passenger...

    At this risk of sounding mean, your feeling of offense is irrelevant. They did what they were SUPPOSED to do --- question you because your documents were not in order. I wish they were still keeping him locked down... The Man can never keep me down. *raises fist*