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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland


    Yes you do. Not that I have great taste or anything, but I found some of these clips pretty funny, and apt.
  2. Highland

    What the f*ck?!? Terror watchlist passenger...

    This is why he was added to that list, not because he's a security risk. Stupid fucks detained me the last time I crossed the border because I was travelling alone and had a tan with a 4 day growth of beard. And my destination card was incomplete because they wouldn't give me the time to complete it after handing it to me. They finally let me through, but only after detaining me for an hour and causing me to miss my flight. The guy was a prick; I felt like a suspect in an interrogation room. edit: yes, I know I was detained because of my incomplete card, they still made me feel like a suspect though.
  3. Any reality/talk show. Any Harry Potter movie. The Shield. The OC. Oz. Any Buffy franchise. Friends. ER. ........then again, I prefer cartoons and anime to most of the drivel that's on tv. Love Fairly Odd Parents.
  4. The Presidential debates will be lackluster, considering who is involved. The VP debates, on the other hand, should be lively.
  5. Highland

    Guilty Pleasures

    Alot of 80's stuff, anything from Spanish Train and Other Stories. Wait, no, ST&OS is awesome, so no shame in that.
  6. Highland

    Make a statement

    If HHH respects wrestlers as much as people says he does how come he has so much difficulty in properly putting somebody over? 'Cause to me that's the biggest sign of respect. Keeping your spot is called business, and name me one wrestler that would act any differently in his place. You can't.
  7. Highland

    Make a statement

    Statement: Given his respect for wrestlers, especially from the distant past, we'll see more of an old-school style when HHH finally heads the company. And by head of the company he's the CEO, and doesn't wrestle.
  8. Highland

    CBS says it can't vouch for Bush documents

    I would also say he has a large influence in matters. I was watching this documentary last year about a foreign correspondent in the Middle East, and basically he was in charge of everything that was reported, except he oft times had to argue with his bosses over what is worth reporting or not. I've also seen a similar documentary on newsanchors. Mind you, it was about Canadian anchors, but I am sure the work environment is much the same in the States.
  9. Highland

    GIs forced to reenlist

    But, really it didn't succeed because JFK was deathly afraid that he'd be caught red-handed, which ultimately he was.
  10. Highland

    GIs forced to reenlist

    You're right.
  11. Highland

    GIs forced to reenlist

    He didn't have clear mafia ties. His daddy did, though. -=Mike ...JFK just banged a mafia boss' girl... Fair enough, but he's still the most over-rated President in history.
  12. Highland

    GIs forced to reenlist

    Wow, I didn't think I'd see anyone demonize JFK, you know, since ignoring the advice of his security advisors telling him not to travel to Dallas and getting himself shot has lionized him, making everyone conveniently forget his mafia ties.
  13. Highland

    Macaulay Culkin preparing to play Wesley

    Sorry...*pops Valium*
  14. Highland

    Ann Coulter shares her thoughts about the election

    That's about all on him/her you could tap.....
  15. Highland

    Dave Meltzer's Unforgiven Review

    That's because he is, at this point.
  16. Highland

    Macaulay Culkin preparing to play Wesley

    I liked the Princess Bride and I don't want it ruined by having him in it, let alone the lead role
  17. Highland

    GIs forced to reenlist

    As the Commander in Chief (and if this story is true) then yes it is fault. Bush isn't the Second Coming, he does have his flaws, you know
  18. Highland

    New Final Fantasy VII Game Announced

    Don't mention him... God, him and his all superior attitude made me fearful of saying "watashi no otaku." ...yeah, to anyone who can translate that sentence, I'm fully aware that the syntax and how it is meant is wrong. Yeah, I think I may have stepped over the line there, but I had meant Kamui was one of those extreme types that believes Japan is paradise on Earth, and that the West sucks, etc. And for the record, I have a wallpaper of Amelia Seiroon on my desktop. "Where's the justice in that?!" "Oh it's around here somewhere." Priceless.
  19. Highland

    New Final Fantasy VII Game Announced

    And remember boys and girls: Kamui is an otaku.
  20. Highland

    Tony Schiavone back with WWE...

    Was he the one that would call it an "international object"?
  21. Any President who actually does something is usually loathed. Doing nothing generates a lack of hatred --- but doesn't make one a historically great President. -=Mike Bush is not an historically great President.
  22. Highland

    WWE News

    That fat untalented turd should be happy, he's getting another push without doing anything to earn it. What push? He's keeping morale up backstage, that doesn't equal a push.
  23. Highland

    The Bible is literally true.

    I love how people make excuses like "mistranslations" or "human fallacy" whenever someone points out any inaccuracies in the Bible.
  24. Highland

    Nadar might hurt your chances?

    Funny, even I can see that this is Kerry's election to win, especially with Bush's abysmal domestic record, yet Kerry can't seem to galvanize people into voting for him, and I mean vote for Kerry because they feel he is the best man for the job, not because it's "anyone but Bush" and it's showing in the polls, isn't it?
  25. Highland

    Nadar might hurt your chances?

    I'll be the first to admit that I pay only casual interest in this election, and while both sides really haven't offered anything relevent (Accusations of who did what 30 years ago is not relevent) I have to say Bush is going to win, if only because Kerry has not given any one any reason to vote for him.