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Everything posted by Highland

  1. If they want to let them, though in the case of minors they should require parental or guardian consent (And what guardian or parent is going to consent to pulling the plug on their child?)
  2. Highland

    Should We Say "Told You So"?

    But in all fairness, Napoleon did a lot of good things for France. He was just an egotistical prick towards the rest of the world.
  3. Highland

    Help me spend my damn money

    Nothing wrong with a little JD.
  4. Highland

    ESPN's Top 100 Moments of past 25 years

    Carter also played for the wrong team.
  5. Highland

    Official: US Capture of bin Laden close

    It would also make him a martyr in the eyes of those butchers. I would keep him alive , but hold him at an undisclosed location and extract everything he knows about Al-Qaeda and its cells. Only when I had extracted all the information I needed from him would I have him killed. By strapping a bomb belt on him and having him make one of his televised speeches to his followers.
  6. Highland

    Sloganator Memorial

    Here it is and yeah I did laugh at quite a few of them.
  7. Highland

    A small step

    Source He's right, and it would be good for all of us if more spoke out like this editorialist is, instead of keeping silent.
  8. Highland

    Official: US Capture of bin Laden close

    Agreed. And the AP is rapidly losing credibility with me. It's becoming a propaganda piece reporting speculation as fact. Bin Laden hasn't been captured, and it is only speculation that his capture is iminent.
  9. That's not surprising, considering I had to dig to find it buried in the news webpages.
  10. Highland

    Bill Clinton admitted to hospital.

    It wouldn't have made any sense for anyone to jeer in response to wishing him a speedy recovery.
  11. Here's another update They fired on children trying to flee. Fuck them.
  12. They bomb subways, sabotage civilian planes and hold school children hostage and play macabre games with them. They deserve no mercy, let alone psychoanalysis of the reasons behind their actions. Several years ago I sided with them, this was before they decided to target civilians, not I don't care what happens to them, in fact Putin should just give the order to carpet bomb Chechnya back to the stone age.
  13. Highland

    Soldier found guilty

    OMGFoxnews~yeah yeah. So what does it take to be convicted of treason? Because this looks awfully close to it.
  14. Highland

    Should We Say "Told You So"?

    Why didn't anyone try to bribe me? I could use the money
  15. Those terrorists never had any intention of letting any of those hostages get out of there alive.
  16. Both events are also happening at bad times (not there is ever a good time), with the hostage situation at the theatre occuring during the DC sniper shootings, so coverage of that was minimal, same too with this situation coinciding with the Republican convention. That's still no excuse for the shody and sporadic coverage this has gotten; there used to be a time when a tragedy like this would be the lead story, now we're lucky if it even gets a mention on the screen crawl.
  17. Highland

    Update on Edge

    I'll mark for the return of the 5 second pose.
  18. Highland

    Republican Convention

    Either this whole thread needs to be put in classics, or at the very least, the dueling posts in this thread have to be taken out and those put in classics.
  19. Highland

    Are you with me on this one?

    I spoiled my ballot.
  20. Highland

    So... Zsasz was banned

    Good riddance.
  21. Highland

    Charges against Kobe to be dropped

    How do you "accidently" upload sealed court documents onto a website?
  22. Highland

    Should We Say "Told You So"?

    You know that would make a shitload of money and draw in the ratings, right?
  23. You'll definately hear about it if/when they blow that school up. But other than that, the media doesn't consider it that big of a story.
  24. Even if the vast majority of Muslims hate and oppose these terrorists, they probably don't want to become their next target either.
  25. Highland

    Is the Republican party by nature, the Majority?

    The exact opposite is true here. Replace "liberal" with "conservative" in that quote.