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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Bush doesn't think we can win the War on Terror

    It was the truth, but the wrong time to speak it, politically.
  2. Highland

    The Chinese know how to handle kidnappers..

    The best part is the cops will send the kidnapper or his next of kin the bill for the cost of the bullet, plus expenses.
  3. Highland

    Hey Loss...

    It won't be soon enough.
  4. Highland

    Make a statement

    *deadpans* It's a start. And c'mon, they want to appear professional with the new dresscode, so why not go one step further and have the announce teams act like commentators for real sports teams? Who knows, maybe Michael Cole can morph into Bob Cole?
  5. Highland

    Make a statement

    Different works, as long as it's something better than the current setup. Also, a more professional demeanor by the announcers would be nice.
  6. Highland

    Make a statement

    Statement: WWE needs to return to the heel vs face commentary teams. Enough with the on air friendships and tweeners.
  7. Highland

    The Chinese know how to handle kidnappers..

    We could use some of that over here.
  8. Highland

    Andy Kaufman

    Another reason to hate him.
  9. Highland

    No gold

    I know, but most people still equate the men's US Basketball team as the Dream Team, regardless of the year.
  10. Highland

    And it starts...

    This topic reminds me of this:
  11. Highland

    The roll up as a finisher

    It is used too much, and I think it should be used alot more sparingly so it is not so expected anymore. A roll up should be used by an underdog face to beat a seemingly invincible heel when nothing else seems to work, for instance. Get the quick pin and run the fuck away.
  12. Highland

    Real Life Heat

    Yes, but HHH's comment is sadly very true; Jericho does lack that extra something that prevents him from being an considered an undisputed main eventer rather than someone you could find during any segment.
  13. Well, if the same reply had been said about AF-1 then he'd be being paid a visit by the Secret Service right about now..... But no one gives a shit about the Vice President
  14. Highland

    GOP hates New York

  15. Highland

    President Bush, the worst president in history?

    Bush's legacy for good or ill hinges almost entirely upon what happens in Iraq and to an extent the Middle East. If Iraq fails, he'll be condemned for going to war over flimsy evidence, but if it succeeds in becoming a vibrant democracy, then he'll be lauded for doing what no one else could: establishing a free and democratic nation in the heart of one of the most repressive areas of the world. If he manages that, then history will largely forget that he also presided over one of the biggest downturns of foreign diplomacy in US history: Ironically enough, the war on Iraq.
  16. Highland

    Make a statement

    Rebuttal: Was he the guy with the USA is not Ok sign? If so, then yes. Statement: La Resistance should be moved to Smackdown with the rest of the tag teams.
  17. Highland

    President Bush, the worst president in history?

    It's far too early to say whether or not Bush the Younger is one of the best, worst or just one of the adequate presidents in American History.
  18. Highland

    Sydney Morning Herald Article - New WWE Wrestler

    Middle Eastern = Arab = Evil anti-American = Return of Sgt. Slaughter! What? You don't think that's what'll happen?
  19. Highland

    GOP hates New York

    Actually, it's brilliant. The crazies will be out in full force and the public will NEVER give those blithering yahoos any semblance of power. The protests will cripple an already severely reeling Kerry campaign. -=Mike Well, at least you're admitting it's a purely political decision to have it there instead of a city with a solid Republican base. But I don't think we'll see any crazies, as I imagine security will be air tight. Unless they hire the same guys that let those highjackers on the planes despite finding the boxcutters on them during the pre-flight search. Also, I wouldn't say Kerry's campaign is reeling, because the last time I checked, both candidates were in a virtual dead heat, with their polling numbers falling within the margin of error.
  20. Highland

    GOP hates New York

    *yawn* The GOP is having their convention in NYC only because they want to use ground zero as a reminder of their platform. They shouldn't be surprised that a traditionally Democrat city would have some problems with the GOP.
  21. Highland

    Wal-Mart Crusade

    Because people believe that the local mom and pop store with its shitty service and overpriced goods is part of the cultural makeup of the town and Wal-mart is the big bad outsider that'll leave the place a ghost town when they pack up and leave.
  22. Highland

    Hamas operative arrested in Baltimore

    I'm sure it's already on there.
  23. Highland

    Make a statement

    STATEMENT: I may temporarily agree with MikeSC outside of the CE folder, but then he says something that makes me wave my hand dismissively and say, "Bah!" Reply to RRR: Perhaps I did over-generalize, but you can't deny the obvious favouritisms everyone plays.
  24. Highland

    Make a statement

    Statement: The IWC looks for reasons to shit on people they don't like, magnifying their flaws while overlooking the flaws of those they worship. Example: Eddie beats up a fan and acts in a very unprofessional manner and we blame the fan for this and forgive Eddie. On the other hand, JBL acts like a dickish heel should and does the goose-step in Germany, and we call him, not his character, an asshole for it.
  25. Highland

    Pot grower faces murder charges for firefighter

    If it's criminal negligence from an illegal act then there should be manslaughter charges, but I wonder how rare something like this case is, and if it sets a precedent will it be strictly limited already illegal activities (pot growing) or something that is not legal, but is still negligent (overloading power recepticles)?