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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Make a statement

    Rebuttal: the Spear Re-rebuttal: Edge's spear is the worst finisher; Goldberg makes it look effective. Re-Re-rebuttal: The. Worm. Ok, I haven't watched Smackdown in a while, but is the worm now a finisher instead of a filler spot?
  2. *cough* http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=49484
  3. Highland

    Can Orton Make Friends?

    I'm all for the lone wolf version of Orton, only occasionally allying with others in his vendetta against Evolution and using his knowledge of the group against them.
  4. Highland

    Make a statement

    Rebuttal: the Spear Re-rebuttal: Edge's spear is the worst finisher; Goldberg makes it look effective.
  5. Highland

    Backstage news from Raw and SD

    What is Dupree without the dance~!?
  6. And Orton does to HHH what everyone wants to do.
  7. Highland

    Can Orton Make Friends?

    I've seen this storyline before, I know I have.....oh yes.
  8. Highland

    Make a statement

    Counter: Brock will never return to WWE or any other professional wrestling organisation. He hates it and he feels its lack of legitmacy undermines his desire to be viewed as a real athlete.
  9. Highland

    Best Ninja Game Poll

    *raises hand*
  10. Highland

    Make a statement

    Statement: If and when HHH becomes the real promoter of WWE we will see a return to the old school style of wrestling and less fluff pieces.
  11. Highland

    Big Show comes back

    Show him as the next Andre, how hard can it be? I have to wonder if it's because Vince honestly respects Andre and worries that such a gimmick would tarnish his memory, but then I remember all the other angles that Vince has thought up of and shake my head. Also, I have to wonder what Show did to piss people off since he's always put in shitty angles, jobbing to fucking cruiserweights and cripples and non-wrestlers, yet I've never heard any story about him stirring up shit backstage or refusing to do a match or an angle.
  12. Highland

    Make a statement

    Rebutal: Totally false. The Rock is easily one of the most charismatic and entertaining workers ever. He always pops a high rating, and his sporadic appearences on RAW are always the highlight of every show. Counter rebuttal: Wrong. No matter how popular the Rock is, he is retired and constantly relying on him for the cheap pop makes it that much harder to put over future stars. They shouldn't have to use the Rock, Hogan, Foley or whoever to put people over today.
  13. Highland

    Make a statement

    Statement: WWE needs to quit going to the Rock and other stars from the past to promote their present and future stars.
  14. Highland

    Future plans

    edit: nevermind.
  15. Highland

    Best Ninja Game Poll

    The ninja in tenchu act like real ninjas. Ninja stealth kill!
  16. Highland

    Alcoholism/Drug Addiction

    It's not a disease in the strictest sense of the word, but they can both ruin lives. However, unlike the vast majority of diseases, people actually have a choice on whether they want to become a drug addict or an alcoholic.
  17. Highland

    Hardcore Discussion

    I hope so...
  18. Highland

    Does RVD deserve a chance....

    I tend to think that JBL's title run is a thank you from Vince for years of loyal service. Just be thankful he picked him instead of Holly.
  19. Highland

    Does RVD deserve a chance....

    That is why he hasn't been given the god push, why he isn't a main eventer and why he'll never be the champion.
  20. Highland

    Does RVD deserve a chance....

    He had his chance? Like in 2001, when he was REALLY getting hot - and they just cut him off at the knees? Or, in September 2002, when his popularity was surging once again.....when he was actually next-in-line to become the World Heavyweight Champion - and they blocked him yet again? Van Dam has NEVER had a fair chance to succeed in WWE. Every time he came close, they always found a reason to stop him. He at least deserves a fair chance. One that he hasn't gotten yet, mind you. Yes, it's a vast conspiracy against RVD, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the him being an ass backstage and on talkshows and generally being sloppy and not giving a fuck in and outside of the ring. The stoner image doesn't help either. RVD is not, was not and never will be a main event wrestler and it's not become HHH or Vince is holding him down, it's because once he is in the ME then all of RVD's flaws are going to be exposed, and his flaws outweight his benefits. And to nip the upcoming remark in the bud, I know Bradshaw has more flaws than merits, but Vince likes hosses, doesn't he?
  21. Highland

    A simple question

    Invisibility: Covert ops, baby.
  22. Highland

    Does RVD deserve a chance....

    No, he had his chance. Jericho is better than RVD in everyway, by the way.
  23. Highland

    Best Ninja Game(s): Taking poll nominations

    Snake Eyes and Stormshadow. I'm pretty sure I've seen them in a GI Joe video game.
  24. Highland

    Iraq Soccer Team Tells Bush...

    I'd have laughed if they'd demand royalties from the Bush campaign for the use of their team's image.