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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Sports that should be part of the Olympics

    Have you seen those hackeysack players from Thailand? They play it with teams on opposing sides of a volleyball net and it's fucking nuts.
  2. Highland

    A Thought

    That was the image I was looking for, but this one popped up so I made due.
  3. Highland

    A Thought

    Has it gotten this bad yet?
  4. I wouldn't worry too much about it, since sentiment amongst many Republicans is, "If you're not with us (Republicans), then you are with the terrorists." So there's plenty of extremists on both sides. I don't care who sits in the Oval Office, but Ashcroft has got to go.
  5. Highland

    Getting Orton Over

    They might just do that. What Orton should do is go to Batista, and tell him that that beatdown Orton got was for winning the Title, that Evolution only exists to protect HHH at the expense of its members. He should plant doubts in Batista's mind by inferring that if Batista ever wins the belt, then he could be the one facing the "thumbs down"
  6. Highland

    Colorado thinking about splitting their EVs based

    I hear there's quite a bit of weed hiddden in the corn fields of Nebraska...
  7. Highland

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    This crowd was horrible and it made what was a pretty good PPV into an average one. It felt like a throwaway episode of Raw.
  8. Highland

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    Is Anglesault on suicide watch? Despite the fact that I feel Orton is too early in his career to be the world champion, I don't want his reign to be transitional so he can just hand it to HHH. Give him a few months, at least until Survivor Series or even Royal Rumble. I'm glad he won, and he won clean, which means a whole lot in these days of run ins, ref bumps and cheap DQ's.
  9. Highland

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I'm watching it at home, it's so far so good, but I'm skipping the Diva crap. And what kind of prize is marrying Lita? I'd lay down and do the job if she was the "prize".
  10. Highland

    The OAO SummerSlam 2004 Thread

    I'm watching it at home, it's so far so good, but I'm skipping the Diva crap. And what kind of prize is marrying Lita? I'd lay down and do the job if she was the "prize".
  11. Highland

    Olympic Chatter

    Is that the excuse we're going to hear if they don't win the gold?
  12. Highland

    NBC, u suxx0r!

    Because GE can afford to shell out the money to show shitty Olympic coverage on NBC. And you guys are right about CBC's biased coverage when there's a Canadian in the event, but they're still miles ahead of NBC and they spend less money getting the rights to sponsor the games.
  13. Highland

    Dumb American

    We've already apologized for Brian Adams. Stupid American.
  14. Highland

    Opening Ceremonies

    It was the reverse for me in the 2000 Olympics: I didn't care much for the ceremonial theatrics, but I loved the lighting of the Torch, this year I didn't care for the torch lighting, but I thought the rest of the ceremony was great, especially the part with the monolithic head and the double helix light effects.
  15. Highland

    Opening Ceremonies

    Yeah, I kept flipping back and forth between NBC and CBC and there's no comparison between the two. Sorry, NBC sucks.
  16. Highland

    Opening Ceremonies

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the torch look like a huge joint.
  17. Highland

    Opening Ceremonies

    Iraq had the loudest ovation when it was introduced during the parade of nations.
  18. Highland

    Opening Ceremonies

    I'm watching it right now on CBC. Hopefully there's no censorship, and if they don't show the lighting of the Torch, which is the entire point of the Opening Ceremonies, I'll be rather upset.
  19. Highland

    Favorite TV Series

    L&O: CI
  20. Highland

    Diplomacy the Board Game

    My uncle has it, I never played it but I could borrow it from him and read up on the rules. It sounds interesting.
  21. Highland

    The Baseball Strike

    Even if the Expos had won the WS in '94 Montreal itself is a shitty sports city that won't support your team unless you're winning and have a Habs logo on your jersey. They'd still be up for sale today.
  22. Highland

    Who likes Kerry?

    Well, I managed to skim through the article, a bored expression on my face and my chin resting on my palm when this last paragraph caught my eye. Coincidently enough it's the only one I can agree with, but even agreeing with one thing this neo nazi said makes my skin crawl.
  23. Highland

    Terry Nichols says he's sorry

    Ugh. This cocksucker suddenly finds God and some of the relatives of those that lost their lives in the Oklahoma City bombing want to forgive him. I'm surprised that there wasn't a way to apply the death penalty in this case, even if he didn't trigger the bomb he was an active conspirator. I don't know how different the laws of Virginia are from Oklahoma, or even the Federal government, but Malvo was the shooter in the DC Sniper shootings, not Mohammed, but Mohammed is the one on deathrow. Just put Nichols in general pop without the bullet proof vest and protective helmet. Problem solved.
  24. Highland

    top 5 favorite anything

    In no particular order. <---------- Shawshank Redemption Blade Bourne Supremacy Bourne Identity