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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Is the end really near?

    That would make it all worthwhile.
  2. Highland

    Bandai buys Namco

    They'll keep the Namco name if they're smart, especially for selling games over here.
  3. Highland

    Evolution is a Mystery

    I have, sadly, seen this too. It is sad to see things like Creationism and Scientology discussed seriously. Someone even complained to me that in our society people don't want to accept things as truth unless they can be proven. Uh, yeah, people generally like to accept only FACTUAL INFORMATION as "truth." The thing I don't understand is that most people seem to fall into either one of two camps, either that religion / God / Creationism will prove science wrong, or that science will be the avenging angel, no pun intended, that will finally put this religion / God nonsense to bed once and for all. Neither can disprove the other. No one ever seems to realize that science & religion can exist perfectly harmonious with one another. If you believe in God, you believe in God. Nothing should really change that. Whether God created the Earth and all life on it within six days or by the process of evolution shouldn't really be a question that you lose sleep on. I agree, but people insist on arguing over a topic in the vain hopes of convincing the opposite side of their view, are accused of trying to subvert the Bible or are accused of trying to enforce their beliefs upon another.
  4. Highland

    2 top 100 Video Game Lists

    No. Agreed. I could EASILY list at least 5 better RPGs on the PSX. (in no order) Suikoden 1 and 2 Azure Dreams Dragon Warrior 7 Final Fantasy 9(waits for the fallout from that one) Persona 1 and 2 And that's without even having to stop and think. Someone here likes Azure Dreams? I got it, not knowing what it was about and have to say I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me as I played it. But saying it's better than FFVII is a long stretch. Konami can and has done better.
  5. Highland

    Evolution is a Mystery

    At another board I go to this is actually a serious topic. You wouldn't believe how many people scoff at evolution and science but will vehemently defend creationism. It's not confined to the South anymore, unfortunately.
  6. Highland

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    FF:CC is that bad? I was thinking of getting it too. Thanks for the head's up.
  7. Highland

    One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

    That would fucking rule all. Indeed. Since all the ECW I have seen is from the Rob Van Dam DVD, I have no clue what you're talking about. Is that Heyman or something? Joel Gertner. You have to hear him to understand, but trust me no one in WWE comes close to his humour.
  8. Highland

    One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

    That would fucking rule all. Indeed.
  9. Highland

    Denny's in trouble

    I'm sure somewhere sometime MikeSC has insulted me. As a result of the extreme distress and emotional trauma, I'm seeking $10 million (USD) plus $50 million for pain and suffering.
  10. Highland

    Isn't This the Truth?

    So, any global baddies rank as Megatron?
  11. Highland

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    Agreed. I've never understood all the hate FF IX was given. It's a good game with a very good story, certainly better than VIII; and I love how they returned to the roots with the story with direct reference to Final Fantasy I.
  12. Highland

    More of those Bratz

    Yes. Yes you are. And unfortunately my curiousity has been mildly piqued, so if you could put up an image of the infernal pentagram then it would be sated, however it's only mildly piqued so I'm not looking for it.
  13. Highland

    Stan Lee Reaches Deal With Marvel

    I had no idea he was that old. I thought he was only in his 60's.
  14. Highland

    JBL... 1 year later.

    And you all laughed at me when I said a year ago that JBL could draw and was better than he was given credit for.
  15. Highland

    The Political Compass

  16. Highland

    We got Pope smoke...

    Wow, from Otaku to the battle between public and private schooling, this thread about the Pope has it all. I petition that this thread never be closed.
  17. Highland

    Community College

    I have a BA from a university and an electrician course from a community college. Guess which one I am still paying loans for? Guess which one actually has me employed?
  18. Highland

    Summer Movies.

    I'm praying Batman Begins will make everyone forget the other movies even happened.
  19. Highland

    We got Pope smoke...

    *channels vince* "Anything can happen in the CE folder."
  20. I don't think that's what Cerebus had in mind about inspirational speeches....
  21. Highland

    Diner finds finger in Wendy's chili

    Yeah but the damage was done. Still, I'll go back to Wendy's; their spicy chicken, chili, frosties and hamburgers are just too good.
  22. Highland

    We got Pope smoke...

    That's what I figured. You get it so it's hilarious because it's a little girl imitating robots. For us it just furthers the stereotype that Japanese businessmen love seeing 14 year old girls in odd positions in cartoon form. It's probably the truth. Sad.
  23. Highland

    We got Pope smoke...

    I don't know, but the Bible doesn't prohibit women priests or demand that priests be unmarried and celibate. Those are Catholic beliefs.
  24. Highland

    Non-Bias Attack: A gang of up to 30 black teens

    I'd love to see the reaction if it was 30 white teens attacking 4 black girls.... Riots in the streets, no doubt.