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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Highland

    Orwell rolls in his grave.....

    Novak and Carville just don't seem to gel for some reason, unlike Carlson vs Begala
  2. Highland

    Iraqi PM Pops Some Caps

    Sometimes, if you want to get things done, you just have to take matters into your own hands.....
  3. Highland

    Brilliant move by Canadian

    From what I've read, it seems like a fairly new law. It forbids non-Canadian citizens from imploring Canadians to vote for or NOT vote for a certain candidate. These laws completely and totally violate the First Amendment Canada doesn't have a First Amendment They may have a Freedom of Speech provision (I think, help me out Northies), but they don't have a First Amendment That's just my anal side talking though We have the same freedoms of speech as you have, which is to say none when you really think about it.
  4. This is going to turn out to be another tired swerve~! involving CWM and maybe Banky, isn't it?
  5. Highland

    Bobby Fischer caught!

    So, what's the penalty for playing an illegal game of chess?
  6. Highland

    Brilliant move by Canadian

    We have a ridiculously restrictive law, yet was mostly swept under the rug lost amidst the ad scandal. It basically makes it a crime for anyone not of a political party to express views reflected by an established party during an election. Anyway, Section 331 appears to be similar. I'm a huge proponent of free speech and this law is far too broad in its wording.
  7. Highland

    Why does Mr. Zsasz

    He's The Bitch now, or maybe someone's bitch.....
  8. Highland

    Ditka Considering Senate Run

    But, of course, Rice and Powell aren't really black (according to some)
  9. Highland

    America's torture ethic

    Was he a "Person of Interest"? Because if that's the case then he can be accused, interrogated, etcetera and possibly detained without any formal charges being held against him nor an expeditious trial. Just ask Steven Hatfill.
  10. Highland

    Why does Mr. Zsasz

    He thinks he's Batman. That should tell you enough of what you need to know about him.
  11. Highland

    Bob Feller: Ali shouldn't have been honored

    So, Ali changed his name and his religion simply to avoid the draft and to betray his country? Riiiiight.....
  12. Highland

    Bob Feller: Ali shouldn't have been honored

    A racist Major League ballplayer? Who'd of thunk it? Ali had valid reasons for not wanting to go to war, and he stated it quite eloquently, "No Viet Cong ever called me nigger!" and in any case I question whether Feller's objection is that Ali dodged the draft or that he changed his name to something non-Christian. Ali's done more good for his community and country than people give him credit for, and his decision to not participate in a war that he feels is wrong should be no means detract from the good he has done.
  13. Highland


    Death=Ratings. Mass Deaths=Huge ratings.
  14. Highland

    So why did Saddam have to go...

    Don't be silly: There's no real reason for the US to invade North Korea; China will keep them in line.
  15. Highland

    So why did Saddam have to go...

    Kamui or not, I'm glad he's gone. I can't stand people that use their minority status as an excuse to call themselves victims. (damn it wrong thread)
  16. Highland

    So why did Saddam have to go...

    I'd say China is far more of a threat than North Korea, Iran, Zimbabwe or any number of little dictatorships could ever hope to be, but frankly China is also too valuable to trading partner for there to ever be anything more than some sabre-rattling at worst.
  17. Highland


    There's no such thing as an unbiased news service.
  18. Highland

    Possible Child Abuse at Abu Ghraib

    this should settle the arguments.
  19. Highland

    Possible Child Abuse at Abu Ghraib

    Terrorists aren't covered under the convention because they do not carry their weapons openly, something which is required of all combatants under the Convention.
  20. Highland

    Cache of child porn found at seminary

    Frequent abuses occuring for decades and the vast majority of people didn't know? Well, the Bishops certainly knew, in fact they've become very adept at sweeping such problems under the rug. And I'm not talking about the lay worshippers, I'm talking about the Priesthood; you can't tell me that even one of them was completely oblivious to the actions of the pedophiles they worked and lived with everyday.
  21. Highland

    Cache of child porn found at seminary

    No where in the Scriptures is it stated that celibacy is required amonst the clergy, it is strictly a Catholic tradition instituted centuries after Christ and one that should be done away with.
  22. Highland

    Cache of child porn found at seminary

    If they knew about the abuses and kept silent then they are equally as culpable as the abusers themselves.
  23. Highland

    BTW, Should We Americans Be Worried?

    America responds. America can have Avril Lavigne.
  24. Bad as Ashcroft is, he's still better than the she-male Reno. -=Mike True....still I don't know which is the greater of two evils.
  25. Highland

    Cache of child porn found at seminary

    Low sympathy is higher than what I have for them However, 20-30 years ago, such accusations would not have been believed, much less heard in court, but at least they are facing the consequences now instead of continuing to get away with it.