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Everything posted by Highland

  1. Forget about whether or not Bush should drop Cheney, the real question is how much of a liability Ashcroft is. I've yet to hear anything positive about him and the way he has done his job.
  2. Highland

    Could the elections be delayed?

    You guys do know that Ermey gets shot by the guy getting the soap treatment, right?
  3. Highland

    Fucked up story

    Fucking insensitive bastards, and stupid to boot. Oh yeah, Winnipeg is the suicide capital for Canada, I believe.
  4. I think that Hollywood, especially the first Rambo movie, may have played a significant role in that as well. That being said, I have to admit to being one of those that had the image of the Vietnam veteran being spat on and called babykiller in my head, but this thread has given me food for thought. Interesting.
  5. Highland

    Could the elections be delayed?

    I really don't think it would have mattered who was sitting in the Oval Office during 9/11 and anyway even if this is more than a rumour, the election date won't be altered unless a catastrophe on a scale greater than the 9/11 attacks were to occur.
  6. Highland

    Could the elections be delayed?

    That loud sound that you all just heard was my skull bashing against the wall in frustration at the reasoning skills of some of the people in this forum. Vyce, are you at all capable of actually contributing to a debate here? So far all you've done is insult those that aren't in lockstep with your opinions, while you blindingly and sycophantically agree with everthing MikeSC and a few others have said.
  7. Highland

    Possible Child Abuse at Abu Ghraib

    Sorry, but what happened at Abu-Garib due to a handful of misfit American "soldiers" doesn't compare to the years of horror the Iraqis lived through under Saddam Hussein and his regime. Whatever the reasons for the war in Iraq, the US and coalition aren't the bad guys here. And if there actually is child abuse going on there, then the perpetrators will be brought to justice.
  8. Highland

    Could the elections be delayed?

    It's about time someone said what has to be said. I got tired of the "world is changed forever" crap by 9/12/01
  9. Highland

    Could the elections be delayed?

    Either that or if Bush isn't re-elected after a terrorist attack the electorate will be accused of capitulating before the terrorists....
  10. Highland

    Best Rocky Movie Song

    The song playing on my computer right now: Eye of the Tiger.
  11. Highland

    Could the elections be delayed?

    They're not going to move or otherwise postpone the date of the election; that would be a sign of capitulation towards the terrorists.
  12. Highland

    W Ketchup

    I'll stick with Heinz, thanks.
  13. Highland

    Possible Child Abuse at Abu Ghraib

    You have your opinions, I have mine.
  14. Highland

    Possible Child Abuse at Abu Ghraib

    I'm well aware that Canadian media sanitizes what it shows to the Canadian public. I'm also well aware that yours sanitize more.
  15. Highland

    Possible Child Abuse at Abu Ghraib

    The American media sanitizes and censors what it shows to the American public. I'm shocked.
  16. Highland

    where can i get ewr?

    EWR blows anyway. It's the most over-hyped and over-rated product worshipped by TSM. You're not missing anything.
  17. You know, chances are in a huge bureaucracy such as the US Government there's bound to be a few or more members that are less than upstanding. She did her job, reported to her superiors and was fired for it. Something smells like Bullshit indeed.
  18. I was wondering what happened to this story....
  19. This is why you don't show the idiots at home everything that happens in the warzone. Also, there's a definate view in many places that those veterans of wars after WWII or possibly Korea are not real veterans and therefore undeserving of the same level of respect accorded to those that fought in earlier conflicts.
  20. Highland

    Well, isn't THIS a lovely story?

    This is precisely the way I'd greet them too.
  21. Highland

    CIA Slammed for Iraq intelligence

    No one is going to confuse Fahrenheit 9/11 with a documentary.
  22. Highland

    CIA Slammed for Iraq intelligence

    Yes, why bother investigating events that led to the deaths of nearly 3000 people?
  23. Highland

    Getting rid of 'natural-born' President rule??

    I believe I stated no in the other thread about this topic, but I wouldn't oppose it if they changed the requirement for being US-born, but still had to be a citizen of and live in the States for a certain number of years (20 or more). Just my 2ยข.
  24. Highland

    Ex-Enron CEO is indicted

    Seriously though, this is good for the Bush campaign, since now the Democrats can't use the argument that they're not doing anything about the Enron scandal against them.
  25. Highland

    Ex-Enron CEO is indicted

    I doubt it. People wanted to see Martha Stewart taking down several pegs, that's the chief reason she was convicted. Most people believe she was charged and convicted for insider trading, when the fact is that she wasn't charged with that at all. If I was a liberal conspiratist, I'd say that Lay's trail and possible conviction at this point are politically motivated. There was plenty of time to try him before, but with the election looming close, the Republican's can say they're doing something about the scanal and point to the either ongoing or just ended Lay trial as proof.